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Beast John Project

2 years ago, 5 7th grade students got lost in the boy's bathroom. This is their story...

Greg walked slowly toward the camp site, the boys bathroom. He and his four hikers, Jesse, Chad, Charles, and David all dragged their equipment to the chosen spot to camp out for a while.

They set up camp in the middle john vicinity, using toilet paper as the canopy. We all sat and talked about turds for a while, and suddenly we noticed David was missing.

"DUDE, DAVID! WHERE'D YOU BLAST OFF TO?!" Jesse shouted. There was no reply. Suddenly we heard loud screaming, followed by splashes in the vague distance. Where did he go?

We heard David scream, "AHHHH!! HELP GUYZ!!!!!!!! DAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

"DAVID! DAVID WHERE ARE YOU?!" we all shouted. We could hear his faint yelling, but we couldn't tell where he was. Jesse grabbed his backpack, and turned out. "I'm gonna find him!" he said as he disappeared into the foggy distance. Then, suddenly, we could smell something aweful... like something rotting... "DAVID!!!!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!" I shouted. No one responded. It was getting really late, and the darkness had already started to set in. Either that, or the janitor just turned off the light.

Anyways, We all sat down, and got into our sleeping bags. You would not believe how cramped it was in there! I was almost GLAD Jesse and David were gone! But I still had trouble sleeping that night. WE LOST TWO PEOPLE AFTERALL!! Somehow I drifted off.

When I woke up, I found Charles setting up his video camera to take some shoots for the documentary of the elusive beast. Suddenly we all paused as we heard footsteps. "Everyone stay reallll quiet" Chad replied. I stood there for a second, imagining what could be about to appear. Charles shakily held up the camera, trying to catch everything. I stood as still as I could. Then suddenly I shouted "THAT'S IT! I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!" I dived under the john wall and accidentally hit my head on the urinal. I scrambled to my feet and darted to the bathroom door. THE JANITOR HAD LOCKED IT!!!

Then, knowing I was cornered, I crept back to camp. But I didn't go inside because they may have been attacked by the beast. Instead I ran to try and find another exit. I passed urinal after urinal after urinal... After about an hour of running, I realized I had passed the same spot already! IT WAS A HUGE CIRCLE!!! "HOW DO I GET OUT?!" I shouted desperately. No one answered. I began to panic. I tried to make my way back to camp. Finally after 3 more hours, I found it.

As I opened the stall door, I saw my whole party was missing! Also, there were three piles of turds next to our camp! IT WAS THE BEAST WITCH! I screamed and ran! As I ran with desperation, I bumped into someone. IT WAS CHARLES!!! He was backing away, still shooting with his camera. "Charles where is everyone?!" "I DONT KNOW MAN!!!!" We both began walking back toward camp again. Suddenly, as we arrived, we could hear our party screaming! Charles started saying "Holy Genitiles! Holy Genitiles!" and suddenly, he took off toward the screaming to try and save them. I followed behind, trying to keep up. He shouted "GUYS!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!" Suddenly, he reached the corner of the bathroom.

I saw him stop and stare at something in horror... I slowly looked to see what it was. Everyone was sitting on a john screaming and shouting "ARMEGEDDON!!! IT MUST BE THE END OF THE WORLD!!! DEAR ME!!!!!" Charles looked at me and solemnly replied, "Constipation." I stood for a second and said, "Guess it wasn't the Beast Witch afterall". Charles responded, "More like those pork grimes."
