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Dave's Cute Buddhas, Love Hotels. and other Photos of Japan

Cute Buddhas

If you visit temples or shrines in Japan, you may encounter a cute buddha. Often, they are dedicated to the memory of a loved one, and various offerings of food, drink, money, and clothing are provided for their use. Here are a few interesting ones.

These have been provided with shelter from the rain. A tangerine hat An Anpan man bib.

At Mt. Osore in Aomori, drinks and money are provided for the spirits of the departed. Sun protection too. Yet another one at Mt. Osore.

Love Hotels

Love hotels are known for their creativity.

"Man is bee, and woman flower. Flower is waiting bee to come and get honey." Hotel Bob. Hotel Shes.

The UFO hotel. Private Love Space.

Miscellaneous Photos

One reason for Japan's low unemployment rate is their "make work" system. Here, you see 6 people directing traffic on this busy Saturday morning in Shinjuku, Tokyo. In Nagano prefecture (remember the Olympics?) I found this interesting toilet sign. Any animal rights activists out there? Some bears begging for food at a tourist attraction in Hokkaido. The same place in the fog.

I found a kind of bizarre page (it's NOT mine), called Tokyo Toilet Map. In the Japanese version, there are over 700 photos of Tokyo toilets.(If you're using Netscape, and want to see the Japanese version, it's best to turn on encoding to "Japanese-auto detect") Pretty strange!

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