When you know someone whose child has died do you...
- miss the funeral because you didn't know their child?
- say something comforting like,"thank God you have other kids?"
- first want to know how the child died?
- avoid that person so you won't have to say anything at all?
- never mention their child because you know it will bring tears?
- think there is a time when the parents should get over it?
If you are uncomfortable, or at a loss, being around your friend or anyone else who has lost a child, then you need the book I have written, WHEN YOUR FRIEND'S CHILD DIES: A Guide to Being a Thoughtful and Caring Friend. This straight-forward, simply written book will positively let you know what to say and do when a friend needs you the most. Don't wait for another tragedy to happen, you already know parents who have lost a child. Order now and you will feel comfortable and helpful around anyone you meet who has had a child die.
***Send a "thinking of you" type card to a friend on the anniversary of their child's death and on their child's birthday. These are both really tough days. Your thoughtfulness will work wonders!
CLICK HERE TO READ REVIEWS ON amazon.com TO ORDER an autographed copy of WHEN YOUR FRIEND'S CHILD DIES by credit card (easiest way) call 800-431-1579, price is $6.95 + $1 S&H.
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Also available (usual way) on amazon.com (click above). Or, how about (slowest, but still OK way) ordering it from your bookstore.
THANKS FOR CARING - TELL OTHERSFor Bereaved Parents: When you're not in the mood to do any shopping, why not order a book for each person on your list. You will never regret it. Or, perhaps, pass them out at Thanksgiving dinner and make your holidays easier. Amazon.com is offering free shipping if you order 4 books!
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Email: julane@AngelAbode.com
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