"Welcome to my domain! Step in from the cold, shake the dust off your boots and stay for a tale or two. Take up a candle and feel free to explore--poke around in corners, watch out for dust bunnies and all that--for as long as you like. The fiction is fantasy and the fantasy is fiction, but there's enough to suit a variety of tastes. All of the stories are scribed by me, Lady Onyx V., under the pen name of that odd girl, Jaleigh. Little is known about her...in fact, we aren't entirely sure she exists, but someone answers her emails, so feel free to drop her a line and don't forget to leave a scribble or two in the guestbook before you depart. Enjoy your stay and remember...my candle burns forever."

---Onyx V.

Short Stories

Ghost Bird's Song: The ghosts of the past--old lives, old loves--can return to us in the most unexpected ways.

Yashiko and the Water Dragon's Tale: Sometimes pain is only bearable when it is spread thin, when the burden is shared among those we love.

A Different Perspective: A mysterious wizard and a nimble-fingered seamstress form an unlikely alliance to save a young boy's life in a tale of strength and weakness.

Cloudbirds: There's more to life than sports...who'd have thought?

The Music Box: Sometimes music can touch the deepest parts of ourselves. Other times, we realize it's the soul that truly sings.

Price of Song: No good deed goes unnoticed. No evil deed either. Be careful to note who's watching.

To Sleep in Light and Shadow: A young girl must face down the nightmare of her past in order to rescue her lost friend, and finds that some Shadows have long and deadly memories.