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Date: 97-10-01 17:14:48 EDT
From: To: Exambot
I do not know your name, nor do I know if I am writing to the right
person. I got your address off
of the WWDB web site in the September response column.
My question for you is "Do you know of an online forum or support group
for women who have
lost or are losing their husbands to Amway?"
My husband and I are about to enter marriage counseling for this very
reason. It is not so much
because I disagree with his dreams as it is because I can not believe
that a dear man has
decided that "business" is worth more to him then his marriage is.
If you know of such a resource, can you please let me know.

Subj: Re: Amway Wives
Date: 97-10-02 02:00:31 EDT
From: To: Exambot
I would be very interested in forming a mesage board on AOL for spouses
who chose not to be
part of the dream and what happened to them. It would be a good place
for people like
me to get some support while they are going through all of it.
I have been surfing the web for the past few days and am AMAZED with
what I have been able
to find.
My only hope is that the marriage counselor we are about to see has some
experience with cult
deprogramming because I think that is what we really need. Then again,
the fact that my
husband has agreed to counselling speaks volumes to me about the chances
we will make it.
Thank you for your response,

Subj: me!
Date: 97-10-03 12:46:36 EDT
Plese, Help me!
I' m an italian netsurfer and one of my best friend is going to
loose his mind (and money) and to become an amway tool!
I need especially italian related material , supports, all the
luck of the world and your help to save him!

Subj: Worldwide Dream Builders
Date: 97-10-13 23:01:25 EDT
From: To:
Thanks for the info on this group and its connection to Amway. Tonight
I got a call from a woman my husband met at a home show a couple of
years ago. She said that she thought he was sharp and smart and would
be a good candidate for Worldwide Dream Builders. Funny thing, though,
she wouldn't really say what it was all about or how someone associated
with WWDB would make $60,000 net a year; she just wanted to set up a
meeting time at our home! She did mention that Amway is WWDB's
"servicing corporation", whatever that means. Fortunately for us, we
are hooked up to the internet, so I did some surfing and found your page
which was the first time I'd been able to link negative aspects of the
Amway experience with "Worldwide Dream Builders". I had a feeling my
gut instincts were correct. Thanks for spreading the info! I think
you've just saved us at the very least a miserable hour of our lives
trying to say no to people on the Amway bandwagon.

Subj: New web page
Date: 97-10-15 16:23:33 EDT
From: (
I'm sending this notice to some of you who have recently e-mailed me.
I thought you might like to take a look at my new "MLM Survivors
Webpage". The page features no fancy bells and whistles, and this is
just a beginning. My goal for this site is to provide a hopefully
encouraging and informative site for those who have been victimized by
I'm not going to be like Sidney Schwartz or Russell Glasser and post
everything that comes to me; if somebody sends a "get a life" type
or one that's particularly adamant about how wonder MLMs are in the face
of all the contrary evidence, I won't put it up there. But experiences
of MLM survivors, and thoughtful commentary by pro-MLM folks will be
Eventually, I'd like to see some support groups formed for all of us
Survivors. Heck, if they can do it for alcoholics and people with weight
problems, why not for people who've been under the influence of
commercial mind control organizations?
Anyway, please visit at
Let me know what you think!

Subj: response
Date: 97-10-17 18:24:32 EDT
From: To: Exambot
you are great; this is helping my friends who are getting sucked in!
Subj: web page gossip column

Date: 97-10-21 10:15:24 EDT
From: To: Exambot
Interesting gossip column, I have found that
criticism is nothing more than a justification of ones own failures. What motivates you to maintain this site?
Do you have a business venture you would like to share with me?
Please email me your responce.
Have a greate day.
How do you know if you are on the right path? Measure it by the critics.
Ain't it Greate

(At least they spelled AIN'T correctly)

Date: 97-10-21 13:11:23 EDT
From: To:
Hi Kelly,
Thanks so much for your interesting source of info. I have visited most
the scamway sites and find yours the one that I can relate to the most.
too am an ex-ambot. Although I was not in the system for a long period
time, I have been surrounded by it for the past two years. For the past
months, I've been on an anti-amway campaign.
My sister and her husband were sucked into Amway about two years ago by
mutual acquaintances of ours who live in NJ. We live in NY. My
brother-in-law and his upline were continuously handing me tapes, books,
of course cornering me with 'the business' talk. They were relentless. I
missed talking and seeing my sister (since we were always very close and
was spending a good amount of her time with her new 'friends'), so I
along to about five or six of the Open meetings held at hotels. We had
drive to either Long Island or New Jersey -- which was 50 - 60 miles
way. Nobody seemed to mind. We all drove together in my brother-in-laws
surburban, a Diamonds tape always plugged into the cassette player so we
all be fired up. Everyone looked so professional in their suits,
smiles, daily planners. HA! During every meet everyone swayed and sang
'God Bless America'. Afterwards, our group went to the diner and
their business talk there, and before the night was over the direct
distributor would always ask me -- 'when are you signing on' -- 'you
have to
get the wheels turning' -- 'you could have duplicated yourself a few
by now'. The truth was I was still skeptical. I was concerned that this
seemed like a couple organization, and I am a single (divorced) mom. I
promised that once I sign on, every man in my upline would become my
"surrogate husband" and be glad to show the plan and their wives would
assist me with paper work. All I had to do was supply my list of
They all seemed anxious since I work for the LARGEST international
organization and had many contacts. It seemed too easy. If they can get
in, then I can certainly get others in. I paid my $154.34 sign up fee
$193.23 for tools -- since you can't possibly start your own business
without having the proper tools. I was fired up and ready to start. One
slight problem, I found that I couldn't deceive my friends, colleagues,
family. The pv system was a hell of a lot harder to earn than they made
seem during open meetings. Everytime I would talk to people I would tell
them right from the start -- it was AMWAY. My upline kept insisting that
shouldn't mention AMWAY, but tell them its a Florida based multi-level
marketing network. Our Diamond was D'Amico International. One day I got
call at work from an extremely excited upline informing me that our
was in town and invited us to meet him at a restaurant he would be
in. We all arrived around the same time, some coming from Brooklyn,
from New Jersey. We waited anxiously in the bar area of the restaurant
occasionally stealing a glimpse of our Diamond and his wife dining with
Pearl couple. As they were being served their desert, he gestured for us
come over -- using his index finger. Immediately about five of the men
our group pulled breath spray out of their pocket and gave a quick
We all proceeded over to have the honor of meeting them and viewing
of their luxurious possessions -- Barf! Although I was mostly on the
sideline observing, I cannot believe that I partook in such a meeting.
Everyone was in awe. In retrospect, I believe that if this Diamond would
have asked any of his pions to get on their knees and kiss his feet, the
group would have formed a line awaiting their turn. -- How sickening!!
A few weeks later, I was having my first group in to show the plan. I
was beginning to realize that things did not seem right. I started
too many questions but nobody had any real answers. I decided then to do
some research myself via the internet, and that's when I became aware of
the scamway sites. I mentioned these sites to my immediate upline and
24 hours I must have gotten ten phone calls from my 'concerned'
trying to get me back on track. A Pearl called to give me his direct
in case I have any other questions, I can call him direct. He told me --
"Stay away from the Amway sites, -- anything you read is from the 'lazy
losers' who didn't work the plan hard enough." Shortly after that, I
up my $347.57 as a bad investment, and got out. The only thing was, my
brother-in-law & sister were now even more determined than ever that
were going Diamond.
My sister and brother-in-law have a very successful business. They own
a beautiful home in an exclusive neighborhood. They drive a late model
and a Chevy Suburban. They enjoy water skiing from their own beautiful
They have three children who are all in the best private schools. Sounds
impressive -- the thing is, they had all of this BEFORE they started
My brother-in-law and sister worked extremely hard to build their
from scratch, and I would hate to see them lose everything to Amway.
About 8 months ago, they started holding open meetings at their home. I
was under the impression that they were doing well building their
And often wished them luck. The truth was, they needed to have a more
central location and wanted to avoid the 50 - 60 mile trip sometimes
twice a
week to the hotel meets. Any Brooklyn/Queens based Distributor (not
necessarily in their direct line) was invited to bring their guests and
attend. They were opening their home to complete strangers, not even
charging the usual $5.00 per head open meeting fee. They were serving
people snacks and beverages out of their own pocket. My sister had to
up after they all left, including her bathroom that a couple of dozen
and women used. After a few months of this, my sister began opening up
to me
and definitely was starting to sound fed-up. I let her talk and I
because I noticed that if I bad-mouthed Amway, she immediately defended
She admitted that she was never whole-heartedly into Amway, but agreed
give it a year of her time to pacify her husband. Now almost two years
later, SHE WANTS OUT! They have not made a single penny, on the contrary
have spent thousands. They do not have anyone as serious as they have
to go out and work the plan in their downline. Her husband is still a
believer that he is going Diamond. They are beginning to have marital
problems. Of course their upline is telling my brother-in-law that it's
common to have Amtiffs,-- she'll come around, and not to let anyone
your dream. Don't they realize or care what they're doing!! My sister
brother-in-law have been married for 18 years. I would assess their
to be a healthy, caring, and open one. Amway is truly the WORLD WIDE
NIGHTMARE BUILDERS. My brother-in-law is not interested in reading any
the 'negative' info available. He believes that everyone he meets
Amway are sincere, caring individuals, and anyone not interested in
on is not worth his time, --he'll just move on to the next victim. He
believes that if he shows you the plan he is honestly giving you a
opportunity. He believes that it takes some people longer than others to
become diamond, but eventually, if you stick with it, you'll make it. I
believe his energy is being wasted, but who am I to talk -- I'm just one
the 'losers' that was too lazy to work the plan.
If you got to this point, thanks for taking the time to read my story.
It took 14 months to vent this!
Keep up the great work,

 Worldwide Dreambuilders and The Things They Will Say To Profit From Your Dreams