A Few Questions....


CAUTION: Those of you who do not have a sense of humor, we suggest you not read this. This is, after all, just for fun. So, if you take it seriously and are offended, get a life. And if you feel you need to send us hatemail, go for it! Consider yourself warned!


JC: Did you know your fly was unzipped during "Tearin' Up My Heart" on the Disney Concert Special?

All: What posessed you to write "Giddy Up"?

Chris: What happened?

Chris: Did you know your best friend is 17 years old?

Justin: Did you know you're white?

Chris: How old do you plan to be before you get a real job?

All: Don't you wish you'd never heard of the BackStreet Boys?

Joey: Are you hungry?

JC: Define for us, "Hormonal but morally grounded."

Justin: Do you remember you natural hair color?

Chris: How do you go from psychology major to singing in a teenyboppergroup? (Just wondering)

Joey: Why Superman?

JC, Lance, Chris and Joey: Do you ever just want to hit Justin? (Because we do)

Lance: Do you know what you started when you mentioned Toby on Disney?

Justin: So, are you really "Single and ready to mingle?"

Justin: Have you ever participated in a drive-by?

Joey: What the hell is that Superman contact lense about?

Justin: Will you be celebrating your eighteenth birthday with a few hookers and a pack of cigarettes, simply because you're now legally old enough to buy both?

JC: Have you been buying Justin's hookers for him up until this point?

Chris: You all went "Boink!"? And just what does that mean?

All: Come on, admit it. Virgins? We don't think so!

Lance: Isn't "Boy Meets World" the best show on prime-time television?

JC: If Justin and Nick Carter got into a fight, who would win?

Justin: Where would you hide Nick's lifeless body after the fight?

Justin: How do you manage to bleach just the tips of your hair?

Lance: Everytime you're on something that moves, you fall asleep?

Justin: If you're the alleged heartthrob of the group, then how come Joey gets all the women?

JC, Lance, Chris, Joey: Without Justin, you guys would lose at least half of your fans, wouldn't you?

All: When are you guys finally going to admit that you all have girlfriends?

Joey: If you were stuck on an island and could have only food or a woman, but not both, which would you pick?

Chris: Do you realze you're almost 30?

All: How do you guys...release tension?

Sorry, but we can't take credit for these! We got them off an email we got and thought you'd enjoy them!