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Dave's Lizard Island

In the fall of 1994, I went on my company's annual minivacation to Australia. They stayed in Cairns, and I, being the antisocial person that I am, went to Lizard Island, about 200 km northeast of Cairns on the Great Barrier Reef. Below you will find an illustrated narrative of my stay there. Click on the thumbnails to see larger photos.

Day 1 Arrival

After work on Wednesday evening, we went to the airport and boarded the plane. As a large percentage of the 747 was taken up by H.I.S. (my previous employer, the second largest travel agency in Japan), it was delayed due to their refusal to let us go to the airport early. We arrived about 6 am and I took a small propeller plane to Lizard Island. Lizard Island is a national park, and is named for the 1 metre long monitor lizards that inhabit the island. They were introduced by the aboriginal people as a food source.

Lizard Island is located N.W. of Cairns at 11 o'clock. Welcome to Lizard Island. Fred the monitor lizard.

Day 2-The Hike. On my second day, I went for a walk around the island. Lizard Island is extremely dry, and I drank about 6 litres of water that day.I hiked around the island clockwise following the coast.

A giant clam exposed at low tide. Note the lens cap for scale. A coconut on one of Lizard Island's crowded beaches.

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