Pandora's Box

Pick your poison
Pseudo-Christian, neo-orthodoxy, false philosophy
Triple-X pornography, LSD, PCP, self idolatry
Listen you can hear the laugh of Mephistopheles
'Cause once you start it's so hard to cease
to say the least it's hard enough to keep it from increase
That's the box you can never close it once it's open
You can't contain what's inside once the seal is broken.

Who knocked the locks off of Pandora's Box
Praise apostate while they mock the orthodox

The box was opened first by Adam and Eve
Forbbiden fruit tasted and planted the seed
Grew up into hatred, lust greed
The pain of Cain and his devious deed
It permeates society circling like a vulture
The lid's flung wide and we call it our culture
That's the box you can never close it once it's open
You can't contain what's inside once the seal is broken

Band Note: Pandora's box is an old fable about a box that contains all the evil in
the world which is opened by a girl named Pandora. Once opened,
there is no reversing the process of evil being let out. How true this
is both personally and in our society. Nuclear war, for instance,
what started with one country having one bomb simply spun out of
control into enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world a dozen
times over or personally, once you start doing a certain sin which
before you didn't have a problem with, all of a sudden becomes a
gripping addiction. Fools we are for thinking we can mess around
with sin and stop anytime we want to.

A Quick Glossary:

PSEUDO: Sort of; halfway

NEO-ORTHODOX: a movement in Christianity that uses the same words
that we do but differs from true christianity in some very crucial ways

MEPHISTOPHELES: character in Faust whos Faust sells his soul to;
synonymous with the devil.

APOSTATE: In this context think that is opposed to God

ORTHODOX: Literally "correct worship"; in this sense, people who hold
to the true and historical teachings of the Bible and Christianity.

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