Infinite Huge Rupees
Get all 100 Skulltulas and go into the House of Skulltula. Talk to the guy in the center. He will give you a Huge Rupee. Leave, return, repeat.
Infinite Huge Rupees (Kind of)
You need at least 200 rupees. Have a Like-Like (the worms that eat you equipment) eat you over and over, until you have no money. Kill it to get al your money back, in bigger rupees. Example: If you have 500 rupees, and get them taken away, you get back two huge rupees and two purple rupees.
The best way to get easy rupees? Go into the Poe shop in Hyrule market as an adult. There is pot with 20 rupees in it each time.
Kill enemies with light arrows to earn big money. Moblins give you 50!
Through experience I have found all four locations of the sinking lure.
1. On the log
2. By the rocks where the stream comes out
3. In the grass on the edge, behind the lily pads by the log
4. There are 3 rocks in a row where the sticks poke out of the pond. On the end by the shore you can find the lure.
Gossip Stones do some crazy things. Here they are:
Use Din's Fire or Magic Arrows: Gossip Stone will spin and stretch.
Use Bombs: Gossip Stone will launch off.
Use Your Megaton Hammer: Gossip Stone will squash into the ground.
We all know about the Gossip Stones doing crazy things, but I have discovered by bombing the rocks, and striking them when their color is changed, they stay red or blue.
I discovered a Gossip Stone behind the Deku Tree. Climb up his big font roots and fall back. There is a gossip stone on the right side.
Wear the Mask of Truth and talk to a Gossip Stone to get a little bit of information. Some of it is interesting, some of it is not.
Play the Song of Storms in front of a Gossip Stone to get a red fairy.
When you're a kid, on the bridge above the gate by Hyrule Castle, there is a clock shaped like an eagle that tells you the time.
Wearing the bunny hood in Hyrule Field will keep the Stallchildren from attacking. The skull mask keeps the Keese (bats) away.
There are few secret shops with those crazy Deku Scrubs hidden around Hyrule. In Ganondorf's Castle, there is an item shop hidden by a fake wall below a bridge. In Goron City there is a shop across that lava. At Lake Hylia there is a gravestone you could pull out and jump into.
Aim your cast at the guy, then pull back and hold A+R. You will snag his hat. Go out into some waist-high water and cast. His hat will come off and he will charge you 50 rupees.
At the end of the game credits, when there is that still screen. Wait for a few minutes. You will hear your scarecrow song played in different ways, once every minute.
Shoot into the sun where you got fire arrows to get a free big potion.
Go to outside the cave and pick up the boulder. Fall into the hole and use your lens of truth. Kill the spiders and climb up to get a great view of the fountain, and a gold skulltula.
Out side the desert colossus you will see what looks like an empty bowl. Stand on the rock near it, and play the song of storms to turn it into a fairy fountain.
Go behind the big spider in the house of skulltula, and strike it in the back. Ouch!
Shoot an arrow into any horse's neck, including Epona. They will neigh in pain!
Now for a special trick you wont find anywhere else:
Ever wanted to get onto the bazaar shop roof? I found out how. Get into the windmill. Put on your hover boots. Grab the cucco. Run out towards the medicine shop roof. You should be able to glide onto the corner of the roof. You can then glide onto the Bazaar. Not much to do up there, though.
There are two ways to catch the fabled Hyrule Loach, an eel-like creature that sometimes appears in the fishing pond. He weighs from 30-35 pounds.
Go to Lake Hylia. When night or day comes, the sounds of the wolf howl and the chicken crow will be garbled.
Play the sun's song around Re-Dead to freeze them temporarily.
Heal Broken Signs
To heal chopped up signs, play Zelda's lullaby. If you chop them up while they are healing, you can make them into weird shapes, some of which are physically impossible.
To turn butterflies into fairies, take out a Deku stick and slowly walk near a butterfly. The butterfly will follow. Keep walking in a slow circle. If the butterfly touches the end, he will turn into a fairy, and I swear, scare the living crap out of you.
To swim faster in water, press B.
At Lake Hylia, as a kid, teach an 8-note song to the top scarecrow. Then teach the same song to the bottom scarecrow. As an adult, play the same song again for the scarecrow again. You now have a new song, the Scarecrow's Song.
Same as in previous adventures of Link, if you attack cuccos, they will attack you with a barrage of flying poultry. Run over chickens on your horse and they won't be able to hurt you.
In Link's house, there is a plaque with all of your records on it.
In the Lost Woods, if you attack the Skull Kids, they will fight back by shooting these little white things at you. Kill them by rushing at them with your sword. They do some goofy dance and then die. You then get a huge orange rupee, worth 500 rupees.
Out in Hyrule Field at night, as a kid, kill 10 Stallchildren (skeletons) in a row. A big one will then appear.
Go to the desert colossus and kill ten Leevers (green things from the ground) in a row. A big purple one will appear.
Giant Guay
Go to Lon-Lon Ranch at night or Lake Hylia and kill ten Guays (black birds) in a row to make a giant one appear
Before you talk to Zelda, look in the window to the right. At different angles, you can see all the Mario characters, including Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Bowser, and others. Shoot a Deku nut at the window, and a red rupee will fall out.
Shoot a Deku nut at the other window by princess Zelda and a guard will through a bomb out at you. Talk about overkill.
Climb up to the top of the Gerudo Fortress. Jump down behind the treasure chest. There is a door, which eventually leads to a Gerudo loft. The loft has a hole in the bottom of it, which drops to the prison.
Play Epona's Song but a cow for free Lon Lon milk.
Complete the obstacle course in less than 50 seconds and Malon will deliver a cow to your house. Of course I'd rather have fairies.
Before you play Malon's Super Cucco Game, throw all the cuccos away from the game. When he throws them, they will be easy to pick out.
To cheat at the treasure chest game in Hyrule Market, simply use the Lens of Truth to look into the treasure chests.
To destroy magic plants, trample them with Epona. They will eventually grow back.
Sell a mask then spend all your rupees. The mask guy will get really pissed.
Play the Song of Storms near a bean hole to see a neat cut scene and make 3 fairies appear.
In the Gerudo Fortress, shoot the weird decorative skulls and prizes will pop out, like arrows, magic, and hearts.
Did I make a mistake? Did I miss something? E-mail me at