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The Politics of Food

(continued, second page update)


            One of the most salient issues facing us as consumers of food in the United States of Amerika is the debate, or real lack thereof (in the corporate owned commercial media), on the issue of genetically engineered foods.  This debate is mostly one way, as real information is withheld from the American public.  This is done through outright lies of public relations campaigns paid for by the corporations who produce and push genetically modified foods.  In order to assure there is no debate, any criticism of their activity is construed as libel under the food disparagement laws pushed for and enacted by Congress, bought and paid for with the “best democracy money can buy”.

            No one is really sure how genetic modifications will affect us, or will affect our farming.  We do know that pollen from genetically grown corn will blow and may very well land in the organic corn field down the road.  What is for sure that corporations who OWN THE PATENDS on these products are in line to make, and are making, lots of money. 

            It is an outrage that seeds that are sold to farmers are hybrids which cannot, by definition, yield viable seed, forcing the farmer to have to buy new seed every year.  Again, the profit motive is behind this hideousness and violation of human decency.  It is well known that Monsanto has infiltrated the Indian markets and reduced many farmers in India and here to the slavery of purchasing from Monsanto and other large agro giants such as Aventis and ADM (Archer Daniels Midland - the ones with the fancy expensive propaganda on TV, with the pretty green fields, as though we were idiots that believe all that is pretty is true).TO BE CONTINUED


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