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About Carrie Brock ~~ Historical Romance Author

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn..." Notice I added ellipses? Of course I did, because since I watched the movie Gone With the Wind as a teen, I knew there was a "but" lurking in there somewhere. Excuse me, Rhett, but you do give a damn. You just haven't figured it out yet. Scarlett had you from the first moment you laid eyes on her--hook, line and sinker. You never stood a chance.

I can honestly say that GWTW awakened the sleeping writer inside me. From the moment Rhett watched Scarlett moving so gracefully up the stairs, that devilish grin on his handsome face, I knew what I wanted to do. Was driven to do. Write historical romance. Not just write it, but write it so well that I could transport readers into another world for a time, sweep them up in romance and adventure, and leave them sighing when they complete that last sentence. I still look for that initial spark between the hero and heroine in books I read and those I write. That battle of wills between two people who belong together, but are facing challenges beyond their control, not to mention those within their control, to reach their happy ending. Of course, they always get their happy ending. That's what I love about romance.

Along the way, life took over and I set my dreams of publishing aside, but they never died.

In the meantime, I had a beautiful son. My son just turned 20. He is wonderful. I work full time as a legal assistant for a small law firm in Oregon. Several years ago, I met a published author who lived in my town and was doing a booksigning at a local bookstore. She was very helpful. She directed me to RWA and told me to go to conferences and learn all I could about the craft. I followed her advice and at last, the perseverance has paid off. I am so thankful to that author for her patience and wisdom in putting me on the path to achieving my dream. Since that time, I've found the friendship and guidance of another published author whose guidance I will never in a thousand years be able to show enough gratitude for.

I've been blessed with a supportive family, mother, grandmother, sisters and a son who has never doubted that his mom would some day be "famous." The naivete of children.

Heart of the Diamond is my first release from LionHearted Publishing, Inc. I truly hope readers enjoy my tendency to interlace humor with the deepest emotions I can get from my characters. If I can get a smile from a reader, maybe a few tears, then I will have truly fulfilled my dreams.

I am currently finishing up a western historical about an arrogant Texas Ranger and a fiesty lady bounty hunter. Avenging Angel has been truly a labor of love, but well worth the trouble these two gave me. I hope you agree.

I would love to hear from readers. E-mail me at


Glamor Photo by Cheetah Express

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