Being a (I hope) growing list of where I've been published before, or places on the web where you might find things I've written.

"Queen of the Mountain" - Realms of the Dragons II anthology, published by Wizards of the Coast.

"The House Rules" - Darkness Rising 2005 anthology, published by Prime Books.

"Shady Places" -
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, October 2003 issue.

"The Nautilus Cell" - Novella coming soon from Treble Heart Books.

"The Book of Words" Kidvisions e-zine, June 2003 issue.

"Blossom and Seed" Demensions e-zine, November/December 2002 issue.

"To Catch a Bogie's Shadow" Spellbound magazine, Summer 2001 issue.

"The Magi of Shellings Cove" Romance and Beyond magazine 2001 Short Story contest, 1st Place, Science Fiction or Futuristic category.

Additional Design - Pale Designs: A Poisoner's Handbook d20 system 96-page book - Produced by Bastion Press.

Additional Design - Arms and Armor d20 system 96-page book - Produced by
Bastion Press.

Secrets of the Kargatane website:
  "Treasures of the Deep" The Book of Sacrifices, January, 2002.   
 "The White Fiend" Children of the Night: Demons, 2001.  
 "Shadows of Blue and Gray" The Book of Shadows, November, 2000.
  "Rose Garden" Haunted Sites, April, 1999. DRAGON® Magazine #252 Haunted Sites contest    winner.
  "Beauty's Garden" The Book of Secrets, October, 1999.