Sarah's Psycho Person Encounter

This is all really amusing, I assure you. It starts off with my good friend, Adrienne. She went to an 'N SYNC concert and happened to run into the guys. I guess the guys aren't as perfect as they want people to think....shocker. Well, it seems a certain third grader didn't believe her and wasn't too happy about Adrienne posting all these horrific lies on her webpage. Anyways, she put it up on her webpage, go look. Click on the My *NSYNC Club Encounter. After you read that, go back to her main page and read the Fecal Rooster. Then you'll be up to date.....I'll wait. :) Here's the address, remember to come back to read MY part in this adventure!
Adrienne's page

Back? Okay, good. Well, I decided to message this ding-bat myself. Out of pure madness. And the need to laugh. Here's how it went, my comments are in yellow.

me: Hello?
FoxyGurlXO: yeah?
me: oh my gosh,, my friend sent me your know Joey? From NSYNC?
FoxyGurlXO: omg
FoxyGurlXO: no i dont (Remember this....cause it suddenly changes)
FoxyGurlXO: whos ur friend
FoxyGurlXO: whats her sn?
me: wait, my friend saw your name on some webpage, and she's knows what a die heard fan I am....
me: she doesn't have aim
FoxyGurlXO: what web page?
me: I don't know....she didn't give me the url....
me: sorry, why? Don't you know him?
FoxyGurlXO: well ask her for it (Damn bitch, awfully demanding, aren't we?)
me: well, she's not on right now....I could email her...
FoxyGurlXO: well can u give me her email please?
me: I don't think she'd appreciate that....
me: she's kind of anal like that
FoxyGurlXO: well i dont appreciate all this crap
FoxyGurlXO: and everyoen getting into my personal life
FoxyGurlXO: thanx bye
me: hmmm....
me: I just wanted to know something.....
me: please, hello?
FoxyGurlXO: what do u want to knwo
FoxyGurlXO: know
FoxyGurlXO: come on
FoxyGurlXO: soil it (Soil it? She sucks at lying, but she sure is good with typos)
FoxyGurlXO: spill *
me: so, you don't know Joey then? All these people getting into your personal crap? I don't understand....
FoxyGurlXO: yeah
FoxyGurlXO: dont worry about it(Ahaha, don't worry about that)
FoxyGurlXO: byyee
me: wait!
me: please! I won't ask about Joey anymore....I promise!
FoxyGurlXO: ok what
me: how come this is such a big deal?
me: wait, my friend came online....
FoxyGurlXO: so
me: I'm talking to her on the phone....and I told her to get on
me: and try to find that page for you
FoxyGurlXO: ok
me: she said she didn't save it, but she'll keep looking....
me: did you not know that someone was putting your conversation on a webpage or something?
FoxyGurlXO: whatever is your friend a stupid idiot named kaitlyn? (This girl has obviously got some majory issue....)
me: Kaitlyn? No, it's Gayle.....
me: I don't know anyone named Kaitlyn
FoxyGurlXO: right
me: right?
me: right about what?
FoxyGurlXO: nothing
FoxyGurlXO: where is your friend with the addy?
me: she's looking!
me: she found it on one of those rings or something
me: have you not seen it?
FoxyGurlXO: no
FoxyGurlXO: rings?
me: oh, so, she didn't have your permission?
me: that sucks
FoxyGurlXO: oh yeah
FoxyGurlXO: and she is gonna get sued too (AHAHAHAHA! This is great....should I be calling my lawyer too, little one?)
me: I'm sorry.....
me: you're going to sue her???
FoxyGurlXO: for what?
me: that she is making you stress over this....
FoxyGurlXO: just give me the addy and we'll see (Damn bitch....awfully pushy)
FoxyGurlXO: who?
me: she's still looking....
FoxyGurlXO: ok
me: the second she finds it, I'll tell you
FoxyGurlXO: okay
FoxyGurlXO: thanx
me: Yeah, I'd like to see what the conversation is about....
FoxyGurlXO: u havent seen it??
me: no, she didn't save it. She emailed me, cause your s/n was on it....and it said you were a friend of Joey's
FoxyGurlXO: ok
FoxyGurlXO: whats her s/n?
me: who's?
FoxyGurlXO: your friend
me: oh, I told you, she doesn't have AIM, but she knew I did
FoxyGurlXO: she doesn't have aim?
FoxyGurlXO: so how is she talking to u?
me: nope! Why?
me: On the phone silly
FoxyGurlXO: oh
me: so, you don't know Joey then? Is that girl lying?
FoxyGurlXO: look i just want the convo okay?
me: but, should I get something from this? You are!
me: I just want to know one little tid-bit
FoxyGurlXO: what did your friend say my name was?
FoxyGurlXO: whats that?
me: if you know Joey!
FoxyGurlXO: what does it matter?
FoxyGurlXO: he's human (Ummm....I may be mistaken....but isn't everyone?)
me: she just kind of relayed the conversation that was posted, and your s/n was on it, that's how
me: what does being human have to do with anything?
FoxyGurlXO: yeah i know him
FoxyGurlXO: he's normal
me: how did you meet him?
FoxyGurlXO: look please just give me the addy
me: she's looking!!! the internet is a pretty big place....
FoxyGurlXO: whats the name of the page?
me: she doesn't remember
me: that's why it's taking so long
FoxyGurlXO: what does it start with? (This girl just amazes me....what does it start with? Ahahaha, how stupid can one be?)
me: like I just said, she doesn't remember
FoxyGurlXO: was she looking at nsync humor?
me: yeppers
FoxyGurlXO: and she found my convo?
FoxyGurlXO: just like kaitlyn?
me: she makes fun of me for liking Joey....she's not a big nsync fan.
me: who's kaitlyn?
FoxyGurlXO: what did she say my name was?
me: yeah, she found your conversation on an nsync humor site
me: she just gave me your s/n, I don't know what your name is
FoxyGurlXO: oh
FoxyGurlXO: what s/n?
me: this one.....
FoxyGurlXO: on aol? (How in the hell does she think I got ahold of her? I'm not psychic....)
FoxyGurlXO: i was talking to NCBLUE3181?
me: yes, that's how I messaged you
me: huh? who's that?
me: hello?
FoxyGurlXO: sup
me: who's that? the NCBLUE?
FoxyGurlXO: i dont know (*Sarah looks above* That's not what you just said....)
me: oh, well, you're confusing me....
me: she said she thinks she found it....
FoxyGurlXO: okay<br> FoxyGurlXO: please tell me
me: but first, before I tell do you know Joey?
FoxyGurlXO: okay
FoxyGurlXO: my friend Jenn from siren girls is one of his best friends and she introduced us
FoxyGurlXO: k? whats the addy
me: what are the siren girls?
FoxyGurlXO: just a local orlando grou[
me: ohhh.....and do you talk to him a lot? Do you know the other guys?
FoxyGurlXO: yes and yea
me: oh, wow. That's cool.....are they all single???
FoxyGurlXO: no
FoxyGurlXO: lol
FoxyGurlXO: whats the addy?
me: which ones aren't???
FoxyGurlXO: look give me the addy okay?
FoxyGurlXO: i told u wut u wanted
me: I will....when you answer my question
FoxyGurlXO: i already answered enuff
FoxyGurlXO: u asked if i knew joey
FoxyGurlXO: i said yah
FoxyGurlXO: i asked how i told u
FoxyGurlXO: i told u who jenn was i told u everything
me: fine....I guess you don't want the addy then..... (Ahhh....I love having the power....)
FoxyGurlXO: now answer mine
me: See ya later....
FoxyGurlXO: no no
FoxyGurlXO: fine
FoxyGurlXO: what do u want
me: which ones aren't single?
FoxyGurlXO: will u give me the addy if i tel lu
me: yeah
FoxyGurlXO: tell u*
FoxyGurlXO: u promise?
me: yeah
FoxyGurlXO: chris has a girl and justin kinda does
FoxyGurlXO: everyone else is free
FoxyGurlXO: now the addy
me: oh, cool, who's Justin with? Not Britney, hopefully....
FoxyGurlXO: no
FoxyGurlXO: dont worry (Oh, don't worry. Who Justin is or isn't with is the last of my concerns)
FoxyGurlXO: now the addy
me: for sure? Good.....
FoxyGurlXO: addy?
me: k, just a sec, she's telling me.....
FoxyGurlXO: k
me: bye!!!

Okay, I know I'm pretty mean....but who could blame me? Trust me, this girl is pure idiot. Here's another conversation. This chick talking to FoxyGurl nambs peeps who pose to know the guys....since she really does! Okay, here you go, more reading....
More Madness!