51 Facts You May Not Know

1. Have you seen the scar on Lance's left eye? He got it in the sixth grade when he and his cousin were pretending that they were Amerian Gladiators.

2. Joey seeks all things Superman.

3. Talk about lucky: The reason JC auditioned for The Mickey Mouse Club was because, he says, "My mom read about it in the paper and I didn't feel like going to school, so I went."

4. Justin hasn't always been comfortable with his curly hair. He used to want to straighten it--can you believe it?

5. Less is more when it comes to crowning Chris's pizzas. He's a cheese-only type of guy.

6. Brothers in ink: Justin, Lance, Joey and Chris all trekked to the tatto shop in Toronto at wee hours in the morning and got a fiery flame. Thats to symbolize their 'N SYNC status.

7. The crooner who's most worried about the computer break down rumored to happen at the coming of the millennium is....JC.

8. Chris' mom, Bev, gets asked for her autograph whenever she goes to 'N SYNC's shows.

9. Here's the secret scoop: Joey sported a silver hoop in his eyebrow for a short time, but it closed up. When you see him wearing a ski cap in the "I Want You Back" video, it's because he had to cover it up!

10. When it comes to cartoon characters, the Tasmanian Devil is Lance's fave.

11. "I don't need it, " Justin explains about why he doesn't have any good luck charms.

12. Chris's fave song on their Christmas Album, Home For Christmas, is "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays."

13. How does JC stay so slim? Not healthy eating, that's for sure! His daily diet consists of "McDonalds, donuts, cheeseburgers and Coca Cola," he dishes.

14. If you ever want to butter Lance up, feed him butter pecan ice cream--it's his fave.

15. Writer Nicholas Sparks, author of "The Notebook" and "Message in a Bottle, " is JC's fave scribe.

16. Joey hit his head on a light switch when he was a tiny tot and now he has a scar on his left eyebrow, where he got stitches.

17. Talking about his small feet makes Chris blush! "It's not fair," he says about his size 7 1/2 shoe.

18. Wanna give Justin a sweet surprise? How bout a Caramello candy bar--that's his fave.

19. Lance only likes cheese and pepperoni on his pizza.

20. Which two croners go crazy over mint chocolate chip ice cream? That would be JC and Joey.

21. Joey and Justin have the biggest feet of all the fellas. They both wear a size 12 shoe.

22. Chris' fave ice cream flavor is Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby.

23. Are you still in stores shopping for surprises on Christmas Eve? Well, you join JC in being a procrastinating present picker-upper.

24. JC's feet are size 11.

25. Lance looks to the number four to bring him good luck.

26. The 'N SYNC songsters sing with the BSB and other artists on the song "Let the Music Heal Your Soul," which benefits charity.

27. Although it was ultra-embarassing, the show had to go on when JC's zipper busted wide open, exposing his white undies. "I sung two songs with my fly open, " he blushes.

28. Lance has the habit of biting his bottom lip.

29. Keep all the extra pickings off of JC and Justin's pizzas. They're pepperoni-only people.

30. One fabulous fan knew how to bring a smile to Joey's face. She gave him a watch with a glowing Superman logo, and he wears it all the time.

31. 'N SYNC sing "Giddy Up" on the recently released Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: The Album.

32. Traveling and touring hasn't stopped Chris from writing music whenever he desires. He carries a laptop computer with him so that he can compose his thoughts when he goes overseas.

33. Musical magnificence runs in Chris' family. His great-grandmother, grandfather, cousin and aunt have all been in bands. And his mom is a vocal coach.

34. As far as clothes go, Joey tell's us that he likes to wear "stuff that people normally probably wouldn't wear."

35. Chris affectionately describes his goofy groupmate Joey as being like a life-size Tickle Me Elmo doll.

36. Lance got his nickname Lansten, from Justin. But he says no one really calls him that anymore.

37. Justin plastered posters of Janet Jackson on his bedroom walls long before 'N SYNC lucked out and got to go on tour with the dazzling diva last October.

38. What is Joey's fave number? (Hint: Think about his birthday.) You guessed it, it's 28.

39. JC's favorite cusine is Chinese food.

40. Before he struck it big with 'N SYNC, Chris was a doo-wop singer at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.

41. Wanna know a secret? Joey also has the Superman symbol tattooed on the outside of his right ankle. His flame that wraps around it like a band.

42. Always an A-student, Justin freaked when he first found out he earned his first B in middle school. "I was so disappointed," he sighs.

43. Lance wears a size 11 shoe.

44. Chris earned his Associate of Arts degree in college before he hooked up with the other way-cute crooners.

45. Joey likes pepperoni or just plain cheese pizza.

46. President Timberlake, Justin was prez of his middle school's Beta Club and the student council.

47. The one song JC is embarrassed to admit he still listens to is Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping," "because nobody likes it any more, " he confesses.

48. One of Chris' first jobs was "shoveling sheep dung" on a farm in Ohio.

49. In the Winnipeg, MB, concert, Lance came out on stage wearing button up (opposed to a fly zipper) pants..and he had put them on in a hurry so for 2 songs, he was getting a breeze...

50. If you actually count all the ear piercing's on 'N SYNC, you will reach the #10.

51. JC said that he would rather be the dumpee instead of the dumper, because he couldn't stand to break anyones heart. How sweet!!