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Aomori Hot Springs

Okuyagen hot spring is located on the Shimokita peninsula, the northernmost part of the main island of Japan. There are several baths at Okuyagen, one is segregated and two are mixed.

One of the hot springs near Okuyagen, on the Shimokita peninsula in Aomori Prefecture. Kappa bath, at Okuyagen hotspring. Dave at the new Kappa bath in May 1998.

Kappa are mythical creatures that live in rivers. The new Kappa bath. A Kappa couple. Another Kappa.

The old Kappa Bath in the fall. Another view. The bath in the 1980's (book photo). The flasher look.

Peter Maddalena at the old Kappa bath. A wider view. In 1993, it was raining hard at Okuyagen so we camped under a picnic shelter.

Tashiromotoyu is located near Mt. Hakkoda. To get to it, you need to walk about 20 minutes. There are the ruins of a small inn that closed about 3 years ago.

My brother Wayne and friend Peter at Tashiromotoyu, a hike in hot spring. Tashiro hot spring is next to the river. The riverside pool.

Peter and Wayne in another outside bath. And OUT of the bath! Mr. Minoru Sasaki and his friends. He is the unofficial maintenance volunteer at Tashiro. The bridge to Tashiro.

Peter Madellena (photo by Wayne Roland). With the old bath house in the background. The inside of the bath house (photo by Peter Madellena).

The fertility bath at Aoni, in Aomori prefecture. Another bath at Aoni. Another view (book photo).

The bridge to the baths (book photo). Tuckered out after a long day. At Aoni (by Bird Mura). At night there is no electricity.

Sukayu Onsen is my favorite indoor hot spring. Nestled at the foot of Mt. Hakkoda, it has a 300-year old history, and was the first to be designated a national recuperative spa. The main bath is huge, mixed, and is one of the best onsens that I have ever been to.

This is called the 1000 person bath, but can hold only about 150(tourist pamphlet photo). From another angle. The inn at Sukayu, at the foot of Mount Hakkoda (tourist pamphlet photo). The main bath (book photo).

Me at Sukayu. Peter and Wayne. Another view of the inn (book photo). At the water massage, with a bag over my head.

Mt. Hakkoda near Sukayu hot spring. Mt. Hakkoda in the summer (tourist pamphlet photo). Another view of the bath house. A final view of the inn (photo by Wayne Roland).

A view of the main bath in the 1950's. A 1950's view of the hotel. Waiting for the bus in the 1950's.

The bath house at Mt. Osore, called the Spirit Bath. Another view of the exterior and interior of the Spirit Bath.

Dave and Yukari in the Spirit Bath. Another view (book photo). And another (book photo).

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