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Dragonturd Z

One day a turd with spikey hair was walking down a porsoline road. Then suddenly, a green turd leaped out of the drain at him!

"I am Cmell, an evil android created by Dr. Duko! I will destroy you!"

The spikey-haired turd was terrified. He immediately called his fellow superheroes to join the fight. Krappin, Vebeasta, Pee-colo, and Gohan all arrived.

Krappin started the battle. "Destructo Disc!" Krappin shouted as he flung a piece of corn at the green turd. The corn promptly sliced the green turd in two. "YEEEAAAHHH!!!!" shouted Krappin.

Suddenly Cmell rejuvenated his one half. Peanut butter flung everywhere in the rather graphic restoration.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!" cackled Cmell. I have Pee-colo's digestive nutrients in me! I can regenerate at will!

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" everyone shouted. Cmell flushed his useless other half dove under the water for a few seconds. When he re-emerged he was holding 7 turdlings.

"ATTACK CMELL JUNIORS!!!" he shouted throwing the litte turds all over the place.

The heroes tried to defend themselves, but suffered. Gohan was getting mad. Then suddenly, someone threw a pop can in the toilet.

"Android 16!" shouted Gohan.

"It is I... Let your anger go... Beat Cmell..."

Then Cmell crushed Android 16's pop-up cap.

"NOOOO!!!!" screamed Gohan. "I won't let this happen.... ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Gohan erupted in anger sending the toilet waters raging. Cmell was amazed at his power. Suddenly Gohan sprouted some golden colored corns on his head and went Super Smellin 2.

Cmell laughed and spit a turd that chopped off Gohan's right "arm".

Gohan said "I only need one arm to beat you!" and prepared a Kamehameha Flush attack.

"We'll duel, winner of the Kamehameha Flush will determine the fate of the Boy's Bathroom." Cmell announced.

"Kaaaaaa... Meeee....... Haaaaaa....... Meeeee......."

The two then flung diahrea at each other. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Gohan and Cmell's beams met and rocked violently as they collided.

Gohan then came up with an idea. He immediated changed his beam and aimed for the flusher. The diahrea smashed the flusher down and all of the evil in the toilet that day was devoured. Of course unfortunatly so were the good turds. Oh well.

And so the day was saved! Thanks to... TURDS!!!!

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