angerous GlitchesOkay, so they may not get the secret service busting down your door, but these codes really mess with the game. Thanks to
The Odyssey of Hyrule, where I got most of these codes.Change Game Slot Names To Japanese
Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch
More on Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch -Very Cool!
Videogamer X's Zelda Debug Code
All I can say is "Wow..." This code lets you see a few weird screens of code (?).
Step 1: Play a game.
Step 2: Pull the left side of the cartridge out slowly until Link gets messed up and starts to jump around. The game will then freeze up and after about 2 seconds, a little yellow line will appear in the corner. This is a prompt to enter the code. Keep the cartridge out or this won't work. Because I would push it back in, I couldn't figure out how to do this code for a week.
Step 3: Enter this code. All direction instructions must be done on the control pad, not the control stick.
1: L + R + Z
2: Up + Down C
3: Up C + Down
4: Left + Left C
5: Right C + Right
6:A + B + Start
A few screens of crap will pop up. You can cycle through them. I have seen weird stuff like "Oh! MY GOD!!" or "I LOVE YOU OOOOOOOOOOO" There are other ways of doing this code play any song and quickly freeze up the game before the song finishes playing. You will se page after page of code. It is about 10 pages. You can also get this much code to appear during some cut scenes.
In my opinion, it seems like something put in by programmers of the game to check in on the game when it's messed up. I don't think that it was meant to be found.
Pop in your Gameshark. Enter any of these codes to get the weird tunics:
Black Tunic- 8011A640 0014
White Tunic- 8011A640 0015
Yellow Tunic- 8011A640 0016
If these don't work, try:
black- 8011A800 0014
white- 8011A800 0015
yellow- 8011A800 0016
or these:
black- 8011ACF0 0014
white- 8011ACF0 0015
yellow- 8011ACF0 0016
Then do
Videogamer X's Debug Code. Turn the power off and take out the Gameshark. Restart your game and the game slot you did it in should be erased! Start a new game and your character will be in that color tunic permanently!Change Game Slot Names To Japanese
This code can damage your game. Be careful, will ya?
Get to the screen where you enter your name for a new game. Pull the left side of the cart out gently as in the
Crooked Cartridge Trick. Then enter your name. Hit end. Gently push your game back in. Turn the power off and on again.No the code isn't crappy. It just puts a lot of crap on your screen. This is my code.
You may not use it on your site without doing 6 things:1. You call it by it's full name (Zelda64Gld's Crap Code) 3 times during the section that you put it in.
2. You create a link to my e-mail address,
Zelda64Gld@aol.com.3. You specifically give me credit and maybe a little praise.
4. You create a link to my site,
The Closet of Hyrule: What Rauru Doesn't Want You to Know.5. Put my real name, Random Butler along with the glitch on your site.
6. Put requirements #1-#6 (including this one) on along with the glitch on your site.
If you follow these 6, um...simple steps, then feel free to include the following glitch. If you don't, you'll be terribly sorry.
Now for the glitch:
Step 1. Play any song that will warp you, or Saria's Song.
Step 2. When the words appear that tell you what song you played, pull out the left side of cartridge just enough so that Link disappears, being careful not to freeze the game.
Now the tricky part:
Step 3. Quickly after this screen disappears, before the next screen pops up, quickly push the left side of the cartridge back in. Be careful not to pull the right side out. For those of us who are right handed, keep the right part of your hand pushing down on the right side of the cart. If done right you won't see a the little yellow line in the corner until you see some letters or words or crap.
More help: You will see some cool crap. Sometimes it just scrolls across the screen and freezes. Sometimes it scrolls all the way across the screen and stops. Sometimes it scrolls across and comes to the other side of the screen. When you see the crap, but the game does not freeze, wait for a few seconds and a little blue arrow will appear. Low and behold, just when you think it's done, sometimes 20 more screens of crap will appear. If you see the little blue square, and hit A, the text box will disappear with the game frozen. There are hundreds of different results for this code.
Here are some of my best results:
#1: "100$" and I heard a shudder as in the beginning cut scene.
#2: "00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}00'00'{Z button symbol}" and etc. This repeated and overlapped on my screen twice.
#3: "Á", then "Á", then "Á", then "Á", then "Á", then "Á", then "Ateteta" then "Á", then "Á", then "Á", then "Á"
#4: "O" Then it zoomed out and got dark.
#5: "B ïhé ä ÁhÏxÈ ëhB ïhe ÁpÈ"
#6: "drlm the Gpe't F'ipy$s"
#7. Nothing happened and I was able to walk around with just Link and the Temple of Time. No buttons. No life bar. No magic bar.
You can get all kinds of weird symbols, especially a lot of international letters. Some symbols are $, Ç, |, @, arrows, and many others. Very weird...
Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch
I expect you to follow all the same rules of using this as applied to
Zelda64Gld's Crap Code.There is an easy trick to
freeze Navi in The Temple of Time. But we've always wanted to freeze Navi wherever we want, right? Well guess? Zelda64Gld has a brand new glitch that lets you do this! But unfortunately this is about as hard as cartridge tipping gets. It may take 2 tries, it may take 10 tries. Stick with it!Step 1. Play Saria's Song anywhere.
Step 2. Get the cartridge so that the left side is almost pulled out enough to make Link jump around, but do not actually pull it out.
Now it gets very hard. As many of you might know, when you do pull the cartridge out at this screen, the game will freeze within about half of a second. The trick is to pull it out, hit OK, then push the cartridge back in within this half of a second time frame!
Step 3. Pull out the cartridge just enough to make Link jump around.
4. Very quickly hit A.
5. Push the cartridge back in quickly.
If done correctly, 2 things will happen:
A. You will see a screen that has two lines of left aligned static. After about 10 seconds, a little blue arrow will pop up indicating another screen. A new screen will pop up saying:
" Saria"
"No "
or B. You will see this screen:
"O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O"
The key word seems to be 'No". After these screens, you will see a blue square indicating that it's finished. When you press A, Navi will be frozen! Hooray! You can now walk around anywhere without Navi. And it gets almost pitch black, just like in the temple of time when you freeze Navi! You can do this anywhere you want!
You haven't done this glitch correctly when:
The game freezes up.
You see a blank blue screen.
You see two lines of centered text.
You see four quick lines of gibberish.
Anything besides the 2 correct circumstances that I listed.
When you play Saria Song while doing this, the camera angle will be where Navi is pointing at Link. You can get some very far away shots of Link. When the little screen pops up asking if you want to talk to Saria, no matter what you choose it will always return back to Link with nothing happening.
This glitch is kind of a variation of my Crap Code. I got a really weird thing to pop up:
"If rhd rplits intn luthple ilafer,"
Try to figure that one out!
Stay tuned for more...
More on Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch
Whoa! While fiddling around with this glitch, I got some weird stuff to pop up. I mean very weird stuff that might have some real significance. I also discovered that the best way to this is to cram the cart back in after you press A.
Now for some creepy results:
"ls i3 2i! C!n y/u h%a2 -e?"
You may not relize this, but the bottom line says "This is Saria Can you hear me? This gives us valuable insight into a cryptic code. This is what we have so far:
3=s, 2=r, !=a, /=o, %=e, and -=m. Very interesting.
This helps decode the next one, which I have gotten twice:
"H a/t t%p9 5p3d4 7h%l L/p$"
Translating as much as we can it now says:
"H aot tep9 5psd4 7hel Lop$"
Interesting, but it makes no sense. Could it be that this character language is only random and doesn't apply more than one time? It could say something with the blanks filled in. If anybody has a cryptogram program, try to decipher this code.
The first screen appears to be similar to these two other messages.
Now for my weirdest one yet. I was outside the Spirit Temple, and I got on the flying plant. I was hovering around and did the glitch. And I got this:
"Link...?" appeared in the bottom left of the text box. But very unusual was the fact that a symbol of a purple Poe in a bottle that you would see on you item sub-screen appeared over this text! Amazing! This screen quickly disappeared.
Here's another weird one. I was on the flying plant in the graveyard, trying a variation of the last trick when I got this one:
"t/ )l6'$d t(d p!'2d$ 1-,.,"
After I hit A, I saw a screen that simply said "O", Then a screen that said:
"Destroy this intruder on our behalf."
This is what the witches say to Nabooru during the Spirit Temple.
Also while in the graveyard on the flying plant I got this weird one:
"x/t.d d/p"
"t('4. '2d.$4 915c"
"H!t h!t h!t!"
After that, this screen popped up:
"o Saria"
Yet another variation of the previous results...
Well, I hope somebody will help us all figure these out!