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June 9, 2000: Before They Were Rock Stars, gosh don't you love these things. AJ was suck a dork back in the day. A cute dork, but none-the-less a dork.

June 10, 2000: Teen Idols Video Collection I, featuring BSB. Other stars such as N*Sync, Brittney Spears, so on and so forth.

June 12, 2000: AJ appears as Johnny No Name on the Today Show, OMG! I just told my best friend, Katy, about this and I'm sittin' here jumpin' up and down in my seat like I'm three years old and I gotta go to the bathroom. She's asking me if I'm gonna be ok. What do ya'll think?? Hell No!!!

June 20, 2000:Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, hmmm I wonder what color his hair will be this time around?? Pray for lotsa awards....

Aug 22, 2000: Teen Choice Awards, yet another awards show. Don't forget to watch and pray whole heartedly when they call their names as nominees. And scream at the top of your lungs about your undying love for AJ McLEAN!! Ok so that's what I do, you don't have to do it though. May neighbors are tollerant. =Þ

Note: Check Local Listings For Exact Times!

