More Psycho Madness

Haven't had enough, huh? Well, I don't blame ya, this is pure comedy! Anyways, like I said, this chick here busts posers. Hehehe, it's quite comments are in white

friend: Hey...remember me from the chat last night/?? :) How are ya??
FoxyGurlXO: yeah
FoxyGurlXO: fine
friend: So what you up to???
FoxyGurlXO: nothing much
FoxyGurlXO: u?
friend: Not much...Just reading some email...
friend: Gonna chat soon..
friend: I can't wait until I see them next week...
FoxyGurlXO: kool
friend: I've got soooo much to tell them...I wanna check to see WHICH posers are telling me the truth...
friend: I mean I could be wrong I guess...
FoxyGurlXO: wht?
friend: Remember??? Weren't you in that chat room the other day?? Or last night I mean??
friend: There was that girl who claimed she knew NSYNC...
FoxyGurlXO: cool
friend: She's been giving me crap forEVER..
friend: And I KNOW she's a FAKE..cuz I busted her...
friend: She brought "CHRIS" in and I found out he was a FAKE...
friend: Which means SHE and her FRIENDS are FAKE..
friend: Don't you remember??
friend: Well anyway, I printed out their SNs and our convo...and I'm going to hand it to either JC or Lance...and maybe even Joey if he's in the mood...
friend: And WE'LL SEE if they're for real or not..
friend: *LOL* They have NO idea how often I'm going to see them next week...and HOW CLOSE I'll be to them...
friend: NOBODY messes with me or my friends....
friend: HELLO???
FoxyGurlXO: sorry
FoxyGurlXO: who was sayin stuff
friend: Just some girls...
FoxyGurlXO: what were their s/n (awfully nosey, aren't we?)
friend: They've been at it for over a month now..
friend: I'd rather keep it private..I don't want people to start IMing them on account of ME...
FoxyGurlXO: wut?
friend: They keep calling ME a stalker...that's the only reason I can't stand them...
FoxyGurlXO: girl i have like 2 little bitches iming me about the boys(Ahahaha, a bitch, huh? Well, don't you forget it!)
friend: What girls???
FoxyGurlXO: i swear and they keep asking me shit and when they get it outta me they say thanks dumb ass(Uhhh....cause you are one.)
FoxyGurlXO: but they only did it twice
friend: No see the girls I IM call me a STALKER...
FoxyGurlXO: lol
friend: They keep saying they know NSYNC...and they DON'T...
FoxyGurlXO: kaitlynT and crzysarah something(Ahaha, stupid bitch doesn't ever remember my s/n.)
friend: I hate LIARS and when I find out they LIE to me, I do everything in my power to PROVE THEM WRONG..
friend: I'll go STRAIGHT TO NSYNC...
FoxyGurlXO: who do i know u?(Ummm...she just told you, from the chat. Why are you starting to play stupid now?)
FoxyGurlXO: how*
friend: We were in the chat last night..
friend: You don't remember??? You IMed me...
friend: We were talking about the guys lying about having girlfriends...
friend: In the chat..and you IMed me..I forgot what for though.
FoxyGurlXO: huh
FoxyGurlXO: ooh
FoxyGurlXO: i dont remember..(How convient)
friend: Really?? Whoa!! I remember your SN being in that chat...Don't you remember me???
friend: Um...let's see...Do you remember a Kimmie or a Riddles/??
FoxyGurlXO: i dont remember what we were talking about
FoxyGurlXO: yeah
friend: Well THEY were the ones who started shit with me...and I was defending myself in there...and my friends were helping me..
friend: I know you were in there...
friend: I took down everybody's SNs..
FoxyGurlXO: okay
FoxyGurlXO: well are u friends with Adri?
friend: Well I KNOW her...Met her online...
friend: Why???
FoxyGurlXO: b/c she is full of it(Ahahaha, full of it, huh? Full of WHAT I wonder.... :)
friend: Why is she full of it???
FoxyGurlXO: b/c she made up that big nsync story
friend: What NSYNC story??
FoxyGurlXO: u didn't read it?
FoxyGurlXO: are u friends with her?
friend: No...nothing from her..
friend: We're cool...She's cool...why?? She hasn't sent me anything...well I haven't checked my mail anyway...
friend: I can see if she sent me anything..
friend: why what's up???
FoxyGurlXO: okay i sent it
friend: Ok...I'll read it in a while..
friend: Just tell me briefly...WHAT story???
FoxyGurlXO: you'll have to read it later
FoxyGurlXO: those annoying girls are really getting on my nerves
FoxyGurlXO: i hate teenyboppers(I will bet ANY amount of money I'm much older than you, sweetheart)
friend: Hold on don't go anywhere lemme skim over it
FoxyGurlXO: k
friend: Um...girl...I had friends that were at that club too...
friend: I don't know if they know Adri...but they said pretty much the SAME THING...
FoxyGurlXO: i gotta go(AHAHAHAHA, I bet you do!!!)
friend: Why??
friend: Hello???
FoxyGurlXO: wut
friend: Why do you have to go??
friend: Did I say anything wrong???
FoxyGurlXO: b/c i am not trustin anyone aight
friend: Um...why are you not trusting me??? I didn't say anything...what did I say??
friend: Hello???

Ahahaha, classic! She ran pretty fast when she realized she was busted....ahhh....I love it. So, if you feel free to give this girl some shit, go right ahead, her s/n is FoxyGurlXO, like it says above. I'll even post your conversation up here if you want! Hope you enjoyed reading about my little....encounter!!!