Ways to Know You're Becoming a Teenybopper

(Don't let this be you.)


10. On the back of each notebook that you own are doodlings like "Nsync Rulz!" or "I- heart- Nsync!"

9. You've gone to stores, spent twenty dollars on magazines like BOP, Tigerbeat, and 16, and covered your walls with these pictures.

8. The Official Nsync Book is your bible. (If Lance says his fave actress is Meg Ryan..EVERYONE'S fave actress must be Meg Ryan!)

7. You have serious discussions with your friends on which member is "yours."

6. You make plots to kill Britney Spears and Danielle Fischel when you hear that they are alledgedly dating members of Nsync.

5. You have made signs that say things like "Justin is God" or "Joey, you're MY superman!"

4. You went to an Nsync concert and burst in to tears, convinced JC was singing right at you.

3. You request Nsync on TRL religiously with sayings like "Please, please, please, please! You have to play Nsync because Chris is so HOTT (spelled wrong of course) and I'm going to marry him."

2. People you associate with really believe your last name is Bass or Timberlake.

1. In the world you live in, none of the guys drink and all of them are virgins.