January’s Moon is traditionally known as the Wolf Moon. Although some of the Moon cycles are known by the same names through different cultural traditions and folklore, the name Ice Moon is another name commonly used for the first Moon of the year. Today, people throughout the world mark time on the same calendar; January is the beginning of the year. In the natural world, however, January is the middle of the winter season, a time of death and desolation. It is appropriate, therefore, that the legends chosen for the Wolf Moon are tales of both beginnings and endings. Wolf Spirit Pawnee Native American Tribe The Pawnee Indians are one of the most honored tribes in North America. Their name is taken from the word pa’ni, which has been translated to mean wolf. This is, indeed, the tribe of the wolf. Their traditions, customs, and legendary herald the Wolf Spirit. Tirawa, the Great Spirit, placed Wolf Spirit in the sky to watch out for Evening Star. Tirawa placed Wolf’s animal brothers - Black Bear, Mountain Lion, and Wild-Cat - next to Wolf Spirit in attendance of the Moon. Great was the power of Wolf Spirit and his fellows in their place in the sky. They came to be known as Black Star, Yellow Star, White Star and Red Star. These Star beasts sent animals like themselves to live upon the earth. These same animal spirits were responsible for many of the Earth’s creations. They sent clouds, thunder, lightening, and the wind. They sent the cottonwood, elm, willow, and box elder. They created the four kinds of corn - black, yellow, white, and red. And it was these great and powerful spirits that guarded Evening Star each night. As great as these Star Warriors were, the power of the Morning Star, the Sun, was greater. In time, the Sun vanquished Wolf Spirit and his brothers. In honor of their greatness, Morning Star set Wolf Spirit and the other Star Beasts to hold up the four quarters of the universe. Wolf Spirit, once guardian of the Moon, now stands as devoted servant of the Sun. Yet his likeness upon the Earth is still heard howling when Evening Star rises in the sky. Could it be that the creation of Wolf Spirit yet remembers the ancient ties to the Moon? The lone wolf singing his songs to the Moon is following the ways of his ancestors who first helped the Moon to ascend to her nightly station. Greenman's Craft Page Our Chosen Path Moonlore Our Guest Registry Email: crescentwind@hotmail.com
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