Sarah's 411

Hey all! Well, I think I'll tell you a bit about myself. That picture above was taken with my friend, Billy, on top of the Empire State Building. Anyways, let's see. I'm 19 years old and live in Kansas. Yeah, exciting, I know. I can't wait til the day I leave this place forever, hopefully to New York City! But for now, I'm going to be a freshman at Kansas State University! I should be a sophomore, but that's a whole nother page of crap. :)

I won't bore you with a whole bunch of stuff like my hobbies and what I like to do in my spare time. Do you people actually care what I like to do on Sunday afternoons? I sincerely doubt it. Anyways, I will tell you, I do enjoy having a good time, partying and hanging with my friends, espically my best friend Shawna.

Let's see, I met Nicki on the internet, through some 'N SYNC list, I think. I'm not sure! Anyways, she's gotten to be my best net friend, she's so cool! And, no, I've never met her. Everyone's pretty shocked at that, but I am going down to Illinois to see her sometime this year, so, yeah for us!

Well, what else is there to say? I hope you are enjoying the page! And yes, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Try ten months of free time. Long story. Anyways, I'm trying to think of what else to tell you people. Let's see, I guess I could tell you who my favorite member of 'N SYNC is....

Honestly, right now, it's a toss up between Lance and Joey! I know, it's scarey. Joey has always been my favorite, ever since the first time I saw him strutting his stuff at the beginning of the 'Tearin' Up My Heart' video. My attraction to that guy is unexplainable. And I've never been the same, that's all there is to it. But the Lance thing is starting to scaring me. He's always been one of my least favorites, just ask Nicki or Shawna. My friend Mare has me convinced LBS is a good thing, but I'm having second thoughts. :) Nicki is trying ever so hard to get me out of it, but since SHE'S caught JFS, there's not much she can say about it. Okay, now that I've bored you to death, I think I'll stop talking. >:) Back to your regularly scheduled program....