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Dave's Photos of Mongolia

I'm dreaming of a Mongolian Christmas...These photos are from my December 1996 trip to Mongolia. I flew to Ulan Baataar on Mongolian Airlines, saw Ulan Baataar and the area around it, and then took the train to Darhan, Mongolia's second largest city of 60,000 people. It's located about 100 km south ot the Russian border. It was cold, at least -30 degrees centigrade (my thermometer bottomed out at -30, so I don't know if it was colder than that or not). From Darhan I took the train to China. The express train takes about 36 hours from Ulan Baataar to Beijing. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture. For more information on Gengis Khan, click here.

I visited this family who lives about an hour from Ulan Baataar. I was only the 2nd non-Mongolian to visit their ger. They had 8 children, 2 of their daughters are on the right.

The family goats. Manure is used to seal the fence from the strong winds.

I ate some of their homemade goat cheese. I believe they were selling semi-frozen milk outside in the -15 degree celsius temperature.

Wanna buy some mutton? I wanted to take a picture of the piles of severed sheep and goat heads for sale inside the meat market, but they started getting agitated when I took out my camera. Moving various carcasses from the train station.

Urban Mongolian children waiting for the circus to begin. It got down to -25 Celcius once or twice.

Comrade Lenin, in a park near the Ulan Baataar Hotel. Piles of sheep and goat skins outside the train station.

A dinosaur stamp. A stagecoach stamp. A bear stamp.

A black and white postcard of some children and kid goats. A postcard of Mongolian wrestlers. Fly the friendly skies of Mongolian Airlines-"A way to discover the freedom of nature."

The great Khan on the move. The 1000 Tugrig note, about $1.50 USD.

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