New Year's in Hawaii

Hey all! Okay, I got this email off the list from a girl who lives in Hawaii. I don't know how true it is, but I thought it was an *interesting* article to say the least, so my comments are added in there some. Please take into the account it's almost two in the morning and I'm loaded with caffeine in my system. Well, en-JOEY!

It's lil ol me, ***** And some of you know that I live in Hawaii. Well, today my three friends and I went to their hotel to go to the beach that's there and see if we could catch them. We weren't deliberately looking for them. We were in dire need of a beach fest anyway, so we decided, hey, why not the Hilton?!My sentiments exactly. Why go to a public beach when you can bask in the sun with five famous guys? I see where she's coming from.

So we went and those were the most interesting three hours of my life. As soon as we got there (9:30am) we see Steven Fatone sitting in the Gazebo cafe thing with friends He has friends? That's a new one on me. so we decided to go to the beach that was right in front of that.

While we were there we were all lying down on the sand looking up toward the building so we could see all the balconies. And who comes out first? JC! He was wearing these dark orangey neon breakers and a black t-shirt and sunglasses with a cap. Then in the room next to him, out popped Lance. And next to him came Justin and his mom. All of the guys went back in their rooms.

Later, we see JC on the second floor with his girlfriend. It was Bobby. Apparently they got back together or didn't break up because she was sitting in his lap.*GASP* You mean they have personal lives! But they are supposed to be married to their fans! It was sweet you guys. He's so happy with her. You should have seen it. Don't hate her. She's such a sweetheart.

And then he came down and was walking near us. And since he was talking to Steven and a group of like fifteen people, we decided to let them go. They looked like they were talking about something important and it is their vacation. But I did get pics of them walking away. And as they were walking away, JC took Bobby's hand in his as they were walking to breakfast. It was so sweet and natural. I melted. And JC's my fave and I loved it.

Then Joey came down and took pics with my friends, I would have but he was in a rush to eat with "the Fatone family" as he called it.Okay, I just got a scarey mental picture of like twenty Joey's at a dinner table. *shiver*

I mean all of their families were there! JC's brother and sister, his parents and Bobby. Joey's brother, sister and parents, I didn't see a girlfriend. Justin's mom, Trace and Trace's girlfriend, Britney. WTF? Anyone else confused? Cause I sure am Lance and Danielle. Okay, wait a second....those two AGAIN? I didn't see Chris at all the whole time. But anyway, we kept seeing Justin up in the balcony. And he came out once without a shirt on (whoa baby!). Gotta agree with the girl here. I can't stand to hear Justin talk for five seconds, but the boy is a looker. :) And then Britney came out of the room too. She looked way conservative. Who would have thunk it? And then Justin walked right past her not even touching her back into the room. And that's all we saw of her. She went down to the beach before anyone else did.

Lance went down to the pool for a while (where only guests can go) and then back up to the room. JC and Joey went back up to their rooms because they held a meeting up there. JC said he was sorry he couldn't take pics with us or sign anything because he had to go to the meeting. He was sweet about it. They were all really nice.

And then just as we were about to leave, Justin came out of the hotel with Trace, Trace's girl and a bodyguard (I'm not sure which one). And he was walking to the beach. And as he was walking, he took off his shirt. The boy's got some bricks. My friend took pics of that. But she couldn't get any more because the bodyguard said no more and so we had to go. So that was it.

From what's been said on the radio stations (the Extreme (104.3 station), Lance said he flew in from Mississippi, he was talking on a cell phone. Danielle is on the island. She has been seen more than once. JC and Justin flew in from Maui early in the evening yesterday. Chris and Joey came later in the evening. Britney is here. We saw her. But it's still unsure if she is going out with Justy.They're just sex friends guys! Come on, get with it... To me, it looked a whole lot like they had a real brother sister relationship going on. He didn't touch her, hold her or anything.And who could blame him?

JC is going out with someone. I am 99% certain that it is Bobby. And she's such a sweetheart. And he's so happy with her guys. He looked so happy and he enjoys being with her. She makes him happy so I think we should respect that. Joey wasn't seen with a girl.There's a first.... Chris wasn't seen period. I don't know where he was. Tyler is a sweetheart.Not to mention f-i-n-e! Heather was seen at a mall earlier today. Steven is Mr. Popular like his brother.LOL! I can do nothing but laugh.... And the guys were out late partying last night so they got up a little late. Explaining why breakfast was so late. There has been no sightings or word on Innosense.Is there ever??? There was a strong rumor that they were the opening act but no one has seen or heard anything. For the 31st show, it will more than likely be Britney. 30th and 1st, I kinda forgot the group's name. I'm sorry. AND THATS IT...soooooo, oh well what can ya do?!