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The following list shows names that have appeared 2 times or more in the Chrisman database. The First 4 columns are: NAME, TOTAL MALES, TOTAL FEMALES, TOTAL MALE + FEMALE. The Last 4 numbers if present are: Lowest YEAR Born, Highest YEAR Born, Earlist YEAR Died and Latest YEAR Died for anyone with the given surname in this database.


Abbe 4 4 9 1860 1906 1913 1991

Abbot 2 2 1945 1970

Abbott 2 3 5 1901 1901

Abel 1 2 3 1902 1902

Abrams 2 4 6 1912 1939

Ackerman 1 1 2 1937 1937

Adams 23 10 33 1650 1951 1685 1982

Adamson 2 1 3 1943 1965

Ahlbrand 2 1 3 1928 1959

Aiken 2 2 4

Ake 2 2 1838 1841 1874 1911

Albright 3 2 5 1948 1972

Alcock 1 1 2

Alden 16 19 35 1599 1766 1674 1817

Alder 3 3 1736 1736 1775 1775

Aldithley 3 3 1175 1220 1211 1272

Alexander 5 8 13 1904 1953 1965 1972

Alford 1 1 2

Allen 19 16 35 1707 1984 1782 1945

Allensworth 2 1 3

Allerton 3 2 5 1670 1670 1659 1731

Allery 2 3 1966 1967

Allison 1 1 2 1774 1774

Allyn 5 2 7 1527 1710 1706 1786

Altman 1 2 3 1927 1949

Altorfer 2 1 3 1934 1958

Alverson 1 2 1864 1864

Ames 2 2 1845 1845 1884 1884

Andersen 2 2 1901 1901 1992 1992

Anderson 15 7 24 1923 1980 1843 1986

Andreas 1 1 3 1953 1979

Andrews 10 6 17 1639 1816 1704 1881

Annable 7 3 10 1627 1710 1697 1756

Annibal 1 1 2

Anthony 3 2 8 1657 1693 1696 1696

Aquitaine 1 1 2 1123 1123 1204 1204

Archer 2 2 4 1938 1938

Arey 33 24 57 1640 1929 1689 1996

Argo 1 1 2

Armstrong 4 5 9 1784 1852 1849 1889

Arnold 6 7 13 1649 1934 1709 1904

Arzner 6 2 8

Asbill 2 2 1953 1953

Ashby 3 6 9 1830 1830 1906 1906

Aters 2 2 1930 1957

Atkins 11 16 27 1701 1748 1745 1827

Atte Wode 4 4 1270 1360 1345 1382

Atwood 212 190 405 1445 1849 1525 1891

Auchinvoe 2 1 3 1865 1865

Audley 4 3 7 1258 1313 1299 1386

Austin 5 4 11 1829 1878 1877 1948

Avery 9 9 18 1711 1874 1722 1869


Babb 2 2 1766 1766

Bacon 14 12 26 1643 1939 1547 1783

Baddishall 2 2

Bader 3 1 4 1952 1990

Badger 2 2 1985 1985

Badlesmere 2 3 5 1310 1310 1322 1363

Bagley 1 4 5 1945 1954

Baile 3 1 4 1992 1992

Bailey 5 5 10 1945 1976 1940 1940

Baker 58 48 109 1679 1994 1763 1989

Baldwin 3 6 9 1945 1966

Baldy 1 2 3 1860 1883

Bales 3 1 4 1937 1997

Baliol 1 1 2 1273 1273

Ball 7 6 13 1678 1708 1789 1789

Ballard 4 1 5 1726 1753 1738 1738

Balliou 1 2 3 1669 1669

Bandfield 1 1 2

Bane 4 4 1033 1849 1880 1914

Bangs 27 27 55 1560 1817 1586 1876

Bank 2 3 5 1945 1978

Banks 5 4 9 1642 1778 1697 1862

Barbee 1 2 3 1748 1771

Barber 22 23 47 1614 1889 1662 1795

Barker 2 5 7 1811 1927 1711 1711

Barley 2 2 1734 1734

Barlow 11 4 15 1764 1866 1853 1936

Barnaby 5 5 10 1670 1706 1727 1749

Barnard 2 1 3 1766 1766

Barnes 55 43 98 1635 1946 1648 1992

Barnhill 1 2 3 1908 1908

Barrier 2 1 3 1817 1817

Barrios 2 1 3

Barrow 18 5 23 1614 1772 1715 1840

Barry 2 2

Bartlett 139 114 255 1603 1946 1657 1959

Bass 2 1 3 1601 1667 1694 1716

Basset 7 3 10 1343 1343

Bassett 7 10 17 1667 1793 1744 1833

Batee 5 1 6 1710 1744 1768 1777

Bates 6 8 14 1681 1935 1954 1989

Batts 2 1 3 1945 1946

Baty 1 2 3 1768 1773 1769 1769

Bauer 1 3 4

Baunach 1 1 2 1923 1923

Baxter 5 3 8 1718 1758 1779 1816

Bayard 2 2

Baylor 2 2

Beaky 1 1 2 1818 1841 1858 1906

Beal 1 2 3

Beale 3 3 6 1748 1748

Beam 2 1 3 1852 1876

Bean 4 1 5 1914 1914 1980 1980

Bear 2 2 1736 1774 1774 1857

Bearse 49 46 96 1618 1840 1686 1889

Beauchamp 1 2 3

Beaufermez 12 1 14 1580 1580

Beaumont 1 2 3 1197 1197

Beaver 3 1 4 1796 1856 1837 1913

Beck 17 11 28 1799 1988 1840 1954

Beckley 4 5 9 1859 1901 1905 1959

Beckwith 1 2 3 1931 1931

Belcher 5 1 6 1693 1765 1833 1859

Bell 33 22 58 1798 1997 1837 1982

Bellanca 3 1 4

Belz 3 3 1950 1975

Benham 6 3 9 1633 1930 1690 1970

Benjamin 3 1 4 1811 1811

Benner 1 1 2 1928 1928

Bennet 5 5 1726 1758 1733 1796

Bennett 10 4 14 1755 1968

Benson 3 2 5 1789 1919 1945 1945

Bentley 4 2 6 1957 1986

Berenger 1 1 2 1223 1223 1291 1291

Bergman 1 2 3 1991 1991

Berkeley 2 1 3 1351 1351 1428 1428

Berlaymont 1 1 2

Bernard 5 5 10 1900 1962 1974 1974

Berry 8 5 13 1779 1823 1916 1916

Berse 1 1 2 1694 1694

Bessant 2 3 5 1808 1854 1882 1940

Betteshorne 1 1 2

Bevier 16 9 25 1646 1755 1720 1822

Bibber 1 1 2

Bice 1 1 2 1862 1862 1928 1928

Bickford 2 2 4 1706 1706 1754 1754

Bierchide 1 2 1975 1975

Bigod 5 2 7 1095 1150 1107 1224

Biljauw 1 2 3 1650 1652

Bills 4 5 9 1655 1688 1721 1729

Billung 1 1 2

Binette 2 2 1992 1992

Binney 4 1 5 1680 1690 1724 1725

Binns 2 3 5

Bischel 16 6 22 1899 1955 1980 1980

Bishop 2 3 5 1570 1570 1718 1718

Bissett 1 1 2 1940 1968

Bixbie 1 1 2 1685 1685 1774 1774

Black 9 9 18 1801 1844 1868 1912

Blackburn 5 3 8 1822 1847 1885 1896

Blackwell 4 3 7 1646 1863 1688 1737

Blair 1 1 2 1775 1775

Blaisdell 2 2 1820 1860 1896 1910

Blanchan 3 5 8 1604 1654

Bledsoe 25 10 37 1738 1905 1852 1993

Blenerhasset 1 1 2

Blomberg 3 1 4 1969 1971

Bloom 1 2 1902 1902 1972 1972

Blount 8 9 17 1926 1971 1432 1978

Blume 2 2 4 1916 1947

Boardman 1 3 4 1881 1894 1953 1984

Bobbitt 1 2 3

Boclande 1 1 2 1176 1233

Boisliniere 2 2 1816 1816 1896 1896

Bolbec 1 1 2 1248 1248

Bolling 13 12 25 1646 1752 1709 1835

Bolstridge 10 11 21 1840 1930 1876 1975

Bolton 5 4 9 1815 1871 1860 1900

Bondie 1 1 2

Bonebrake 2 1 3 1947 1979

Bonham 1 2 3 1609 1647 1704 1724

Booker 2 2

Borgic 7 1 9 1923 1979

Born 3 2 5 1912 1949

Borrowman 7 1 9 1925 1954 1994 1994

Bos 2 2

Bosworth 8 3 11 1649 1693 1693 1760

Boun 1 1 2

Bourgogne 1 1 2 1489 1489 1511 1511

Bourne 5 3 8 1714 1714

Boville 1 2 3

Bowen 5 6 11 1915 1951 1845 1845

Bower 16 11 27 1620 1983 1645 1687

Bowers 2 2

Bowles 1 2 3 1827 1827 1918 1918

Bowman 16 13 30 1732 1827 1749 1864

Bowrosan 2 1 3 1853 1853 1932 1932

Boychuk 1 1 2 1957 1983

Boyd 4 4

Boyer 2 2

Boynton 1 1 2 1909 1909

Bracker 2 2 1981 1981

Bradbrook 2 2 4 1917 1937

Bradford 25 21 46 1487 1769 1552 1840

Bradley 7 5 12 1937 1946

Bradshaw 3 3 6 1653 1657

Brady 2 2 1965 1965

Bramblett 2 1 3 1762 1795 1849 1849

Bramhall 1 1 2

Branch 2 2

Brandon 3 1 4

Brandt 13 10 23 1698 1750

Branstetter 2 3 1971 1973

Braose 3 2 5 1228 1301

Bratton 2 2

Breed 4 4 8 1728 1773 1759 1759

Brekhus 1 1 2

Brenner 2 2 1861 1867 1929 1956

Brewer 4 4 8 1776 1813 1805 1822

Brewster 20 11 32 1510 1645 1558 1767

Brick 1 2 1959 1981

Bricker 1 1 2 1915 1915

Brickey 1 1 2

Briggs 76 35 111 1685 1950 1783 1976

Brinker 2 2

Briscoe 2 3 5 1786 1786 1825 1825

Britt 1 1 2

Broadsword 1 1 2

Brock 6 5 12 1830 1971

Broeck 2 2

Bronaugh 2 1 3 1791 1791

Bronson 1 1 2 1931 1931

Bronston 2 2

Brooks 17 17 35 1754 1875 1793 1927

Brown 54 51 106 1651 1969 1721 1968

Brownfield 2 2 1957 1957

Bruce 4 1 5 1839 1839

Brush 2 1 3 1843 1843

Bruyn 10 5 16 1645 1785 1684 1856

Bry 3 9 12 1859 1905 1893 1996

Bryan 6 6 1896 1896 1705 1988

Bryant 5 10 15 1644 1913 1684 1945

Buchanan 2 2

Buck 4 3 7 1948 1948

Buckley 1 2

Buckman 2 1 3 1623 1680 1670 1739

Buckner 1 1 2 1778 1778

Buelstridge 2 2 1816 1816 1900 1900

Bull 2 2

Bunker 2 1 3

Burgess 5 6 11 1714 1948 1793 1964

Burgh 5 2 7 1210 1210 1271 1326

Burgin 2 4 7

Burke 2 2 1953 1953

Burkhead 3 5 8

Burks 1 1 2

Burnett 1 1 2

Burns 3 1 5 1950 1985 1972 1972

Burris 1 1 2

Bursley 1 1 2

Burstow 2 2 1880 1951

Burton 3 1 4 1920 1920

Busby 4 1 5 1519 1607 1657 1686

Bush 11 4 15 1825 1938 1948 1972

Bushman 2 2 1890 1890 1978 1978

Bushnell 2 1 3 1939 1939 1732 1732

Bushrod 4 2 6 1626 1663 1663 1719

Bussing 2 1 3 1789 1790

Butin 1 1 2

Butler 8 8 16 1755 1818 1558 1902

Buttel 3 4 7 1695 1734 1755 1776

Byrd 2 1 3

Byrnes 1 5 7 1948 1960

Byther 7 7 1886 1904 1954 1954


Cady 2 2 1982 1982

Cagle 2 1 3 1929 1929

Cahoon 5 3 8 1743 1743

Calbreath 3 3 6 1946 1956

Caldwell 4 1 5 1948 1971

Calhoun 1 1 2 1926 1926

Calkins 1 2 3 1876 1878 1907 1945

Callahan 5 5 10 1888 1925 1942 1942

Callender 2 2 1924 1924

Calvert 1 2 3

Cameron 2 2 1796 1796 1836 1836

Camp 2 2 1939 1939

Campbell 8 4 12 1897 1897 1988 1988

Camville 1 1 2 1252 1252

Canmore 1 1 2 1031 1079 1093 1118

Canter 1 1 2

Capehart 2 2

Capet 3 1 4 938 970 996 1079

Cardwell 1 1 2

Carey 3 2 5 1898 1898 1655 1965

Cargill 2 1 3

Carl 1 3 4 1945 1971

Carlson 1 1 2 1939 1939

Carlton 2 2 1855 1855

Carnahan 1 1 2

Carnegie 2 2 1992 1992

Carol 2 2

Carpenter 14 10 24 1335 1910 1520 1865

Carr 3 4 7

Carre 1 1 2

Carter 11 4 15 1848 1894

Cartmell 2 1 3 1808 1808

Carvel 1 1 2 1954 1973

Carver 2 2 1751 1751

Cary 1 3 4

Case 10 8 18 1747 1883 1826 1904

Cash 2 1 3 1752 1752 1839 1839

Cashatt 1 1 2

Castaldo 5 1 6 1954 1978

Cates 1 1 2 1927 1927

Cathcart 1 1 2

Catlett 1 1 2

Chamberlain 2 2 4 1745 1793 1869 1869

Chambers 2 6 8 1909 1989 1985 1985

Chancellor 1 1 2

Chancy 2 1 4 1942 1977

Chandler 8 8 17 1611 1868 1662 1920

Chaources 1 1 2

Chapin 4 6 10 1736 1736 1800 1800

Chapline 2 2

Chapman 1 2 3 1760 1845

Chase 12 13 25 1708 1893 1802 1945

Chastain 4 4 8 1888 1957 1957 1969

Chateauneuf 1 4 6 1789 1831 1908 1908

Chaucumbe 1 1 2

Chavez 1 1 2 1975 1980

Cheek 2 2 1909 1909 1978 1978

Chenault 106 79 185 1675 1969 1738 1984

Cheney 3 3 6 1728 1728 1668 1668

Cherleton 1 1 2 1371 1402 1420 1445

Chick 1 2 3 1855 1855

Chidoke 1 1 2

Child 2 2 4 1636 1700 1676 1788

Childs 1 1 2

Chinn 3 2 5 1772 1772

Chipman 9 5 14 1790 1839 1850 1894

Choate 3 1 4 1963 1975

Chriesman 6 5 12 1797 1797

Chrisman 620 416 1069 1576 1998 1580 1996

Christ 1 1 2 1949 1949

Christian 2 2

Christman 25 15 41 1720 1889 1800 1947

Chubbuck 2 2 1750 1750 1798 1798

Church 10 6 16 1608 1783 1659 1827

Churchill 25 20 46 1647 1744 1663 1784

Circle 2 1 3 1952 1954 1981 1981

Clack 1 4 5

Clare 20 9 29 1100 1292 1090 1342

Clark 41 45 90 1636 1974 1689 1975

Clarke 23 14 40 1599 1968 1678 1858

Claughton 2 2 1724 1724

Clements 2 2 4 1961 1963

Clemons 1 1 2 1966 1966

Cleveland 5 2 7 1782 1782 1844 1844

Clifford 5 6 11 1274 1703 1282 1491

Clinton 1 1 2 1769 1769 1828 1828

Cliveldon 1 1 2 1361 1361

Closson 6 2 8 1681 1697

Cobb 45 41 86 1596 1809 1679 1864

Cochran 2 2 1855 1855 1950 1950

Cocke 1 1 2 1558 1584 1659 1659

Cocks 2 2

Coe 1 1 2

Cogswell 2 2 1785 1785 1846 1846

Coke 1 1 2

Cole 110 94 205 1614 1927 1694 1997

Colean 2 1 3 1876 1876 1940 1940

Coleman 2 5 8 1956 1969

Coleson 8 1 9 1570 1822 1654 1825

Collier 1 4 5 1590 1616 1662 1698

Collings 11 10 21 1710 1788 1748 1827

Collins 75 57 134 1605 1810 1657 1874

Collyge 1 2 3 1953 1980

Colton 2 2

Coltzer 1 1 2 1956 1956

Colvin 2 2 1872 1872

Comfort 2 3 1970 1970

Cone 2 1 3 1894 1894

Conklin 2 2

Conley 1 2 3 1967 1968

Connell 1 1 2 1836 1836 1892 1892

Conner 2 2 1980 1980

Conway 2 1 3

Cook 17 13 30 1618 1992 1675 1786

Cooke 43 44 88 1607 1965 1656 1810

Cooley 4 4 9 1707 1707 1708 1708

Coombs 2 3 5 1726 1729 1762 1762

Coomes 1 1 2 1680 1680 1740 1740

Cooper 19 18 37 1627 1976 1673 1949

Cope 1 3 4 1821 1946 1894 1976

Corbell 1 1 2 1823 1823 1859 1859

Corbly 1 1 2

Cordell 4 5 11 1865 1910 1865 1922

Cordingly 10 6 16 1799 1847 1861 1890

Cork 3 3 1990 1992

Corlett 2 2

Corliss 1 2 3

Corwin 1 1 2 1910 1910 1995 1995

Cottle 9 9 18 1668 1836 1705 1826

Cottrell 1 1 2 1723 1723

Courtenay 1 1 2 1218 1218

Courtney 2 2

Covell 10 5 15 1666 1666

Covington 4 1 5 1905 1905

Cowdrey 4 2 6 1890 1980

Cox 62 46 111 1765 1945 1719 1945

Craig 4 4 9 1833 1898

Cramer 3 7 11 1908 1980 1976 1976

Crandall 5 8 14 1820 1841 1820 1865

Crawford 1 1 2 1962 1962

Creamer 1 3 4 1743 1743 1794 1817

Creig 2 1 3 1939 1939 1953 1953

Crepi 1 1 2 1147 1147

Cresman 2 1 3 1840 1848

Cressman 89 53 148 1809 1965 1854 1972

Crewse 1 3 6 1860 1887 1887 1921

Cribbens 2 2

Crisman 29 23 52 1768 1921 1820 1972

Crisp 1 2 3 1678 1678

Crispell 4 1 5

Crissman 42 34 77 1769 1933 1843 1972

Croakum 1 1 2 1660 1660 1717 1717

Croasdale 1 1 2 1673 1673 1684 1684

Crocker 7 6 13 1699 1798 1695 1881

Croff 1 1 2 1968 1968

Cromwell 1 2 3 1697 1697

Crosby 5 7 12 1726 1831 1769 1888

Cross 5 1 6 1959 1967 1984 1984

Crouch 3 3 1811 1829 1884 1884

Crouse 2 2

Crow 2 2 4 1590 1869 1672 1911

Crowder 1 1 2 1856 1856

Crowell 52 38 94 1590 1744 1683 1827

Crull 1 3 4 1835 1835

Crume 2 2

Crump 1 2 3

Crutcher 3 2 5

Cruze 3 2 5 1902 1964 1980 1980

Cudworth 1 1 2

Cuevas 1 1 2

Cumbrai 1 1 2 1218 1218

Cummings 2 2 4 1781 1859 1857 1936

Cunningham 16 17 34 1779 1875 1853 1957

Curry 2 2

Curtis 12 8 21 1800 1942 1750 1993

Cushing 8 4 12 1730 1960 1757 1906

Cushman 15 6 21 1607 1739 1682 1809

Custer 2 2 1889 1889 1979 1979

Cutler 1 1 2

Cutych 3 4 7 1853 1889 1941 1977

Cyr 1 1 2


d'Arundel 2 1 3 1327 1327 1376 1376

d'Aubigny 7 3 12 1215 1215 1139 1301

d'Esne 1 1 2 1511 1511

Dade 4 4

Daggett 2 5 7 1737 1769 1805 1838

Dalton 1 1 2

Damon 2 1 3 1713 1713 1768 1768

Dampierre 1 1 2

Daniel 1 3 4 1770 1881 1983 1983

Daniels 5 8 13 1743 1781 1819 1819

Darby 1 1 2 1644 1644 1705 1705

Darling 1 2 3

Darwin 1 1 2

Davidson 10 7 17 1842 1965 1993 1993

Davis 69 49 118 1648 1981 1644 1997

Davison 10 9 22 1820 1917 1904 1913

Day 1 1 2

de Beaumont 5 5 1118 1118

de Bohun 7 2 9 1176 1310 1220 1385

De Bostock 1 1 2 1130 1179

de Chaworth 1 1 2 1345 1345

de Fienes 1 2 3

de Grandison 1 1 2 1349 1349

de Lacy 5 1 6 1192 1192 1186 1289

de Lannoy 17 4 21 1311 1511 1349 1560

de Montagu 6 3 9 1302 1350 1397 1401

de Montfort 1 1 2

de Monthermer 1 1 2 1340 1340

De Mowbray 2 1 3 1310 1364 1361 1399

De Paganel 1 1 2

de Ros 10 1 11 1150 1337 1130 1423

De Someri 4 1 5 1210 1210

De Waterton 1 1 2

De Welles 3 1 4 1421 1504

De Witt 30 16 52 1594 1904 1698 1963

Dean 10 3 13 1730 1757 1790 1836

Deane 5 7 12 1628 1755 1634 1820

Dease 9 4 13 1891 1958 1977 1984

Debley 1 2 3 1956 1956

Decker 2 2 4 1686 1686

DeJarnett 1 2 3 1776 1776

DeLange 1 2 3

Delano 119 91 216 1635 1890 1656 1941

DeLay 4 1 5 1875 1914 1952 1983

Deloach 2 2 1958 1980

DeMeyer 11 3 14 1683 1735 1716 1766

Denison 3 3 1837 1837

Denney 2 1 3 1851 1851

Dennis 5 7 12 1921 1970

Dent 2 2 1826 1826 1902 1910

Denton 1 2 3 1893 1921 1937 1962

Devine 7 1 8 1868 1868 1920 1945

DeWitt 2 2

Dexter 1 3 4

Deyou 2 5 7 1653 1707 1686 1787

Dickenson 2 2

Dickinson 2 2

Diem 7 7 14 1872 1978 1959 1994

Dill 2 1 3 1797 1797 1859 1859

Dillingham 4 5 9 1661 1709 1746 1807

Dillon 6 3 9

Dinan 1 1 2

Dixon 5 4 11 1837 1992 1718 1718

Doane 57 54 111 1589 1794 1663 1860

Doggett 1 1 2 1578 1578

Doherty 3 1 4 1910 1955 1994 1994

Domenick 2 2 4 1977 1977

Doneth 4 1 5 1964 1964

Donnelly 1 1 2 1911 1911

Doolin 1 1 2 1919 1919

Doolittle 1 1 2

Dorsey 1 1 2 1896 1896 1917 1917

Doten 2 3 5 1765 1765

Doty 8 9 17 1666 1967 1655 1760

Doucette 2 2 4 1974 1979

Doughty 2 2

Douglas 4 4 1810 1956 1891 1945

Douglass 2 2 1993 1993

Dow 10 9 20 1738 1786 1771 1809

Dowlin 7 1 8 1867 1867

Downes 1 1 2

Downs 1 2 3

Drake 1 3 4 1657 1657 1669 1731

Drew 13 4 17 1744 1790 1800 1840

Drury 1 1 2

DuBois 51 26 83 1566 1868 1548 1864

Dudley 56 38 96 1421 1707 1457 1751

Duke 1 2 3 1898 1898

Duncan 8 7 15 1765 1946 1796 1823

Dunckly 2 2 4 1662 1666

Dunham 19 16 38 1588 1989 1668 1766

Dunlap 1 4 5

Dunn 2 2 4 1851 1875 1838 1883

Dupue 3 1 4

Durbin 6 6 15 1888 1956 1939 1971

Durfree 1 1 2 1702 1702 1784 1784

Durham 2 2 1855 1855

Durland 1 1 2

Dusenberry 5 2 7 1784 1820 1833 1840

Dustin 9 9 1692 1772 1757 1818

Dutchik 1 2 3 1947 1975

Dyer 92 70 163 1640 1800 1689 1858

Dymoke 2 1 3 1428 1428 1461 1470


Eames 1 1 2 1826 1826 1879 1879

Earl 1 1 2

Easdell 1 1 2

Eastham 2 2 4 1775 1775 1867 1867

Eastin 3 1 4 1799 1799 1882 1882

Eastman 2 1 5 1852 1879 1877 1892

Eaton 5 5 10 1819 1969 1880 1880

Edaburn 2 1 3 1861 1901 1931 1985

Eddington 2 1 3 1937 1959 1978 1978

Eddy 3 3 6 1682 1682

Edes 2 2

Edgecomb 2 2

Edmonson 1 1 2 1776 1776

Edmunds 2 2

Edwards 15 15 30 1815 1961 1875 1983

Egolf 4 1 5

Einhorn 5 6 11 1959 1959

Eldred 27 19 46 1537 1755 1603 1765

Eldredge 6 5 11 1690 1800 1754 1835

Eldridge 65 61 126 1702 1872 1717 1890

Elizondo 1 1 2

Elkins 1 2 3 1753 1753

Elliot 2 1 3 1936 1936

Elliott 1 2 3 1956 1960

Ellis 9 12 21 1680 1728 1758 1758

Ellison 1 3 4 1859 1973 1923 1923

Elmendorf 2 2 4 1768 1768 1832 1832

Elmes 7 8 15 1620 1707 1712 1712

Elmore 1 1 2 1907 1907

Elmose 2 1 4

Elsbough 1 1 2 1859 1859 1934 1934

Eltinge 5 6 11 1709 1795 1762 1878

Emerson 12 6 18 1722 1986 1782 1782

English 13 5 18 1758 1854 1874 1896

Enoch 1 1 2

Erickson 3 3 1919 1919

Erlebach 1 1 2 1661 1661 1750 1750

Ervin 2 1 3 1787 1787

Estes 1 1 2 1849 1849 1850 1911

Evans 13 8 22 1790 1952 1848 1848

Everard 1 1 2 1530 1530

Ewell 3 3 6

Ewing 2 2


Fairbanks 1 2 3 1774 1774

Fallis 1 1 2 1867 1867 1919 1919

Fallowell 2 1 3 1584 1584 1646 1676

Farmer 1 2 3 1935 1935

Farnsworth 8 1 9 1798 1875 1838 1965

Farrell 1 2 3 1955 1955

Farris 2 2

Farwell 1 2 3 1826 1826

Fastolphe 1 1 2

Faulkner 2 1 3

Faunce 28 42 70 1602 1753 1650 1832

Fauntleroy 24 13 40 1588 1833 1539 1882

Fay 7 3 10 1700 1968 1732 1924

Feaver 1 1 2 1913 1947

Ferguson 95 103 205 1710 1947 1725 1993

Ferrers 2 2 1239 1239 1312 1312

Ferrieres 8 1 9 1135 1252

Fickett 2 2

Field 8 9 17 1699 1811 1666 1823

Fielding 2 2 4 1841 1847 1848 1848

Fields 13 11 24 1802 1850

Finch 1 1 2

Fine 2 2 4 1948 1978

Finney 5 8 13 1596 1697 1673 1765

Fischer 2 2 1947 1947

Fish 14 4 18 1687 1751 1727 1751

Fishback 5 4 9

Fisher 14 11 25 1871 1964 1639 1968

Fitz John 2 2 1274 1274

Fitz Pernel 3 1 4 1235 1235

Fitz Piers 3 1 4 1213 1213

Fitz Robert 1 1 2 1183 1225

Fitz Walter 2 2 1141 1141

Fitzalan 8 3 11 1246 1382 1267 1425

Fitzbernard 1 1 2

Fitzgerald 1 2 3 1846 1846

FitzLewis 1 1 2 1500 1500

Fitzmaurice 1 1 2 1286 1286

Fitzpatrick 6 1 7 1950 1963

Fitzwater 1 1 2 1361 1401

FitzWilliam 1 1 2 1479 1479

Flagg 1 1 2

Flanders 2 2

Flayharty 2 3 5 1910 1965 1981 1981

Fleck 2 3 5 1787 1818 1874 1885

Fleming 5 5 1697 1697 1766 1766

Fletcher 16 12 28 1923 1923 1805 1832

Fobert 1 1 2

Fogg 2 1 3 1803 1803

Folks 1 1 2 1977 1977 1978 1978

Folland 1 1 2 1677 1677

Foote 1 1 2

Forbes 2 2 1790 1790 1832 1832

Ford 2 6 8 1619 1764 1683 1825

Forman 1 3 5 1573 1581 1573 1626

Forsyth 1 3 4

Forth 3 3

Foster 74 47 121 1651 1992 1659 1968

Fowler 14 4 18 1744 1856 1815 1892

Fox 9 6 15 1671 1837 1674 1888

France 6 6 1926 1959

Franchimont 5 5 1139 1225

Francis 2 2 4 1424 1424

Frank 4 1 6 1901 1910

Frankel 6 1 7 1896 1924

Franklin 3 2 5 1942 1953

Frazier 2 2 1882 1882 1943 1943

Fredrickson 1 1 2 1921 1945

Freeman 55 60 115 1594 1850 1662 1921

Freeze 3 1 4 1963 1969

French 3 2 5 1676 1837 1681 1898

Froelich 6 3 9 1930 1985

Froman 4 3 7 1732 1738 1750 1750

Frye 1 1 2 1861 1861

Fuller 10 6 16 1629 1672 1683 1735

Funderburk 55 37 99 1773 1979 1841 1995

Furlow 4 4 1939 1975 1992 1992

Furman 2 1 3 1928 1966 1914 1914


Gabel 2 2 1739 1739

Gage 2 2

Gaines 2 2 1657 1657

Gamaer 5 8 13 1693 1750 1732 1823

Gamble 1 1 2 1860 1860 1922 1922

Ganser 1 1 2 1916 1916

Gantt 1 1 2 1891 1923 1966 1983

Gardiner 2 2

Gardner 2 2 4 1909 1909 1955 1955

Garner 37 23 61 1632 1761 1702 1797

Garnett 1 3 4

Garrett 1 1 2 1835 1872 1908 1934

Garrison 2 3 5 1863 1972

Garthe 4 1 5 1940 1965

Garvan 1 1 2 1739 1739 1791 1791

Gasherie 2 4 1700 1702

Gates 1 1 2

Gatewood 38 28 67 1688 1805 1748 1870

Gaugler 4 1 5 1725 1751 1748 1748

Gautner 1 1 2 1747 1747

Gay 3 3 6 1847 1847 1880 1880

Gaylord 3 3 7 1920 1931

Geiger 2 2 1918 1918 1956 1956

Gent 2 2

George 5 6 11 1840 1840 1915 1915

Gerig 1 1 2 1988 1988

Gerrard 1 1 2

Gerstner 1 2 3 1976 1977

Gessel 2 2 1865 1868 1927 1927

Gholson 2 2 1768 1768

Gibbs 4 3 7 1647 1647 1733 1733

Gibson 11 6 18 1768 1888 1812 1812

Giffard 2 1 3 1232 1232 1299 1299

Gifford 2 1 3

Gilbert 1 4 5 1881 1881 1974 1974

Gill 1 2 3 1654 1654 1720 1720

Gillett 1 1 2

Ginn 1 2 3 1840 1870 1932 1938

Girdner 2 1 3 1963 1977

Givens 1 1 2

Glasgow 3 1 4

Glemham 1 1 2

Glenn 5 4 9 1790 1908 1840 1958

Glover 2 4 6

Goard 7 6 13 1618 1656 1647 1691

Goddard 1 1 2

Godfrey 12 10 22 1711 1813 1756 1781

Godrey 8 4 12 1705 1747 1739 1768

Goff 1 1 2

Goforth 3 6 9 1789 1850 1819 1880

Golden 1 1 2

Golding 1 2 3

Goldsberry 1 1 2

Goodale 1 2 3 1790 1797 1870 1870

Goodloe 1 1 2

Goodspeed 4 4 1764 1764 1845 1845

Goodwin 2 2 1799 1799 1880 1880

Gordon 12 4 16 1716 1851 1793 1942

Gore 7 9 16 1750 1875 1824 1893

Gorham 8 10 18 1708 1723 1795 1795

Gosman 39 29 68 1727 1958 1777 1995

Gosnold 20 5 25 1470 1600 1559 1634

Gould 5 1 6 1794 1902 1774 1994

Goushill 2 1 3 1402 1402 1414 1414

Graham 3 4 7 1928 1928

Grandmesnil 2 1 3 1212 1212

Grant 14 4 18 1719 1855 1756 1885

Grattan 1 1 2 1835 1835

Graves 4 7 11 1861 1861

Gray 21 22 43 1650 1960 1686 1889

Green 15 10 25 1721 1962 1685 1992

Greenlee 2 1 3

Greenwalt 3 1 4

Greer 1 1 2 1946 1946

Gregory 1 2 3

Gregson 1 1 2

Grene 2 2 1562 1575

Grey 1 3 4 1537 1537 1265 1554

Greystroke 1 1 2

Griffin 3 4 7 1877 1879

Griffith 1 2 3

Griswold 1 3 4

Gross 7 5 12

Grymes 2 2

Guderian 5 3 8 1930 1992

Gudvangen 1 2 1951 1977

Guth 9 9 18 1620 1688 1671 1765

Guthrie 2 2


Hadley 2 1 3 1741 1741 1711 1814

Hafner 5 6 11 1909 1946

Haga 1 1 2 1866 1872

Hagler 14 15 30 1777 1953 1848 1861

Hahn 2 3 1925 1925

Haile 3 3

Haines 29 38 69 1760 1904 1841 1983

Hale 4 1 5 1778 1957 1855 1855

Hall 25 18 43 1638 1940 1698 1895

Hallet 12 10 22 1615 1743 1684 1816

Hallett 4 1 5

Hallind 1 1 2 1948 1967

Hallman 4 4 9 1902 1948 1921 1994

Halsey 6 1 8 1811 1849 1881 1931

Ham 2 1 3

Hamblen 44 36 80 1642 1721 1683 1768

Hamilton 7 9 16 1695 1898 1736 1772

Hammond 5 5 10 1595 1958 1688 1849

Hammons 2 1 3 1751 1822 1836 1892

Hamrick 2 2 4 1943 1969 1966 1966

Handy 2 1 3

Hanks 9 8 17 1783 1851 1818 1885

Hanmer 2 2

Hansen 3 2 5 1959 1980

Hanson 3 2 5 1923 1923

Harber 3 3

Hardesty 7 2 9 1923 1953 1948 1948

Hardin 2 1 3 1960 1960

Harding 119 91 211 1634 1876 1687 1923

Hardland 9 4 13 1883 1957 1951 1996

Hargrove 2 1 3

Harlow 12 10 22 1624 1688 1650 1801

Harman 1 1 2 1528 1548 1603 1603

Harmon 1 1 2 1886 1886 1962 1962

Harper 3 3 6 1984 1990

Harpster 1 1 2 1889 1913 1972 1972

Harris 13 16 32 1749 1965 1740 1953

Harrison 19 12 32 1761 1994 1807 1948

Hartman 12 10 22 1752 1959 1768 1865

Hartnett 1 2 3 1970 1973

Hartsock 14 12 26 1763 1848 1847 1865

Hasbrouck 66 46 112 1649 1850 1682 1922

Haskell 3 2 5

Haskins 2 2 1900 1900 1936 1936

Hastings 4 1 5 1287 1387

Hatch 64 57 122 1596 1832 1646 1870

Hathaway 4 5 9 1981 1983

Hatler 1 1 2 1851 1851

Hattabaugh 1 1 2 1848 1848

Hatton 1 1 2 1849 1849 1850 1850

Haugh 1 1 2 1710 1710

Hausch 2 2

Hawken 4 4 1960 1995

Hawkins 2 6 8 1778 1961 1870 1965

Hay 2 2

Haycock 2 3 5 1845 1916 1918 1986

Hayden 2 3 5 1801 1801 1830 1876

Hayes 8 2 10 1770 1801 1840 1856

Haynes 11 4 15 1731 1812 1838 1902

Hays 1 1 2 1763 1787 1866 1866

Headrick 7 4 11 1897 1948 1942 1942

Heard 3 1 4 1949 1978

Hedge 29 26 55 1602 1788 1670 1782

Heilman 3 5 8 1710 1894 1750 1955

Helms 3 1 4 1971 1971

Henderson 3 3 6 1874 1951 1955 1990

Henry 4 3 7 1736 1842 1799 1799

Herbert 2 2

Hereford 1 1 2

Herman 2 1 3 1739 1739 1756 1756

Herndon 4 1 5

Herr 2 2

Herriman 1 1 2 1882 1882

Herring 11 13 24 1735 1865 1779 1902

Herron 3 1 4 1815 1815 1778 1778

Hersey 1 1 2 1686 1686 1751 1751

Hershberger 2 2 1923 1923

Hershey 3 3 6 1913 1969

Hertzel 1 1 2 1812 1812

Hesdin 1 1 2

Hetzel 1 1 2 1792 1792 1865 1865

Hewes 2 3 5 1889 1889 1716 1943

Hewitt 1 1 2

Hewlett 2 2 1906 1906 1991 1991

Heynes 3 3 1954 1980

Hickling 2 1 3 1799 1825 1889 1916

Hickman 1 1 2 1778 1778

Hicks 17 11 28 1440 1654 1492 1740

Higgenbotham 4 3 7 1759 1796 1822 1860

Higginbotham 13 5 18 1758 1758 1810 1810

Higgins 214 149 367 1613 1914 1674 1964

Hill 17 12 29 1783 1981 1880 1939

Hillman 3 1 4

Hinckley 25 15 40 1666 1807 1709 1888

Hincks 2 1 3 1881 1881

Hinds 1 1 2 1888 1888

Hinkle 7 10 17 1827 1894 1872 1951

Hinton 2 2 1739 1739

Hirst 1 2 3 1809 1809 1891 1891

Hitchcock 3 3 6 1940 1957

Hite 70 68 139 1710 1922 1757 1902

Hixon 6 1 7 1932 1979 1932 1932

Hobart 3 3 6 1572 1573 1598 1646

Hodges 10 19 29 1775 1878 1826 1892

Hodgson 5 4 9 1939 1975

Hodson 1 1 2 1650 1650 1725 1725

Hoefflinger 6 3 9 1886 1899 1886 1988

Hoffman 3 1 4 1713 1724

Hogan 1 1 2

Holbrook 10 5 15 1778 1882 1807 1882

Holland 4 3 7 1958 1960

Holmes 59 42 101 1583 1745 1651 1773

Holtzman 1 1 2 1959 1959

Holyoke 1 2 3 1935 1964

Homer 1 1 2 1779 1779 1834 1834

Hooghteling 1 1 2 1704 1704

Hooke 1 1 2 1785 1785

Hooker 1 1 2

Hoornbeek 1 1 2 1713 1713 1750 1750

Hoover 1 1 2 1886 1886 1934 1934

Hopkins 50 53 104 1580 1920 1627 1886

Hopper 2 2

Hord 175 121 304 1275 1840 1275 1927

Hornbeck 1 1 2 1718 1718 1789 1789

Horton 8 8 16 1686 1731 1766 1783

Hosea 2 1 4 1773 1773 1771 1771

Hotaling 2 3 1950 1952 1987 1987

House 2 2 4 1572 1590 1634 1634

Hovey 1 1 2

Howard 10 9 19 1410 1862 1820 1980

Howe 2 1 3

Howell 20 17 37 1846 1983 1919 1990

Howes 43 34 77 1601 1827 1665 1883

Howland 17 13 30 1564 1816 1635 1899

Howlett 5 4 9 1680 1876 1877 1948

Hoxie 1 2 3 1818 1855 1890 1895

Hoyt 3 3 1916 1916

Hubbard 3 1 4

Hubbell 4 3 7

Hubner 1 1 2 1710 1710

Huckins 6 6 12 1671 1768 1714 1818

Hudnall 6 12 19 1700 1779

Hudson 2 6 8 1659 1659 1684 1825

Huff 3 2 5 1927 1937

Hughes 6 1 7 1767 1886 1711 1767

Huguely 4 4

Hull 3 2 5 1670 1670

Hume 1 2 3 1805 1805 1875 1875

Hunking 7 3 10 1896 1957 1953 1996

Hunt 6 10 16 1682 1851 1716 1924

Hunter 12 6 18 1762 1826 1864 1864

Hupp 1 1 2

Hurd 2 2 1695 1695 1776 1776

Hussey 1 1 2 1670 1670 1752 1752

Hutchins 2 2 4 1830 1896 1895 1981

Hutton 6 9 16 1745 1884 1802 1975

Hyanno 2 1 3 1595 1625 1661 1661

Hyatt 2 1 3 1986 1992

Hydeman 2 1 3 1879 1904 1958 1980


Ingraham 1 1 2

Ingram 3 3

Inkenbrandt 1 1 2 1953 1953

Inman 2 2 1952 1952

Innis 2 1 3

Ireland 4 2 6

Irvine 1 2 3

Irwin 2 2


Jackson 14 7 21 1823 1909 1877 1912

Jacob 2 1 3

Jacquelin 1 1 2

James 2 5 7 1921 1956

Jans 2 2

Janse 2 2

Jansen 1 1 2 1770 1770 1824 1824

Janson 2 5 7 1892 1950

Jantz 2 1 3 1971 1977

Javorsky 2 2 4 1896 1939 1939 1979

Jefferson 2 1 3 1743 1743 1826 1826

Jenkins 11 12 23 1655 1938 1736 1809

Jenks 1 2 3

Jenney 2 4 6 1635 1635 1655 1683

Jennings 10 9 19 1701 1837 1896 1896

Jensen 5 2 7 1854 1854 1941 1941

Jenson 1 1 2 1926 1926

Jerome 1 1 2 1817 1854 1891 1891

Jewett 1 2 3 1754 1754 1841 1841

John 3 3 6 1924 1965

Johnson 69 53 123 1614 1979 1645 1989

Joire 2 3 6 1575 1619

Jones 34 31 66 1643 1988 1675 1975

Jordan 1 4 5 1806 1935 1855 1855

Joyce 3 5 8 1905 1905 1673 1970

Judd 2 2 4 1971 1975


Kahan 2 2 1980 1980

Kandler 1 1 2 1913 1977

Kane 3 2 5 1794 1842 1871 1914

Karcher 1 1 2

Karengin 1 1 2 1910 1946 1986 1993

Karr 2 1 3 1968 1968

Keen 1 2 3 1709 1710 1775 1775

Keene 12 12 24 1560 1715 1615 1749

Keeter 4 1 5 1958 1966

Keith 1 1 2

Keller 3 2 5 1933 1962

Kelly 1 2 3 1746 1746 1805 1805

Kempton 10 6 16 1645 1721 1655 1737

Kendall 9 2 11 1827 1889 1858 1884

Kendig 3 1 4 1972 1976

Kendle 3 3 1950 1954

Kendrick 6 7 13 1776 1822 1856 1856

Kennedy 2 2 1940 1940

Kenner 2 2 1671 1671

Kennerly 1 1 2

Kenney 1 1 2 1772 1772

Kennon 3 4 7 1692 1692 1759 1759

Kenrick 1 1 2

Kent 2 3 5 1328 1842 1385 1385

Kern 2 2 1742 1788 1853 1853

Kernohan 1 1 2 1966 1966

Kerr 4 2 6 1772 1889 1853 1957

Kessler 15 16 31 1861 1974 1935 1974

Key 2 1 3 1874 1874 1947 1947

Kid 2 2

Kilborn 3 3 1756 1758

Kilduski 1 2

Kimball 2 1 3 1770 1770

King 35 14 51 1649 1853 1718 1880

Kinnelmarsh 1 1 2

Kirby 7 3 10

Kitchen 2 2 4 1870 1923

Kittle 9 8 17 1785 1866 1836 1931

Klein 1 1 2 1658 1658 1719 1719

Klinkoff 3 1 4

Kloos 5 5 1945 1992

Knapp 4 1 5 1957 1959

Knickerbacker 1 1 2

Knight 3 3

Knoff 1 1 2 1901 1936 1978 1978

Knott 2 2 4 1777 1813 1849 1849

Knowles 100 89 190 1615 1892 1584 1979

Krattiger 4 4 1937 1981

Kressmann 1 1 2 1783 1783

Krieger 2 2 1642 1642 1713 1713

Kroman 1 1 2

Krueger 3 4 8

Kruger 1 1 2

Krummel 3 1 4 1968 1973 1971 1973

Kuch 1 1 2


LaClair 1 1 2 1853 1853 1908 1908

Ladd 4 6 10 1772 1979 1860 1965

Ladegard 1 1 2 1972 1972

Laha 2 2

Laidley 3 3

Lamb 4 4 1722 1722 1793 1793

Lambert 1 3 4 1777 1816 1869 1869

Lander 1 1 2 1976 1976

Landers 3 1 4

Lane 10 8 18 1638 1954 1698 1864

Laney 1 2 3 1810 1810 1860 1860

Langlee 2 2 1677 1677 1738 1738

Lanier 2 2

Lanvallei 3 1 4 1205 1249

Large 2 2 4 1879 1879 1932 1932

Largent 2 1 3

Larkins 70 60 131 1794 1989 1810 1990

Larrabee 2 2

Larsen 1 3 4 1896 1938

Larson 1 1 2 1904 1934

Lasiter 2 2 4 1960 1971

Lathley 3 5 8 1717 1718 1718 1733

Lathrop 2 2 4 1736 1736

Latimer 59 42 103 1732 1975 1718 1993

Lauffer 1 1 2 1730 1730 1796 1796

Laughlin 1 1 2

Lawrence 3 4 7 1749 1749 1835 1835

Le Fevre 1 1 2

Leach 2 1 3

Leathers 6 2 8 1936 1968 1960 1963

Leaverton 1 1 2 1932 1956

Leavitt 24 15 41 1608 1845 1662 1923

LeBaron 5 5 11 1698 1747 1773 1806

Leche 1 1 2

Lee 16 24 40 1653 1979 1709 1950

Leeson 2 2 1852 1852

LeFevre 2 2

Leffler 3 2 5 1938 1966

Lefor 2 2 1987 1987

LeGrand 3 3 6 1818 1878 1887 1961

Lent 3 1 4 1795 1795

Leonard 1 2 3

Lepley 2 2 4 1957 1957

Leppert 2 3 1977 1977

Lester 2 1 3 1936 1969

Lettice 2 2 1636 1636 1693 1724

Letts 2 2 1802 1802

Lewes 84 64 149 1597 1764 1619 1819

Lewis 173 153 326 1575 1981 1631 1980

Libby 2 2 1763 1763 1849 1849

Ligne 1 1 2

Lillie 1 2 3

Limbeck 10 8 19 1898 1966 1943 1985

Lincoln 15 9 24 1659 1811 1715 1865

Lines 2 2

Linhart 4 4 1888 1888 1972 1972

Linnel 3 3

Linnell 2 9 11 1781 1781 1726 1853

Linskey 1 1 2 1914 1914 1988 1988

Little 10 8 18 1605 1656 1660 1723

Littlefield 1 2 3 1783 1783 1860 1860

Lloyd 3 3 1572 1823 1887 1887

Loera 2 2 1955 1982

Lombard 7 13 20 1640 1786 1705 1823

Long 4 3 7 1846 1940

Longespee 7 6 13 1176 1252 1226 1299

Longfellow 3 1 4 1774 1807 1807 1882

Longford 1 1 2

Longstreth 1 1 2 1843 1843

Longueville 1 1 2

Longworth 1 1 2 1721 1721

Look 12 7 19 1646 1725 1728 1783

Loomis 1 2 3

Lord 2 2 1725 1725 1796 1796

Loring 5 5 10 1714 1714

Lormand 2 3 1963 1967

Lothrop 84 88 173 1584 1897 1617 1907

Louis 1 1 2

Lovelady 1 4 5 1939 1946

Lovell 3 3 6 1651 1809 1850 1850

Loving 1 1 2 1718 1718

Lowe 7 4 11 1812 1863 1862 1941

Lowell 3 1 4 1787 1863 1865 1865

Lowry 5 5 1917 1953

Lowthorpe 2 2 1513 1513 1558 1558

Loyd 2 1 3 1819 1851 1885 1885

Lucas 3 3 6 1658 1730 1716 1736

Luce 18 12 30 1700 1791 1779 1853

Ludlum 3 2 5 1869 1869

Ludwick 2 1 3 1846 1871 1901 1901

Lumbert 4 5 9 1702 1753

Lumpkin 1 3 4 1600 1642 1671 1709

Lumpkins 1 1 2 1955 1955

Lurcott 4 3 7 1878 1942 1990 1995

Lurvey 2 2 1717 1740

Lusk 1 2 4 1934 1967

Lutz 1 1 2 1814 1814

Lydiard 8 3 11 1811 1889 1851 1975

Lyle 7 7 15 1800 1817 1817 1884

Lyman 1 1 2 1825 1825 1896 1896

Lynch 3 3

Lyons 2 1 4

Lytle 4 8 12 1825 1882


Mac Murrough 1 1 2

MacArthur 3 3 1815 1880 1896 1912

MacDonald 4 1 5 1921 1960

MacNevin 2 2 4 1948 1951

Mader 2 1 3 1953 1955

Madewell 2 1 3 1912 1942 1942 1956

Madison 3 3 6 1751 1751 1786 1836

Madsen 1 1 2 1935 1935

Mahieu 1 5 6

Maillard 1 2 3 1932 1962

Mainwaring 2 1 3 1249 1249

Maker 2 2 4 1685 1685 1752 1752

Malone 1 1 2

Maloney 2 2

Mandeville 4 3 7 1236 1899

Manhollan 3 1 4 1941 1967

Manley 2 1 3 1912 1949

Mann 8 9 17 1510 1965 1558 1559

Mannel 1 1 2 1619 1619 1674 1674

Manning 2 2 1852 1852

Mansfield 13 10 23 1637 1673 1655 1692

Manter 3 3 1722 1722 1797 1797

Manzel 1 2 3 1984 1991

Marchant 2 1 3 1625 1661 1693 1693

Marcioch 4 4 8 1854 1894 1975 1975

Markham 3 4 7

Markley 2 2 4

Marlatt 1 1 2 1847 1847

Marsh 3 1 4 1681 1681 1698 1718

Marshall 11 13 24 1146 1931 1219 1899

Marsteller 16 11 27 1662 1750 1728 1753

Marston 2 1 4 1720 1720 1764 1764

Martell 4 1 5

Martin 15 9 24 1876 1980 1321 1989

Martinson 3 2 5 1946 1982 1979 1979

Marx 1 1 2 1929 1929

Mason 3 3 6 1952 1952 1983 1983

Masterson 3 1 4 1580 1619 1633 1702

Mathews 2 2

Mathieson 20 11 33 1851 1954 1910 1951

Matsuda 1 1 2 1938 1938

Matthews 8 5 14 1927 1978

Mattock 1 1 2 1667 1667

Maulden 2 2 4

Maupin 1 1 2

Maury 1 2 3 1782 1782 1851 1851

Mauzy 2 1 3 1721 1745

Maxfield 2 1 3 1837 1876 1876 1876

Maxwell 7 5 12 1823 1831 1884 1908

May 2 3 5 1965 1976 1690 1690

Mayhew 2 1 3 1735 1735 1800 1800

Mayo 72 76 151 1645 1867 1662 1848

Mc Robert 1 1 2 1948 1948

McAtee 9 5 14 1801 1852 1847 1925

McBride 2 2

McCarty 10 6 16 1848 1970 1940 1979

McChristy 5 1 6 1918 1954

McClain 1 1 2 1941 1941

McColl 1 2 3 1943 1975

McCracken 1 1 3

McCulley 17 12 32 1836 1836 1911 1945

McCulloch 2 1 3

McDiarmid 2 1 3 1937 1970

McDonald 5 3 8 1963 1970

McDowell 21 17 38 1744 1952 1817 1817

McFadden 1 1 2

McGillivray 1 1 2 1872 1872 1946 1946

McGready 3 3

McGuire 2 1 3 1953 1980

McIlvaine 3 7 10 1777 1809

McInturff 1 1 2 1738 1764 1836 1836

McIntyre 2 2 1812 1812

McKee 7 7 14 1860 1898 1900 1900

McKenzie 2 2 1963 1963

McKibben 1 2 3

McKin 1 2 3 1974 1987

McKinney 2 2 4 1976 1976

McKnight 1 2 3 1972 1974

McLane 1 1 2

McLean 3 3 1705 1705

McLoon 2 2 4 1876 1876

McMahon 3 1 4 1870 1967

McNeal 2 2 1862 1862

McNichols 2 1 3

McPherson 5 2 7 1823 1832 1830 1830

McVitty 1 1 2 1946 1946

Mead 1 1 2

Meade 2 3 5

Meador 1 1 2 1981 1981

Meadows 1 1 2

Melchoir 1 2 3 1743 1743 1787 1787

Melies 2 2 4 1955 1957

Mellinger 2 2 1786 1786 1786 1786

Merck 3 3 1949 1971

Merckle 1 1 2 1664 1687 1738 1738

Merrick 64 44 110 1505 1809 1538 1888

Merrifield 2 2 4 1722 1817 1888 1888

Merriman 13 8 21 1614 1732 1694 1784

Merritt 1 3 4

Merry 1 1 2

Meschin 2 2 4

Metcalf 2 1 3

Metzger 2 2 1756 1756 1803 1803

Meyer 6 2 8 1960 1960 1923 1923

Meyers 3 1 4 1977 1977

Mieke 1 1 2 1946 1946

Mielke 6 1 7 1948 1982

Milhon 2 2 4 1961 1992

Millar 3 3 6 1744 1755 1790 1834

Miller 55 53 109 1638 1960 1663 1981

Milliken 5 2 7 1815 1852 1968 1968

Mills 3 3 6 1937 1994

Milton 1 1 2 1276 1276 1321 1321

Miner 4 5 1970 1970

Mirick 4 4 1742 1748

Mitchell 12 5 18 1691 1977 1675 1974

Mizer 4 4 9 1938 1969

Modsley 1 1 2 1445 1480

Moffett 2 2 1923 1923

Molohon 4 3 7 1875 1933 1948 1948

Montgomery 2 1 3 1899 1899 1990 1990

Moody 2 2 1840 1840

Mooney 1 2 3 1952 1959

Moore 17 13 30 1812 1966 1874 1939

Mora 1 1 2

Morey 11 7 18 1637 1710 1640 1733

Morgan 21 22 46 1740 1957 1607 1989

Morin 3 2 5 1927 1959 1961 1961

Morris 6 6 12 1904 1904 1898 1996

Morrison 2 3 5 1808 1978 1860 1860

Morrow 1 2 3

Mortensen 37 37 78 1797 1982 1927 1997

Mortimer 11 4 15 1253 1287 1086 1351

Morton 61 36 101 1585 1827 1567 1892

Moser 1 2 3

Mosher 3 2 5

Moss 2 2 4 1604 1647 1707 1725

Mount 2 1 4 1921 1952 1996 1996

Moyne 1 1 2

Moynihan 4 4 1951 1965

Muchenhirn 3 4 7 1888 1916 1917 1917

Mueller 4 4

Mulford 5 5 10 1670 1748 1730 1796

Mulkey 4 6 10 1848 1848 1930 1930

Mulligan 1 1 2

Mullins 4 3 7 1578 1604 1621 1672

Munday 2 2 4

Mundhenke 1 1 2 1948 1968

Munkers 3 3 6 1911 1911

Murdock 2 2 4 1691 1708 1752 1756

Murphy 3 4 7 1847 1964 1922 1922

Murrah 2 2

Murray 1 1 2

Muse 2 1 3 1972 1975

Mutch 2 3 5 1902 1931 1952 1977

Myers 1 1 2

Myhre 1 1 2 1961 1961

Myrick 10 8 18 1579 1818 1650 1822


Nash 1 3 4 1837 1837

Nassau 1 1 2 1837 1837 1908 1908

Naunton 1 1 2 1545 1545 1615 1615

Neal 31 43 81 1815 1980 1888 1989

Neaman 2 3 5 1924 1960

Neel 2 3 5 1953 1955

Neill 2 2 1760 1760 1779 1779

Neiman 3 3

Nelson 45 39 84 1643 1957 1683 1994

Nevares 6 1 7 1949 1993

New 6 2 9 1931 1974

Newberry 4 2 6 1889 1962 1961 1961

Newbold 2 2

Newcomb 11 13 24 1668 1764 1789 1838

Newman 2 2 4

Newton 3 2 5 1958 1959 1727 1966

Nicely 4 1 5 1856 1856

Nichols 10 5 15 1739 1930 1664 1821

Nicholson 1 1 2 1960 1960

Nickerson 85 58 145 1515 1886 1584 1916

Nisson 4 1 5 1896 1896 1938 1938

Noble 2 3 5

Noles 3 4 1769 1839

Noonan 2 2 1977 1977

Norcut 2 1 3 1728 1731

Norris 2 2

North 2 2

Norton 1 3 4 1685 1685 1727 1727

Noss 5 5 1945 1981 1995 1995

Nutting 2 2 1966 1966

Nye 5 5 10 1718 1835 1759 1889

Nysveen 3 1 4 1928 1963


O'Bannon 2 2

O'Connell 1 1 2 1867 1886 1956 1956

O'Connor 2 2

O'Dowd 3 2 5 1915 1955

Ogan 1 1 2 1858 1895 1939 1939

Olcutt 1 1 2 1701 1701 1739 1739

Oldham 5 5 10 1600 1977 1679 1679

Oliver 5 5 10 1952 1968

Olmstead 3 3 6 1792 1829 1843 1876

Olney 5 1 6 1951 1976

Olsen 2 1 5 1960 1967

Olson 3 3 8 1891 1891 1983 1983

Osborn 1 1 2 1716 1716 1734 1798

Osborne 1 2 3

Osterhoudt 1 1 2

Osterhout 5 4 9 1694 1733

Ostermeier 3 3 1966 1969

Ott 3 3 1818 1844

Overlease 2 1 3 1947 1947

Owen 1 1 2 1929 1929

Owens 7 4 11 1848 1947 1932 1932

Owings 4 2 6 1891 1951 1957 1975


Paarsen 2 2 1709 1709

Pabodie 6 12 18 1612 1667 1653 1748

Pack 2 4 6 1960 1967 1830 1830

Paddock 2 3 5 1691 1691 1778 1778

Page 1 1 2

Pagrave 4 2 6 1651 1651

Paine 71 54 125 1540 1832 1631 1860

Palmer 6 3 9 1750 1820 1874 1874

Pape 16 12 28 1840 1966 1864 1994

Park 2 3 5 1839 1878 1876 1876

Parke 4 4 1551 1665

Parker 16 18 34 1702 1896 1705 1989

Parks 3 3 6 1965 1965 1957 1957

Parr 3 4 7 1830 1830

Parra 1 1 2

Parrish 4 2 8 1921 1964

Parsons 2 2

Partridge 3 2 5 1743 1743

Pasko 6 4 10 1880 1962 1966 1987

Patee 3 3 6 1914 1950 1992 1992

Patrick 1 1 2

Pattee 108 85 199 1644 1864 1683 1944

Patterson 2 4 6 1865 1946 1911 1981

Paul 3 1 4 1839 1936 1901 1960

Pauley 3 3

Paulson 1 1 2

Pavlovic 1 1 2 1827 1876 1893 1956

Payne 6 2 8 1697 1728 1730 1807

Peak 1 1 2 1911 1911

Peche 1 1 2

Peck 7 10 17 1601 1686 1670 1768

Peckham 2 2 4 1691 1703 1742 1742

Pendleton 2 2 4 1798 1798 1820 1820

Penn 15 5 20 1609 1741 1632 1806

Pennington 2 2

Pepper 5 8 13 1705 1746 1782 1782

Percy 3 2 5 1299 1333 1331 1369

Perine 2 2 4 1959 1983

Perkins 1 3 4 1590 1590

Pernell 1 1 2 1931 1931

Perrin 5 1 6 1848 1848

Perry 3 4 7 1654 1948 1711 1783

Peshall 2 6 8 1895 1964 1991 1991

Peters 6 2 8 1888 1968

Petersen 2 3 5 1857 1954 1914 1961

Peterson 11 11 23 1703 1979 1775 1983

Pettibone 12 11 24 1819 1960 1880 1997

Pettyjohn 4 2 6 1820 1820

Phelps 4 6 10 1763 1930 1982 1982

Phillips 9 8 17 1729 1979 1696 1988

Phinney 4 3 7 1696 1696 1778 1814

Phippen 1 3 4 1630 1630 1650 1679

Pickett 2 1 3

Pierce 12 10 22 1789 1925 1846 1938

Pierson 2 3 5 1871 1907 1932 1997

Pietersy 2 2

Pike 1 3 4

Pitcher 2 2 1758 1758

Pitts 1 1 2 1759 1759

Plamondon 1 1 2 1897 1948 1971 1971

Plantagenet 7 4 11 1114 1345 1151 1372

Plechot 1 1 2 1919 1919

Ploeg 4 2 6 1720 1729 1734 1735

Plummer 5 6 11 1651 1871

Polk 1 1 2 1798 1798 1852 1852

Pollard 3 3 6 1810 1848 1851 1932

Pond 2 1 3 1869 1869

Ponnick 1 1 2 1767 1767 1837 1837

Pontus 1 2 3 1623 1623 1652 1690

Pope 16 12 28 1608 1971 1668 1929

Porter 22 23 45 1762 1986 1683 1938

Post 3 3 6 1711 1734

Potter 2 1 3 1805 1805

Potts 18 11 29 1670 1759 1728 1849

Powell 4 5 9 1641 1987 1706 1959

Pratt 9 9 18 1665 1954 1685 1768

Prence 3 9 12 1600 1643 1630 1712

Presbury 1 2 3 1694 1708 1728 1763

Prescott 1 2 3 1757 1774 1863 1863

Preston 2 2 4 1820 1820

Price 8 13 21 1700 1989 1675 1926

Pries 1 1 2 1864 1864

Prince 3 5 8 1720 1765 1758 1781

Pritchard 1 1 2 1691 1691

Propernick 2 2

Pruiett 3 1 4 1958 1969

Pugsley 1 1 2

Purdon 2 2 1862 1902

Purington 5 3 8 1703 1742 1718 1768

Pursell 1 1 2 1696 1722 1806 1806

Putnam 4 5 9 1884 1917 1916 1945


Quincy 4 2 6 1217 1266

Quinn 4 5 9 1842 1878 1903 1903

Quirin 1 1 2 1718 1718

Quisenberry 7 6 13 1788 1896 1870 1880


Rackham 1 1 2 1883 1883

Rae 5 3 8 1928 1963

Ragland 2 2 1924 1947 1950 1950

Raines 5 2 7 1827 1827

Ralph 2 1 3 1956 1956

Ramey 3 1 4 1834 1903 1899 1946

Randels 2 2

Randolph 2 2 1664 1690 1694 1748

Raney 14 14 28 1840 1976 1876 1980

Range 1 2 3 1966 1993

Rankin 3 5 8

Ranks 2 2

Ransom 2 2 4

Ranstrom 8 4 12 1899 1980

Rapae 2 2 4 1953 1976

Rape 236 231 485 1759 1981 1797 1997

Rappe 54 34 90 1856 1983 1900 1993

Rasmussen 1 1 2 1934 1934

Rastall 1 1 2

Rawlins 1 1 2 1656 1656

Ray 3 1 4 1890 1975 1968 1968

Raymond 1 3 4 1912 1912

Raymor 2 2 1990 1990

Read 5 5 1755 1763 1683 1843

Reardon 5 7 1923 1977

Reatherford 2 2 1893 1914 1932 1956

Reavis 1 1 2 1856 1856 1876 1876

Reddick 1 1 2

Redman 2 1 3 1812 1812 1885 1885

Reeb 46 37 83 1620 1912 1642 1992

Reed 58 43 101 1675 1984 1731 1986

Reese 7 2 9 1926 1992 1995 1995

Reeves 1 3 4 1687 1687

Reid 4 4 8 1914 1996

Reisch 2 1 3 1949 1953

Remick 3 5 8 1694 1700 1768 1789

Remington 2 2 4 1862 1862 1947 1947

Reph 2 2 1843 1882 1900 1918

Ressler 2 2 1864 1904

Reynolds 4 3 7 1900 1900 1952 1952

Rice 33 25 61 1777 1969 1886 1996

Rich 92 59 151 1674 1844 1692 1921

Richards 2 2 6 1627 1627 1671 1937

Richardson 9 7 16 1839 1878 1787 1891

Rickard 3 2 5 1597 1677 1685 1724

Ricks 3 4 7 1831 1852

Riddle 1 1 2

Riddlesford 1 1 2 1276 1276

Rider 11 15 26 1630 1749 1715 1819

Ridgeway 5 5 10 1810 1854 1863 1896

Ridley 1 4 5 1947 1947

Rieger 2 2

Riggs 1 1 2

Riley 6 6 14 1838 1887 1878 1956

Ring 3 5 8 1603 1652 1620 1951

Ripley 7 1 8 1729 1747 1729 1730

Rist 2 2 4

Rives 2 2

Roach 4 1 5 1942 1972

Roane 2 1 3 1822 1822

Robbins 2 3 5 1852 1852 1910 1910

Roberts 2 7 9 1485 1918 1692 1900

Robertson 3 8 11 1763 1956 1840 1984

Robins 5 5 10 1767 1784 1720 1857

Robinson 21 9 30 1827 1986 1849 1993

Rockett 2 2 1677 1677 1677 1677

Rockwell 2 1 3 1966 1966

Rodham 1 1 2

Roe 2 1 3

Rogers 61 42 103 1638 1974 1661 1994

Rogness 2 2 4 1945 1974

Rolfe 7 1 8 1562 1615 1585 1699

Rolie 4 1 5 1918 1994 1971 1971

Rollins 2 2

Romilly 1 1 2

Ronzone 8 7 15 1848 1923 1872 1977

Roosevelt 7 1 8 1794 1884 1878 1962

Root 1 1 2 1956 1956

Rose 8 8 16 1812 1865 1901 1901

Rosekrans 2 2

Ross 3 2 5 1816 1940 1938 1982

Rosser 1 2 3 1747 1747 1840 1840

Rousas 1 2 3

Rouse 3 2 5 1690 1772 1684 1849

Rout 3 3 1757 1757 1757 1757

Routt 1 1 2 1740 1740 1774 1774

Rowell 2 2

Rowley 2 1 3

Roy 4 5 1946 1970

Ruggles 21 10 32 1912 1977 1961 1961

Russell 6 6 12 1661 1853 1660 1920

Ryan 3 3 1889 1889 1974 1974

Ryder 11 5 17 1700 1864 1761 1908

Rygh 4 3 7 1945 1979


Sahler 2 1 3

Sakrison 2 1 3 1946 1946

Salisbury 13 8 21 1060 1889 1147 1969

Sallala 2 2

Salte 1 1 2 1526 1550 1588 1588

Salucci 4 1 5 1942 1992

Salue 2 2 4 1739 1743

Samford 4 1 5 1702 1702 1720 1720

Sampson 8 4 12 1670 1812 1770 1770

Samson 15 12 27 1658 1746 1744 1783

Sand 1 1 2 1908 1908 1990 1990

Sanders 6 8 14 1825 1904 1865 1981

Sandidge 6 8 14 1755 1755 1803 1803

Sandlin 5 2 7 1944 1949

Saney 1 1 2

Sanford 3 5 8 1861 1881 1285 1285

Sargent 6 4 10 1795 1795

Sarkes 2 1 3 1953 1984

Sarnicki 1 1 2 1992 1992

Saucier 1 1 2

Saunders 1 1 2

Sawyer 4 3 7 1790 1905 1711 1972

Say 2 2

Scales 1 1 2

Scheaffer 2 2 1968 1968

Schmidt 2 2

Schneider 6 2 8 1945 1955 1932 1963

Schnepp 8 8 1893 1893

Schoonmaker 36 36 77 1624 1747 1682 1791

Schrack 1 1 2 1716 1716

Schreiber 1 1 2 1923 1947 1946 1946

Schuler 3 1 4 1976 1979

Schultz 1 1 2 1864 1864 1947 1947

Schutz 1 1 2 1702 1702 1707 1707

Scott 19 20 40 1710 1964 1801 1966

Scribner 1 2 3 1709 1709 1749 1749

Scudder 5 2 7 1565 1735 1776 1776

Seabury 3 3

Searle 1 2 3 1975 1975

Sears 46 30 76 1638 1843 1676 1892

Seay 5 4 9 1952 1979

Sedwick 1 2 3

Seidel 5 9 14 1713 1756 1746 1764

Sellers 1 1 2 1842 1842 1868 1868

Sergeaux 2 1 3 1393 1452

Sewell 1 1 2

Seymour 3 3 6 1760 1786 1558 1872

Shackleford 1 1 2 1954 1954

Shafer 2 1 3 1932 1952 1978 1978

Shaffer 1 1 2 1850 1914 1937 1966

Shahan 2 3 5 1941 1970

Shamblin 2 2 1958 1958

Shamp 3 3 1965 1993

Sharpe 2 2 1782 1782 1830 1830

Shaw 15 8 23 1661 1794 1694 1837

Shay 2 2 1879 1879 1953 1953

Shearer 2 2 4

Shedd 2 2 1804 1804

Shell 2 2

Shelly 1 1 2 1639 1639 1694 1694

Shelton 17 16 34 1910 1960 1949 1976

Shenton 2 2

Shepard 2 1 3

Shephard 3 3 1964 1967

Shepherd 1 1 2 1974 1974

Sheridan 2 3 5 1921 1951 1994 1994

Sherman 2 3 5 1906 1906 1735 1735

Sherred 1 1 2

Sherrill 1 3 4

Sherwood 2 2 1874 1874

Shimel 3 3

Shinault 5 2 7 1750 1800 1820 1893

Shirk 6 6 12 1890 1984

Shively 1 1 2 1989 1989

Shoares 1 1 2 1695 1695

Shoemaker 2 1 3

Sholds 1 1 2

Short 10 4 14 1730 1800 1785 1847

Shur 1 2 1964 1964

Shurtleff 4 3 7 1748 1748 1760 1821

Siddorn 1 1 2 1926 1926

Sidner 1 1 2 1823 1823 1905 1905

Sikes 2 2

Silver 6 3 9 1904 1968 1970 1983

Simkinson 2 1 3 1555 1557 1559 1611

Simmerley 8 14 22 1855 1946 1908 1908

Simmons 10 5 16 1677 1964

Simon 6 2 8 1893 1917 1942 1943

Simpson 5 4 9 1646 1798 1675 1883

Sinclair 3 3 6 1865 1865

Singleton 7 3 11 1788 1857 1870 1902

Sisco 3 3 1867 1915

Sisemore 5 8 13 1872 1921

Sisk 2 2 4 1864 1905 1928 1971

Sissel 1 1 2 1695 1695 1741 1741

Skiff 2 2

Skinker 16 8 25

Skipwith 2 1 3

Slade 2 2 1877 1909 1956 1956

Slaughter 7 3 10 1732 1851 1796 1939

Slecht 2 2

Sleek 2 2 1797 1837 1855 1868

Sleight 1 1 2 1687 1687

Small 15 12 27 1724 1831 1810 1812

Smalley 1 5 6 1647 1647 1703 1703

Smarr 1 1 3 1937 1941 1942 1942

Smelser 4 1 5

Smiley 1 1 2 1816 1816 1886 1886

Smith 140 124 266 1641 1984 1692 1994

Smutz 1 2 3 1963 1966

Smythe 11 7 18 1540 1574 1551 1617

Snare 1 1 2 1839 1871

Snell 2 2

Snipes 3 3 6 1959 1989

Snodderly 2 1 3 1956 1981

Snodgrass 23 32 56 1759 1885 1836 1900

Snow 149 116 266 1599 1890 1675 1970

Snowden 3 2 5 1905 1965 1963 1963

Snyder 2 3 5

Soule 11 7 18 1632 1834 1707 1913

Southard 3 2 5 1958 1970

Southworth 7 2 9 1614 1617 1623 1679

Sparks 3 4 7 1896 1948 1924 1924

Sparrow 14 9 23 1633 1782 1660 1872

Speake 1 1 2 1766 1766

Spears 8 8 17 1771 1866 1855 1885

Spelman 1 1 2 1712 1712

Spencer 2 2

Spinney 5 2 7 1771 1874 1888 1966

Spooner 3 4 7 1701 1701 1768 1826

Spraggins 11 15 26 1884 1926 1961 1961

Sprague 11 6 17 1636 1688 1690 1832

Spyker 5 2 7 1745 1760 1746 1764

St. Andrews 1 1 2 1499 1526

St. Hilaire 1 1 2

St. Hilary 1 1 2

St. John 1 1 2

Stackerl 1 3 4

Stadnitschuk 1 1 2 1950 1950 1997 1997

Stafford 3 5 8 1299 1919 1308 1372

Staley 4 4 8 1965 1996

Standish 9 6 15

Stanford 4 1 5 1693 1693 1722 1722

Stanley 3 6 9 1811 1837 1840 1840

Starck 1 1 2 1701 1701 1780 1780

Stear 4 3 7 1808 1848 1850 1905

Stearns 7 3 11 1843 1943 1669 1891

Steele 2 2 4

Steer 1 3 4 1779 1779 1844 1851

Steidel 1 1 2 1897 1897 1984 1984

Steiglfast 3 1 4 1921 1921

Stephens 14 10 24 1640 1924 1760 1884

Stephenson 2 2

Stetson 4 2 6

Stevens 9 8 17 1727 1925 1768 1993

Steward 4 5 1975 1975 1728 1728

Stewart 5 11 16 1842 1938 1940 1972

Stickel 1 3 4 1842 1907 1923 1994

Stierle 1 1 2

Stith 1 1 2

Stitt 1 1 2 1857 1877 1909 1923

Stogner 1 1 2

Stone 11 6 17 1764 1800

Stonenecker 1 1 2 1947 1947

Stoner 2 1 3

Stool 3 2 5 1937 1975

Storey 1 1 2 1806 1806 1878 1878

Stourton 5 1 6 1402 1402 1364 1536

Stout 2 2 4

Strang 5 3 8 1765 1804 1809 1863

Strasburger 3 1 4 1973 1993

Strassburger 2 2 1883 1883 1959 1959

Strawn 21 10 31 1680 1947 1720 1971

Stroh 8 2 10 1612 1828 1669 1913

Strong 2 1 3 1742 1742 1826 1826

Strother 1 1 2

Strout 58 55 113 1655 1904 1714 1976

Stuart 2 2

Stubblefield 2 6 8

Stubbs 1 1 2 1781 1829

Stuck 2 1 3 1898 1898 1989 1989

Studley 2 2

Sturdevant 1 1 2

Sturgis 1 3 4 1669 1669 1734 1734

Sturtevant 3 2 5 1651 1711 1718 1718

Sucy 3 3 1953 1956

Suggett 2 1 3 1675 1741 1720 1796

Sullivan 4 2 6 1794 1900 1945 1968

Summers 3 3 1948 1949

Surgen 2 1 3 1917 1917 1995 1995

Sutterfield 3 3 1947 1978

Sutton 12 4 16 1379 1534 1407 1593

Swafford 4 1 5 1937 1972

Swaney 2 2

Swart 4 4 1693 1748

Swartwout 2 2 4

Sweeney 2 4 6 1819 1819 1906 1906

Sweet 2 2 4 1881 1881

Swett 5 4 9 1799 1799

Swift 2 5 7 1805 1805

Swim 8 6 14 1800 1835 1849 1890

Swope 1 1 2 1897 1897 1981 1981


Sylvester 4 6 10 1690 1703 1712 1795

Taillefer 1 1 2 1188 1188 1246 1246

Talmache 1 2 3

Talvas 2 2 4 1082 1174

Tapp 1 4 5 1578 1628 1653 1703

Tashtassuck 2 1 3

Tayler 6 6 13 1640 1754 1705 1776

Taylor 66 64 133 1647 1884 1648 1853

Tennis 1 1 2 1783 1806 1867 1867

Terry 1 1 2 1701 1701 1783 1783

Tetmeyer 3 2 5

Thacher 6 5 11 1639 1733 1712 1762

Thayer 5 6 11 1739 1861 1762 1932

Theberge 1 1 2

Therriatt 1 2 3 1702 1702

Thimpson 1 2 4

Thom 3 1 4 1955 1961

Thomas 15 13 28 1663 1968 1700 1996

Thompson 21 24 45 1762 1997 1687 1983

Thomson 2 1 4 1970 1976

Thorley 6 1 7 1662 1679

Thorn 5 5 1772 1942 1842 1966

Threlkeld 1 2 3 1490 1494 1551 1551

Thurston 1 2 3

Tibetot 1 1 2 1443 1485

Tilden 1 3 4 1629 1629 1711 1742

Tilley 2 1 3 1607 1807 1620 1687

Tilton 6 3 9 1723 1867 1889 1889

Tiner 1 1 2 1993 1993

Tinkham 6 5 11 1693 1753 1753 1753

Tinsley 2 3 5

Tobey 8 4 12 1676 1788 1757 1801

Todd 3 2 5 1768 1818 1849 1882

Todisco 2 2 1954 1954

Toeni 1 1 2 1130 1130

Tolson 2 1 3 1968 1969

Tompkins 6 3 9 1734 1775 1794 1854

Tooley 1 2 3

Torrey 5 5 10 1617 1663 1651 1722

Totman 2 1 3

Touchet 1 1 2

Tower 2 3 5 1713 1778 1858 1859

Townshend 2 1 3

Tracy 9 10 20 1624 1984 1630 1710

Trall 2 2

Trask 24 20 44 1857 1953 1934 1989

Treat 19 31 50 1584 1747 1669 1824

Tregoz 1 1 2

Trent 1 1 2 1734 1734

Tribble 3 3 6

Triplett 12 4 16 1667 1774 1738 1866

Tripp 2 5 7 1840 1910 1916 1987

Troxell 6 6 1957 1993

Trumbull 7 5 14 1791 1833 1869 1910

Trussebut 1 1 2 1195 1195

Total Low High Low High

Tuchet 14 1 15 1244 1398 1149 1490

Tuck 2 1 3 1863 1868 1898 1898

Tucker 3 2 5

Tune 2 2 1724 1724

Tupper 1 2 3 1724 1724

Turner 19 12 31 1693 1981 1778 1778

Turtle 2 1 3 1784 1795 1795 1795

Twining 12 12 24 1615 1794 1654 1864

Twinning 1 1 2 1757 1757

Twogood 2 2 1903 1903 1989 1989

Tyacke 2 2 1891 1902 1974 1974

Tyler 1 1 2 1867 1867


Ugro 4 1 5 1915 1946

Ulmer 1 1 2 1920 1920

Umberger 2 2 6 1878 1910 1953 1978

Upshaw 7 3 10

Utley 2 1 3 1653 1653 1662 1662

Vabornik 2 2 1849 1849 1915 1915

Valentine 2 2

Van Bibber 3 3 7 1916 1947

Van Breestede 1 1 2

Van Deventer 3 3 1927 1969

Van Gaasbeck 2 1 3 1792 1792 1884 1884

Van Gieson 5 2 7 1942 1977

Van Keuren 2 1 3 1678 1678

Van Meter 6 6 12 1692 1790 1754 1855

Van Metern 4 2 6 1656 1695 1745 1759

Van Nostrand 3 1 4 1952 1976

Van Vleck 1 1 2 1839 1839 1868 1868

Van Waganen 3 3 6 1732 1741

Vancil 1 1 2

Vanlandingham 2 2 1991 1991

Varner 2 2 1940 1978

Vaughan 1 1 2 1925 1925

Vaux 2 1 3

Verdun 1 2 3 1283 1283

Vere 15 7 22 1164 1486 1141 1559

Vernoy 1 2 3

Vesey 1 1 2

Vespont 1 1 2 1264 1292

Vicari 2 2 1976 1976

Vickerie 8 2 10 1615 1699 1679 1739

Vickery 30 27 58 1654 1894 1690 1935

Vincent 1 1 2

Vitre 1 1 2 1233 1233

Vogel 1 3 4 1850 1850 1933 1933

Von Der Hellen 1 1 2 1938 1938

Voss 2 1 3


Wade 1 2 3 1450 1781 1480 1480

Wadham 1 1 2

Wadsworth 4 4 8 1671 1671 1750 1750

Waffle 2 3 5 1879 1917

Wagner 2 2 1722 1722

Wait 1 1 2 1693 1725

Waite 1 1 2 1726 1726 1809 1809

Walker 20 21 41 1620 1901 1659 1953

Wallace 4 2 6 1849 1849

Waller 2 1 3 1738 1738

Walsh 1 2 3

Walter 8 13 21 1869 1978 1924 1997

Waltr 5 5 10 1847 1914 1904 1992

Wanzer 1 1 2 1871 1871

Ward 4 5 9 1850 1875 1938 1973

Warder 1 1 2 1890 1890

Ware 1 2 3 1825 1825

Warenne 7 5 12 1088 1138

Warner 5 2 7 1948 1975 1701 1701

Warrell 1 1 2

Warren 28 39 69 1575 1971 1628 1895

Washburn 5 2 7 1766 1860 1937 1937

Washington 11 1 12 1632 1762 1616 1829

Waterman 4 3 7

Waters 1 1 2

Watkins 3 3

Watson 17 7 24 1601 1974 1642 1982

Watts 5 3 9

Weaver 4 2 6 1957 1963

Webb 7 5 12 1946 1975 1791 1791

Webber 3 3 6 1955 1963

Webster 7 4 11 1847 1926 1941 1953

Weeks 3 4 7 1645 1658 1689 1751

Welch 1 4 5 1902 1907 1871 1953

Wellington 3 1 4

Wells 3 7 10 1875 1953 1766 1766

Welsh 1 1 2 1800 1800 1833 1833

Wening 2 1 3 1939 1977

Wentworth 17 13 31 1478 1968 1548 1952

Wenz 1 1 2 1935 1935

Wernecke 1 1 2 1946 1969

Wernett 2 2

Wessels 3 2 5

West 130 92 225 1646 1889 1706 1880

Westbrook 4 4 8 1824 1852

Westley 1 1 2

Weston 4 3 7 1660 1978 1716 1723

Wetherell 8 5 13 1713 1732 1736 1778

Weyland 1 1 2

Wheeler 6 3 9 1833 1970 1970 1970

Whelden 1 2 3 1689 1689

Wheldon 1 1 2

Whipple 2 2 1785 1785

Whitcomb 2 2 1864 1868 1939 1953

Whitcombe 18 16 34 1671 1673 1662 1718

White 15 12 27 1765 1955 1801 1966

Whitehead 2 2 1691 1691

Whiting 2 1 3

Whitley 1 1 2

Whitney 10 4 14 1696 1926 1674 1825

Whittaker 1 1 2 1710 1710 1791 1791

Whitten 3 2 5 1791 1803 1858 1882

Wickson 1 1 2 1699 1699

Widdam 1 1 2

Wierschke 3 3 1947 1968

Wilcox 2 2

Wilder 2 2 1661 1661 1716 1716

Wildermuth 2 2

Wilds 1 1 2 1940 1966

Wiley 6 7 14 1761 1794 1799 1826

Wilkes 4 2 6 1913 1913

Wilkins 1 2 3 1783 1783

Wilkinson 4 4 1629 1634

Willard 4 5 9 1645 1645 1721 1746

Willcox 6 1 7 1662 1796 1698 1828

Willets 1 1 2

Williams 28 29 58 1725 1917 1739 1989

Williamson 5 7 12 1621 1748 1676 1765

Willian 1 1 2 1797 1819

Willis 7 9 16 1945 1945 1678 1678

Willoughby 1 2 3

Wilson 6 14 21 1810 1951 1919 1919

Wiltse 2 2 1976 1976

Wimjum 2 4 6 1918 1955 1941 1967

Windsor 10 3 13 1725 1770 1767 1770

Winfrey 1 1 2 1822 1822 1851 1851

Wing 8 7 15 1702 1754 1699 1785

Wingfield 51 22 73 1458 1726 1379 1742

Winkler 1 1 2 1955 1955

Winn 3 3 6 1778 1900 1813 1813

Winslow 8 5 13 1637 1704 1666 1770

Winstanleye 1 1 2 1210 1210

Wintour 1 1 2

Wise 2 2 1951 1951 1870 1870

Wisegarver 3 1 4 1785 1801 1857 1880

Wiswell 6 4 10 1680 1680 1716 1716

Withem 1 1 2 1971 1971

Wither 2 1 3 1240 1580 1633 1633

Withers 146 117 269 1475 1930 1684 1953

Woise 3 3 1960 1962

Wolcott 2 2 4 1804 1854 1888 1922

Wolf 8 1 9 1812 1865

Wood 59 51 110 1612 1960 1648 1995

Woodbridge 2 1 3 1668 1706 1720 1769

Woodrufe 1 1 2

Woodruff 8 2 10 1945 1953

Woods 4 4 8

Woodward 2 2

Wooten 3 2 5 1956 1959

Worley 3 2 6 1924 1980

Worrell 1 1 2 1842 1842 1869 1869

Worthington 2 1 3

Wright 11 6 22 1757 1921 1803 1962

Wuerth 1 1 2 1679 1679

Wyman 3 1 4 1821 1853 1891 1891

Wynkoop 16 15 31 1691 1861 1757 1877

Wyther 5 5 1179 1440

Yale 2 1 3 1660 1660

Yard 2 1 3

Yates 2 4 6 1650 1650 1651 1651

Yawn 1 1 2

Yeager 1 2 3 1962 1962

Yerkes 5 6 11 1842 1894 1894 1986

Yoho 2 2 1865 1870 1951 1959

York 7 5 12 1728 1974 1880 1931

Young 49 56 107 1596 1879 1652 1870

Zack 2 1 3 1949 1973

Zedler 1 1 2 1923 1923

Zillweger 3 3 1941 1979

Zimmerman 3 1 4 1745 1761 1764 1764

Totals - Males Females Total

Surnames: 13637 10879 24897


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