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Dave's Expensive Japanese Stuff

In October 1999, when I went back to visit my wife and kids, I went on a mission to the department stores to find the most expensive things that they had. Here are some of the best.

$80 for 2 mushrooms. $160 per pound meat. $12 a mango.

Only $275 for 2 cantalope! A $1600 matched kimoni slipper and purse set. The slippers with the purse.

A 714,000 yen kimono. Not sure how much. It was in the restroom. The control panel for the toilet.

I found a kind of bizarre page (it's NOT mine), called Tokyo Toilet Map. In the Japanese version, there are over 700 photos of Tokyo toilets.(If you're using Netscape, and want to see the Japanese version, it's best to turn on encoding to "Japanese-auto detect") Pretty strange!

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