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Here is one of those email survey things, I thought it answer any questions you may have.

Name? Jeni Morgan.


How long vertically is your body? 5*5

What do you look like?: Blue eyes, pale skin, freckles, average body, brown/red hair

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No

If you do, what's his or her name? Grape walrus

What is your favorite soda? Pepsi/GRAPE WALRUS

What kinda toothpaste do you use? Mentident

Have you ever been kissed? Lots and lots of times.

Are you a virgin? NOPE!

Do you have curly or straight hair? It's super short!

Does size matter? Nope.. ABILITY! I pity the fool!

Do you believe in God? I believe in a power higher than myself.

Do you believe in the Devil? No, why believe in such negativity.. no but I believe in extremely miserable people

Do you believe in heaven? Yes, but it's more complicated than that.

Do you believe in puppy dog heaven? Not really, no.

19. What's your favorite number? 9 walrus

20. What's your favorite muscical group\Singer? The Beatles, Billy Joel, & David Bowie are my top three

Is the glass half full or half empty? Depends on what's in the glass. But I'm an optimistic pessimist if that's what was being asked.

What is your favorite songs? "Captain Jack" Billy Joel, "Blackbird" the Beatles, "No Rain" Blind Melon, "Kodacrhome" Paul Simon

When's your birthday? novembertenthnineteeneightyfour

Who do you dislike? I don't like Osama Bin Laden much.

Do you have any pets? Yesha. My two baby kitties. DJ and Elise.

Have you ever been arrested? Yeah.. I passed town curfue when I was in fifth grade with MELISSA COOL DAMNIT.. I had to do sixteen hours of community service and I was grounded for two months...

What does your room like? Like a frog on it's way to hell. Serious

Do you have any stuffed animals? I have got a collection of penguins.

Look even more things!!

last movie you saw: Awekenings with Bobby D.

- last movie you saw on the big screen: Insomnia with Alfredo

- last phone number you called: 541-913-2920 LOOTY DO!.

- last thing you had to drink: Crystal Lite

- last time you showered: Last night

- last thing you ate: chicken strips

do you...

- smoke? nope

- do drugs? You think I have that much money?

- have sex? No.. is that an offer? I'd probably take you up on it!

- sleep with stuffed animals? Not on purpose

- have a crush? Waaaaaay to many

- have a boyfriend/girlfriend? meep

- have a dream that keeps coming back? Je ne sais pas

- play an instrument? Not any more.. I sold my bass and my dreams of being a rock star

- believe there is life on other planets? IS there life on maaaaaaaaaaaaars? david bowie.. get it?

- remember your first love? I wish I could forget

- still love him/her? The horror, THE HORROR

- read the newspaper? Not recently

- have any gay or lesbian friends? Surely do

- believe in miracles? How about immaculate conception? What?

- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? You mean me, um.. I dunno.

- consider yourself tolerant of others? Not so much anymore people whine to damn much

- consider police a friend or foe? I think I want to be a homicide investigator. So I don't know

- like the taste of alcohol? Yeah the alcohol in perfume.. esp Chanel #5 HAHA


- have a favorite Stooge? Who are you calling a turkey, turkey?

- believe in astrology? Yes

- believe in magic? Sometimes

- believe in God? Yesha

- pray? well.. sometimes

- go to church? I'm looking for God.

- have any secrets? Who's asking?

- have any pets? Yesha

- do well in school? Otay

- go to or plan to go to college? Yesha (I'm going to UCC right now. hizzah) planning on Portland State Next year.. I'm movin' on up.

- have a degree? What, do I pee? What kind of question is that..

- wear hats? If I had cool ones.. (Yaya five to one by the doors is on.. yippee.. makes me angry*

- have any piercings? surely do. ears, EARS... used to have my belly

- have any tattoos? maybe

- hate yourself? only on days ending in y

- have a horny spot? Never heard that phrase before.

- have a box inside your house that you sleep in because its too damn hot inside that bag of chips? Turkey

- have a best friend? I never know.

- wish on stars? No, but I wish to be a star

- like your handwriting? Funkadelic motha'

- have any bad habits? So?

- care about looks? Surely do.

- believe in witches? Only in October

- believe in Satan? No but I do believe in Natas

- believe in ghosts? OOOW WEEE OOOOOW

- believe in Santa? LIES!!

- believe in the Easter Bunny? nada surf baby

- believe in the Tooth Fairy? she ripped me off motha'

- have a second family? I don't even have a first family/

- trust others easily? yesha and nosha. I trust them and then I get fucked (both literally AND figurativly)

- like sarcasm? Do I look like I do??

- take walks in the rain? When I'm drunk.

- kiss with your eyes closed? Sometimes..

- sing in the shower? Surely do motha'

- own handcuffs? Ain't that a shame...

No I'm not insane.

Please note that the picture at the top was taken when I was thirteen.

Homeward Bound