
*Sarah high fives Nicki* We live for this stuff! Hehehe, well, we thought we'd share some email we received....with our comments added! Enjoy!!!


We received this email from "Anonymous". You can email Anonymous here: Anonymous's email
Ok I saw some stolen stuff on there.Anyways,Why the heck do you hate Britney Spears when you dont even know her?I do ad she's really nice.I also know NSYNC and JC isn't on drugs sorry to burst your bubble.Your site sucks!
Numero Uno: It isn't "stolen" stuff. I've mentioned more than once I don't know where the stuff comes from. I give credit to the people that give it to me. Quit you're crying, it isn't hurting anyone. Number Two: I don't hate Britney. I'm actually listening to 'Sometimes' at the moment *shiver*. She just bothers me, that's all. And I HIGHLY doubt you know Britney OR 'N SYNC. You can't even type an email, you can't be over nine. Number Three: Burst my bubble? I could care less if JC is on drugs, more power to him. Lord knows I enjoy them highly. And I happen to know what the symptoms are of drug users. Hmmm.....something for you to ponder.


We received this one from "Jen". You can email her here: Jen's email
what do u guys have against Britney Spears she is a good person and if u cant accept that maybe her and Justin r dating well then ur loss.

Okay, what planet do we live on? And exactly how old are we? You ask what we have against her....hmmm....you obviously went to our site. And I think we mentioned why we disliked her, oh, um, one or two thousand times. And I'm not going to repeat myself here, I hate repeating stuff. And as far as Justin and Britney dating. My loss? Ahaha, no, try HIS loss. I could care less!!! NEXT!


We received this one from Barbara:
Hey-- whoever you are-- you have a big porblem. You're one to talk. You can't even spell.... Why would you use sware words in a websight thats about nsync. You may think thats cool but its not. E-mail me at JustinT123@yahoo.com

Okay, first of all, it's swear, not sware. Hmmm....and she's just asking for it, putting her email address in the note. Oh well, we would have put it on here anyways. Okay, about the swearing. We agree, there is some on our website. But I'm sure it isn't anything you've ever heard before. And no one forced you here, if you didn't agree with what we had, you could have just left. It's that simple. And we WARNED you at the beginning of most of our stuff. I just love this stuff!