Funny Interview

*Thanks to Kelly from our chicas list for this!*

TV HITS Magazine
June '99

'NSYNC have more smoochy songs tucked up their sleeves than we've got hot dinners, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, do they practice what they preach? TV HITS has the answers...

First up, do you love being in love?
JC: Yes, I love being in love - and if you don't love it then you're not in love!
JOEY: Erm yeah! That's why it's called love.
CHRIS: Joey loves his blow up... er, never mind!
LANCE: I like it, but at the same time, I don't...
CHRIS: (butting in) ...because you can't have all the girls you want anymore, heh heh!
LANCE: No, 'cos you have to devote time and it's and effort... Plus I don't have the time.

Can you define love?
LANCE: It's when you're with someone you totally trust, who you're best friends with and you want to spend the rest of your life with.
JC: I agree. But you also have to care about their life more than your own.
LANCE: (jokingly) Oh, I don't know about that!
CHRIS: (while placing TV HITS stickers all over his head) While I'm thinking, can we play 'Who Am I?' No? But it's fun! Oh OK, I'll answer the question! It's a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that hits you like a ton of bricks!

Do you get embarrassed watching rude scenes on TV with your parents?
JUSTIN: With things like that, you just have to laugh.
LANCE: I squirm until it's over! I saw Something About Mary with my parents and it was weird!
JC: I just pretend I'm not watching it and close my eyes. But if it's a really rude scene...
JOEY: Oh, me and my dad are there rooting them on, heh heh!

Do you watch the rude channels in hotels?
JUSTIN: Well, you have to pay for that stuff!
CHRIS: But you can watch it for five seconds before they catch you - not that I know that!
JC: We don't watch it as you have to pay, but if it was on regular TV it'd be a different story!

Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?
JOEY: Yes, I have. I was seeing one girl called Jeanny who lived in Staten Island, and another who lived in New York, but I lost out big time in the end - Jeanny dumped me 'cos she found out, and the other girl didn't find out but dumped me anyway.
JUSTIN: I've never done anything like that and I wouldn't like to, either.

Were you scared of your first kiss?
LANCE: I had butterflies 'cos it was when I played Spin The Bottle. After three goes you have to French kiss - luckily I finished on two!
CHRIS: I was beaten up for my first kiss. We were playing kiss tag (chase to us), and after she kissed me she punched me. I guess I didn't know what I was doing, heh heh!
JOEY: I was sweating and nervous as I was pushed into a closet with a girl. We kissed, but it was like those in the movies - you know when you don't use your tongue!

If you had to liken your snogging (kissing) style to an animal, which would it be?
CHRIS: A lizard (everyone bursts out laughing). But why's everyone laughing? (looking bemused) I don't get it!
JOEY: A panther.
CHRIS: Yeah, right - more like an Orang-utan!
LANCE: I'd be a Boa Constrictor - long, big and exotic!
JC: No, that's something else (more roars of laughter). I'd say a fish - very open and wet. That's a good choice as there are kissing fish.
JUSTIN: A dog 'cos I use my tongue a lot!

What do you call a snog in America?
JOEY: We'd say, 'make out.'
CHRIS: Or French Kiss.
JC: No, we'd say a deep kiss.
JUSTIN: I've never said that!
CHIS: OK, I know - second base.
JUSTIN: First base is kissing - period. Second base is, as you say, snogging, and third base is, well... (hmm, next question!)

What's the most embarrassing love situation you've been in?
JOEY: There was one girl, Sarah, who I was dating and she was a really bad kisser. One time, I bent down to kiss her goodbye and ended up getting my whole entire face licked - in front of the whole school. It was awful.
CHRIS: I've kissed girls with bad breath and I've had to tell them. Well, if you like someone and they have dragon breath, it's your duty!
JUSTIN: Yes - that's the same for me, too.

Who gets the most attention out of the band?
JC: Well, Justin gets a lot of girls.
JUSTIN: (looking embarrassed) No I don't - we all get an equal amount of attention. But it's really hard to meet girls now as we're never sure of their reasons for wanting a date.
CHRIS: Yeah - if she asks you for autographs for her friends, you know it's dodgy!

Has your heart ever been broken?
CHRIS: I have - and I could tell you who it was, but it'd start a big rumor!
JOEY: Yes, my first love broke my heart - and every girl since then has, too!
JUSTIN: I've had my heart broken, and my theory is that I'm too nice from the beginning!

Finally, what is a total no-no if you're in love?
JOEY: Picking your nose and eating it, heh heh!
CHRIS: I'd say lying - you have to be honest.
JC: Yes - you should never ruin the trust.
LANCE: I'd say you should never cheat on her.
JUSTIN: Yes, you shouldn't lie or be unfaithful. If they love you, they'll accept everything else.
CHRIS: (Still playing with TV HITS stickers) Can we play 'Who Am I?' now? Yes? Great.