18 inch Doll Crochet Patterns

Here are some free patterns I've found on the web for crocheting 18 inch doll stuff. Make sure to explore the patterns web-sites because you never know if I didn't place links to some of their patterns! Please also be sure to follow the giudelines these people have set up for using their patterns thanks!

A crocheted blanket for your doll. This project is a good one for begginners

A cute jumper to crochet for your doll
I have made this jumper twice already and still want to make more and it works up very fast

Mesh shorts for your doll
These sound nice I have not tried them yet, so someone let me know how they work up! (please=D)

People have visited this site since August 9th, 2000

All graphics on the 18 inch doll sites belong to Auntie at www.auntie.com except for the counters which are from www.vickimouse.com and www.toolzone.com