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Dave's Photos of Alaska

Alaska is my second favorite place in the world. You already know which my favorite is.
I've been to Alaska 6 times, 2 of them for Army Reserve training.These photos are from my 1995 and 1996 trips in February and March. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture

A view from the Arctic Valley ski area on Fort Richardson, about 10 miles from Anchorage. Fishing boats in Seward. The sign on this small bar, about 50 miles from nowhere, says "Chilkoot Center for the Performing Arts."

"Can I borrow a cup of sugar?" A juvenile moose at Fort Richardson.. Anxious dogs at the start of the 1000 mile long Iditarod race. An idle pizza trailer in Seward.

Dave on a frozen iceberg at Portage Lake.. 2 moose relaxing in the snow outside the mess hall at Fort Richardson. The information center in Anchorage.

A hot dog stand in Seward. The booties are to protect the dog's feet. Mountains near Fort Richardson.

Sled dogs in their carrier awaiting the start of the Iditarod.. Ice skiing down a frozen river. My friend Christina cross country skiing at Ptarmigan Creek on the way to Seward.

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