Our Thank You's


First, we'd like to thank Marianne and Trish from our kick ass NSYNC_Chicas list for the AWESOME top ten lists and all the other cool stuff Mare has sent! You have way too much time on your hands. =)

A HUGE thank you goes out to Hannah and Cricket for making the kick ass banners for us!! And a thanks to Cricket for all of her help whenever I have a question, you're the COOLEST! =)

Also, a big shout-out to Adrienne for taking time to send me (Sarah) TONS of awesome pictures! And don't worry, I WILL put them up! =)

Hugemongous thanks goes to Amy, for sending us our first and only award! Thanks girl, you so kick ass!

Thanks to Meg who sent us the 'N SYNC/BSB joke....you rock girlie!

Big thanks to Pam, Carrie, Marianne(again =), Kimberly and Fransesca for sending us your stories so we could post them! They're so awesome and we've gotten SO many emails telling us how much peeps like them!!!

And thanks to all of YOU readers for coming to the site and thanks to all of the other peeps who's sent us little things we've actually put up here! There's too many to name!

We love you guys!!!
=) Sarah & Nicki (=