Mabon Ritual
The following ritual was found in Aoumiel's book,Green Witchcraft
Preparing Your Alter
*Alter candles should be brown or cinnamon.
*Incense may be pine, sage, sweetgrass, or myrrh.
*Circle may be decorated with autumn flowers, acorns,
gourds, corn sheves, and fall leaves.
*Donate canned goods for those in need.
*Have nut bread in a dish on the alter.
Ring bell three times and say;
This day I celebrate the Second Harvest, that of fruits, nuts and the vines,
and I remember those who struggle without.
As I accept the gifts of the Lord and Lady so do I pass along
what I may to those who have need.
Ring bell three times and say:
The wheel of the year is ever turning, through sun tides and moon tides,
through seasons and harvests, for plants and for people;
for all life moves within the wheel of the year from the life to
death to life again. The balance and the harmony of the dance of life
is the spiral dance of energy eternal.
Hold up the dish of nutbread and a cup of wine and say:
I ask the blessing of the Lady and the Lord, upon this food that the harvest be bountiful.
Ring bell three times and say;
The Lord of Shadows rules in his Shadowland, yet his love
holds true, and with him my own dance will one day move the
Other Way. As this harvest moves onward to the last harvest, I
call upon the Lady and the Lord to bless this beautiful season
and my life within it.
Take up wand and move to the North of the circle. Raise wand and say:
Hail to thee, Elemental Earth! Your steadfastness helps me to
maitain the things of my home, my health, and my comfort. I
honor you!
Lower wand and move to the East. Raise wand and say;
Hail to thee, Elemental Air! Your inspiration helps me to learn
and understand. I honor you!
Lower wand and move to the South. Raise wand and say:
Hail to thee, Elemental Fire! Your energy helps me with the
drive to accomplish my goals. I honor you!
Lower wand and move to the West. Raise wand and say:
Hail to thee, Elemental Water! Your gentle flow helps me maintain
calm and balance in my relationships with others. I honor you!
Return to alter. Touch canned goods with wand and say:
In the names of the Lord and Lady, and with the aid of the
elementals, I bless these fruits of the harvest for those who are
in need. I offer aid and comfort to those whose needs arise
throughout the turning of the wheel. May the Goddess and the
God bless these offerings, the one who gives and the
one who receives. So mote it be!
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