Cool Stuff

This is just cute stuff that didn't fit anywhere else. Thanks to Meg for the joke and Marianne for the MasterCard thing.

After the Backstreet Boys die and enter the pearly gates, God takes them on a tour. He shows them a little five-bedroom house with a faded "Millennium" banner hanging from the front porch. God says, "This is your house, boys. Most people don't get their own houses up here."
The five look at the house, then turn around and look at the house sitting on the top of the hill. It's a huge five-story mansion with white marble columns. Flame flags line both sides of the sidewalk leading to the mansion and a huge 'N SYNC banner hangs between the marble columns.
The Backstreet Boys look at each other and say, "Thanks for the house God, but let us ask you a question. We get this little five bedroom house with a faded banner and 'N SYNC gets a mansion with a brand new banner of theirs and flags of their flame flying all over the place. What's up with that?"
God looks at the guys for a moment, then with a smile says, "That's not 'N SYNC's house, it's mine."

*NSYNC Christmas album: $13.99
*NSYNC: *N The Mix video: $17.99
*NSYNC: The Official Book: $14.95

Making fun of Justin's hair, Chris's voice, Joey's IQ, Lance's appearance, and JC's fly: Priceless.

There are some things money can't buy.
For everything else, there's MasterCard