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Simply Edge......

This is my gallery for all of my pics I have of the man that just doesn't fit into any other category,pics I can't figure out which match it is and such. :o)

WOW.. is all needed to be said
chewing gum, watching the match
serious now, as he is watching the action
climbing the ropes during his entrance
eyes closed, during entrance
looking on in crowd, head turned
watching from audience
someone recieves a backbody drop
Edge with purple hair?! :o)
watching in stands once again, love the white shirt
crouched on ropes, purple tights
Droz in frontface lock
white tights?!
hair flipped to one side
screams, hair in his face
standing on the ropes, looking out to the crowd
smiling during an entrance
trio, walking to the ring in red
crouched on the ropes
outside the ring, head turned to side
Brood comes down to the ring
stares at opponent in ring, waist up (*)
side shot of head, in ring watching opponent(*)
near straight on head shot (*)
watching match intently (*)
crouched in the ring, looking around (*)
smirking as he walks to the ring (*)
yet another grin/smirk while walking to the ring (*)
close shot of edge as he walks past the camera(*)
looking to the side while waiting in ring(*)
Edge raises himself off the mat (*)
grinning over gangrel's shoulder (*)
shedding coat as he comes to the ring (*)
big grin, full body shot(*)
watching from the stands
kinda dark
looking up while in the stands
Brood make thier entrance, Chris with black shirt and belt
Brian Chistopher has Edge by the head
Edge on the recieving end of a bulldog from Brian Christopher
making his way to the ring
looking toward camera, while in ring
same match as last pic
looking on from stands
gritting teeth while in ring
looking on at the ring from stands
standing on turnbuckles during an entrance
primal scream, in the ring
after a match, he looks so gaunt!
more gaunt Edge
crouched in the ring, ready to attack
coming down through the crowd
in ring, words forming on screen
Edge is the winner on Heat
making his way through the crowd
standing on the turnbuckle during his entrance