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The final end time prophecies 2008 - 2012
Know Donald A Huard - Melchizedek by his dna
Talos and the cities and people of the inner earth disclosed
Truth about who Melchizedek is!
Our earth in peril today
Satan is the antichrist that will soon rule the earth
Learn about our neighbors living beneath us in the inner earth
We too have flying saucers in the inner earth kingdoms and some live on other planets
Convert any vehicle to a hybred
Know who your enemy really is
Why does everyone say Osama bin Laden bombed the World trade center?
Osama's network before he surrendered and now in the Coos County Jail in Coquille, Oregon since September 2008
How good is our Heritage spy network?
With knowledge you may survive the coming psunami and world war three in 2009
The Holy Quaran on line
The Lost Books of the Bible and God's flying space craft!
Islam and the Religious evolution
The Book of Morman on line
14X61 bounty hunter's mobile home for sale just 30 miles from Osama bin Ladens Jail Cell in Coos County, Oregon
Religions of the world - most beleive in one Creator
Allah and the people of the book
The great white brotherhood
American Indian Prophecy hapening today
The Great Spirit and prayer

Prophetic news and hapennings around the world that demonstrate where we are on God's Callender 2008 - God's evenging Angel "Melchizedek" is Here Now in the flesh!



The final end time prophesies 2008 - 2012

Read about my true credentials! Who the true son of man is. My DNA can be verified at the home of Jesus's mother, Mary. Located beneath the chapels built above it in Glastonbury, England. DNA is the final evidence you need to prove that I am that direct descendent of Jesus Christ and today the living son of man!. Notice that DNA is locked into my name Donald and as in Joshua and Yeshua using the code of 3 look up in the index in the book of Mormon under Joshua, you will find the hua means land to the west by the sea where I live in North Bend, Oregon. Coos County where Osama bin Laden is now occupying the same jail cell that housed me 3 years ago. 3 - Three years ago a whirlwind came out of the North and took the skirting off of my mobile home and did not touch any other. Witnesses said they never seen such a strange whirlwind as if it was controlled. Scripture states that where a whirlwind cometh out of the north, there shall you find the son of man. Also, as the sun rises in the east, so shall the son of man come forth. I was born in Bristol, Connecticut on the east coast. Bristol is also the name of Governor Palin's daughter , the republican candidate for vice president and candidate for president in 2012. I can prove scripturally that Obama is the prophecied world leader for this day and the future! See my web sites herein and check the other links including about the God family, DNA and Melchizedek. Also using the same code of three letters or numbers you will find that I am also Alah and Buddhua. (hua)(Huard) Soon, I must go to Ethiopia and bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem while Satan (antichrist) posing as the pope of Europe, Rome and Jerusalem reigns. Even over our soon to be United States of Europe. First we will have the beginning of the 2nd half of Daniels 7 year tribulation in May of 2009. This means there will be 3 1/2 years from May 1, 2009 to September 25, 2012. This also is the birth day of the Lord Jesus! Jesus was born when they were bringing in the sheep and 5 months after his cousin John the Baptist who was born on the first holy day of the spring. See the book of Luke, the physician who kept very accurate records! Jesus was conceived on December 25th and Mary being a perfect healthy woman had Jesus nine mounths later, which is September 25th. See Revelations Chapter 11 and realize that in front of national TV, we two witnesses will be killed by Satan. My wife was born 2/25/38 and I was 2/25/41 = 3 years apart. Astronomy; we are the two Pisces that coral the dragon in these end times. Neighbors here call me God who looks right into the sun and don't get blinded. I do it every day and witnesses take photos. Little children here walk by me and say hi God. Need I say more. Melchizedek, Donald A. Huard is the new name that scripture state that the Lord will have in these end times.

Predictions for 2009 include:

(1) Finance and Investments; Stratigies to guarentee your financial future are as follows: Per $10,000 Never leverage over 50% of asset value. Buy Gold and Silver physical contracts from Company such as Monex. 35% of base in each = 70% in precious metals. Currencies: 15% in the euro dollar and 15% in the Chinese dollars. Take back each month 10% of the profits to live on and re-invest in the same the ballance of profits. Use this program for two years, then after September 2010 go with 90% all precious metals and 10% in cash being used at home in that time. Probably the Euro dollar because in later 2009 the USA will be the United States of Europe. Use the formula above and you will never loose again. If you care to send us a donation for our services, please do so. Send to address mentioned in this website.

(2)National disasters and politics;

End of January 2009

1. The president of Iran will ask Obama and the USA to stand down while they totally destroy Israel! Will Obama's newly realized Muslim background influence his decission? Later in May of 2012 when the "devil" (antichrist) comes to power as the Pope of Europe, I beleive that President Obama will fool the "devil" and vote for God's eternal kingdom. Don't forget, it is God who ordains who will be the leader at any given time! With his great intellect he might make a great high priest and king during Christ's millenial reign! With him leading his people, they once again might be a great nation in the future. Don't forget Burrock has the white blood of Jesus and the black blood of the Queen of Sheba, the kings favorate. See 1 Kings 1-29. Her son by Soloman became a high priest and the permanent guard of the "Ark of the Covenant" the most holy and valuable item in the world, which he later brought to Etheopia. To this day it is still their. As the last high priest in the order of Melchizedek, I must retreive it and carry it back to Jerusalem sometime after 2011. I trust that Burrock will accompany me. John Wayne Jr's "grey goose" a retired battle ship left him by his father, will be taking us to Etheopia in those pirate infested waters. I hope Burrock learns to fire a fifty caliber if he decides to come along. It is going to be a wild ride. I am sure that if Burrock proves to be not only a high priest and King, but a mighty warrior too! He will make his people proude to be of the black race if he is a chosen one by God!

2. 25th of Jan: an 8.9 mag earthquake in Kobe and Osaka, hundreds of thousands of people will be killed.

3. Nov: another major earthquake will occur in Japan again, thousands of people dead.

4. Economic crisis causes delays in payment of pension and insurance funds in Brazil; city and prison riots rampant.

5. 24th of Aug: 8.9 mag earthquake in Istanbul of Turkey; the streets will be devastated. 6. 16th of Dec: Sumatra 7.8 mag earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra Islands in the East; thousands of people dead.

7. Will "President Obama" parden "Osama bin Laden" who is still getting kidney dialisis at the expence of Coos County, Oregon while he is being jailed in the County jail in Coquille, Oregon. I hope so! The US needs all the advice from great world leaders it can get. Even if they survived by the will of Alah to retirement! He is no longer associated with his former terrorist associates since he surrendered himself to a 26 year old operative.

Osama could be a great influence to the Muslim world if he can show forgiveness to a man that suffers daily from kidney failure and diabitus. See chapters 2 and 42 in the Holy Quran and see what it says on how to treat your neighbors even if they are not of the same faith. Osama, by the will of Alah should be treated in like manor. Some day when all are equal in the eyes of man and the one and only creator, we will have peace again. The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles on September 28, 2012, Mans self rulled kingdom will come to an end and the new millenial reign of the son of man will begin!

Alah, YHWH, Jehovah, Yeshua and Huard is the God family of all mankind. The Adamaic race is only 6,000 years old. The Black, oriental and other races are over 100,000 years old. Some migrated to great cities of the inner earth and some to other planets. The first peoples of God's creation. President Obama represents both the ancient great black race and the newer white races of only 6,000 years. Notice the last two letters of my last name "rd" represent the rupublican and democratic parties united as one. The ark of the covenant is under the protection of black priest and the offsprings of the Queen of Sheba who was Solamon's favorite wife. See the 10th chapter and others in the Book of Kings. So you see to this day, a member of the black race protects the (Holy of Holies)and only a high priest in the order of Melchizedek can touch it and live!

President Obama can help more by showing the nation that he can be as forgiving as God. Remember, forgiveness and judgement begins at the household of the Lord. President Obama is a member by prophecy of that household. Obama is ordained by God and the public vote. (Spiritually and physically.) What more can you ask for. Therefore, I am asking that the KKK stand down from their present plans to assasinate President Obama. My personal operative knows of your plans. Remember, you can't hide anything from God. Due to hi technoly, I am aware of anything I need to know in the entire world! Don't forget, If God be for you, who can be justly against you. As my name represents the republican and democratic party united, (rd) (hua) as in Jos hua, the code of three in the book of Morman under Joshua in the index, "hua" means the land to the west by the sea where I have lived on the West Coast for the past 20 years. As the sun rises in the east, so there will come the son of man. I was born in the east in Bristol, Connecticut. Bristol is the Governor of Alaska's daughter's name! So as you can see, even prophecy in my name say the President Obama will unite both parties. Citizen, it is time to sacrifice your wealth and help those that have need. Because I am the God of all nations and I am Alah, Buddhua (hua) and I would like all mankind every where to sell your un-needed weapons of death, if anything, to keep your children from beleiving that violance is the way. Parents, be a good influence to you little ones. War and violance will soon be history and we will beat our weapons into plow shares or hi-tech machines and vehicles to rebuild the earth once again!

Remember that the bible states that mankind would rather believe in a lie rather than the truth in these times. Example of some of the greatest deceptions and doctrines of man; Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus. See the book of Luke. Luke was a physician and he kept good birth records of John the Baptist and Jesus. John was born on the first spring holy day, the passover. Then the bible sates that Jesus was born 5 months later in the fall when they were bringing in the sheep and the last fall great holy day, the feast of tabernacles! September 25th and not December 25th. Mary was a perfect woman and she did conceive Jesus on December 25th and nine months later had Jesus on September 25th. Read it for yourself! Then you have the rapture and speaking in toungs doctrines of man and not of God. Prophecy also says that a woman will be in high place of authority in this country in the very end times and the yellow race will have inherited the world. Hillary Clinton is that woman prophecied! See information links of truth below just before the Prophecy of the two witnesses and you deside if China and Islam are really our friends! I know that Sarah Palin will be the 2012 President elect at Christ return at the end of Satan's reign! The Pope in Rome will be assasinated sometime in the next 3 years and the New Pope will take charge as world leader of Europe, Jerusalem, Israel and Rome. He will be "anti-christ" or Satan himself and also rule the world. Russia backed by China and Islam will defeat Israel and the USA, soon (United States of Europe), England and most parts of Europe for a time or until the Lord takes over the kingdom. The "devil" will come in declaring "peace and safety" and do great miracles in the sight of man. If time were not cut short to a five month reign, as mentioned in Revelations Chapter 9, even God's very elect would be deceived. Satan will come in declaring himself the "Messiah". (But he will be the false "messiah". Will you be deceived by the devil? So you have one to three years to earn all you will ever have for a millinium living in a more perfect body. We will beat our weapons into plow share's or heavy equiptment to clean up the earth and restore it to it's original condition. Priest and king's of all races of people will reighn with a rightios king or son of man for 1,000 years. Your bodies will still have physical mass and you will eat food as you do today in order to sustain your perfect bodies that will not die anymore. Yet you are still mortal and subject to death is you have an accident or kill yourself. Proff: Jesus was the first fruit and example on how we will be. He ate with the apostles and they could touch his body. In like manor we will be too. The new Jerusalem spoken of in Jerimiah 23 is the land shadowed by the wings of an eagle. God's home or my home will be in Eagle Rock, Oregon.

Will the outcome be a blessing or will we loose all? Outcome: Prophecy begining in 2009: All Israel will again be under captivity and this includes the USA! (Joel Ch. 3 KJV) Then Rev. 13:1 began in 2008! And I stood upon the sand of the sea (peoples), and saw a beast (Satan) rise up out of the sea or people, having seven heads (E7)(former kingdoms)and ten horns (10 of satan's top angels here in control), and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Antichrist (Satan) returns and with his ten supernatural kings and miraculously brings the world to peace in May of 2012. The ten kings or are controlled by some of the same fallen angels talked about in Genesis Chapter 6. Now waiting for the everlasting judgement. As in the times of Noah, they will again take for themselves wives from the daughters of man. As mentioned in Revelation Ch. 13, the 10 crowned kings of the UN will be ruled by Satan, ruler of the former 7 kingdoms from Babylon to 1948 when Israel became a nation again. Also the generation of 3 score or 60 years, that won't pass away until all prophecy is completed. (Mark 13 27-34 and Mat. 24) But Satan's kingdom reign will be only 5 months, from May to September of 2012. As mentioned in Revelation Ch. 9, the time or season of the locust. As any farmer knows is 5 months and in summer from May to September 28. Then 1st Cor. 15:52, all will be changed to a more perfect body in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumphet. Christ returns and His spiritual kingdom begins on earth for 1,000 years until God's everlasing Kingdom is set up on this planet.

Donald A Huard
Executive Trustee
Heritage Works Trust UBT ein # 75-6837643
67624 Spinreel road #39
North Bend
Email: dhuard@lycos.com


Fact Finder: (a) What did Jesus Christ look like during His human lifetime? (b) What does Jesus Christ look like now?
(a) What Did Jesus Look Like? (b) What Does Jesus Look Like Now?

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    Also know the parable of the fig tree as Jesus commanded in Mark 13:27 to 34, for this is the generation of that began in 1948 when Israel became a nation again, and won't pass away until all prophecy is fullfilled. This parable began in Jerimiah 24 with the basket of figs. The good and bad figs. Ask Osama, he know he is of the bad figs! In short the labor pains are to close and the birth of the new age is at hand. Is everyone suddenly deef and dumb. The storms that will hit the gulf coast are part of those labor pains. This nation is about to sell itself on election day to the enemy. Wake up my children. My heart hurts day and night and I haven't had sleep since 2004. I am still in the flesh and I care! Remember too Emanuel means God with us in the flesh. In YHWH we all trust. Amen

If you want to help in this end time ministry - Send "certified bank check for all tithes and donations usd" to Melchizedek - Donald A. Huard, 67624 Spinreel Road #39 North Bend, Oregon 97459 USA. Telephone number is 1-541-759-3280 and cell phone 541-990-8133. Email: dhuard@lycos.com

Special Notice! The 2 End Time Witneses are here in 2008 and I am Melchizedek or the Doctor of the Milkyway. Using the code of(3)Hua-rd means the land to the west by the sea and the DNA of man is locked into my name D o na ld. As in Jos hua, Yes hua or Jesus, then Hua rd. Jos hua meaning land to the west by the sea where I live. See index in the Book of Morman. rd = republican - democrat and I was born in "Bristol", Connecticut.

My (dna)of which there are 4 groups of 3 strings in the patern of 12 which proves this fact scientifically as well as scripturally. The God family reproduces themselves. Ask the Doctors at the Bay Area Hospital in North Bend, Oregon and the Coos County, Oregon Court House of records and Sheriff's Department. They all have my dna as well as my trail around the world. I have purposely left my dna all around the world. The god seed has always been here since the creation of earth!

My Wife Constance J. Hua rd is the next Queen of Scots and Britain, proven by her dna and other physical evidence as an heir to the House of Stewart. Prove it out for your self using the hidden code of 3 which not only decodes the Bible, but through modern dna labs prove all things, as well as being locked into Donald A. Huard. Can you see dna in my name?

We are also the two Pisces that coral Satan in the end times. My wife was born 2/25/38 in Oregon and I was born 2/25/41 in "Bristol", Connecticut, which is 3 years apart.

I am French Canadian where they put the noun first, then the verb. Or car blue. I am also American. Melchizedok is the Milkyway Doctor in French and in English, the Doctor of the Milkyway! Prove all things 100%. See Melchikezedek and the truth about the God family 2nd link below. I am also Buddhua!

I am calling for all of the Christian and Buddhua's warriors and Loyal Patriots all over the world today this August 1, 2008.

Web sites of facts and truth in December 2008

China in end time prophecy that gave all of our enemies nucluer technology and inherits the world as prophesied 2008

The Avian flu developed in America

facts that you government and religious leaders don't want you to know

Islam & communism - The true enemy of America

Low cost police -Do you know if you are being arrested by a man or humanoid robot look alike?

Truth about Melchizedek and the God family

True or False? How many millions in campaign donations did Obama get from China and Iran?

Save the eco system and use water4gas here

Seven questions that your minister don't want you to ask!

God's true Word Heard 24 hours a day around the World - Also access books and Bible study books and Disc on any subject in God's word you can think of Pastor Arnold Murray, DRE is one of God's end-time Profits

As I mentioned below, meet our neighbors that live in the inner earth cities

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While you listen to the music, take your Bible Or Enter Here and read "1rst Thesolonians Chapter 5" and you will understand where we are on God's calender! Also access the entire Bible on line too! Or your Holy Qur'an

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In these end times God allows two of us witnesses, through modern technology to inform the entire world, both in Talos via the entrance to the inner earth at Mount Shasta and other entrances described in the below web site, and as even Admiral Bird wrote in his diary of his experience when he accidently entered their domain.

In the year 2009, 2010 and 2011 a man will rule our country. Then a woman. On September 28, 2012 the last holy day celebrated by the early Christian and Jews as well as the Bhudist, Muslims and Mohamedons will be Christ's return. Remember the parrable of the fig tree, Mark 13: 27 -34, the generation that won't pass until all prophecy has been fulfilled. The seventh seal will soon be opened. We are in Revelations ch. 13 in time or on God's prophetic calender.

September 24th or 25th is not only the day that Satan will kill us two witnesses and we will lay in the streets for 3 1/2 days, witnessed by the entire world via Satellite TV, as it is written.

Then if you read scriptural astrology, the entire bible is written in the stars. It is written that on that last three days that the two Pisces of the consellation, both born on February 25th at six o"clock at night. One on the east coast and the other on the west coast! By decoding the Bible you will understand what many have done in the past.

The secret code to decode the bible and is three (3) and is a perfect number not divisable by any other number.

The two Pisces that have the job of capturing or coralling the dragon, is in the hands of us two witnesses. Then they will turn Satan over to Michael the Arch Angel to guard over Satan for one thousand years. Then he must be loosed from prison for 100 years to see if he can win over mankind again.

Just as in the first earth age when Satan rebelled and drew 1/3rd of the souls to his side, he will win agian 1/3 of those souls whom all had a life on earth. Irst Corrinthians tells you all about it. Then on the Seventh trumph, the 7th seal which is about to be opened and the 7th plague, Jesus Christ returns to claim the Kingdom from Satan and we then are all changed to a more perfect body, or celestrial body. Read 1st Cor. 15:52. But we still have physical mass and need to eat, still mortal and subject to death if we go against God's laws.

We will be very busy beating our weapons into plows and farm and clean up machines. We have to personally restore the earth to its original condition of perfection.

Then we have, after 1,000 years under perfect utopian rule under Christ, and what Revelations calls the great white thrown judgement after Satan had 100 years to win the souls that will be judged to eternal death. As you take a peace of paper, it and we will be cast into a lake of fire and totally destroyed and never thought of again.

Then God's Thrown will come down personally and take over rule from His Son Jesus who has a new name that no one knows except YHWH.

We, as gods and trained by Him will continue to not only repopulate both earth and inner earth but also teach them God's perfect ways throghout the entire univerces.

Humanity will then be perfected and they will assist others throughout the mentioned here in.

Remember, scripture state in Mathew that all will be judged, both in the earth, on the earth and above the earth.

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Regarding the third world war begining in 2009: As we wrote in 2002
CIA Files 2002

In CIA Files: Defector Reveals Russia’s Secret War Plans, Col. Stanislav Lunev reveals the dark side of Russia’s soul -- and their continuing efforts to destroy America. The highest-ranking military spy ever to defect from Russia, Lunev warned the CIA and the FBI that Russia continues to actively plan for war with the U.S. and the West. They didn’t listen then, but they’re listening now.

Hear in his own words what Col. Lunev told the CIA and other national security agencies in a NewsMax exclusive interview.

Col. Stanislav Lunev makes James Bond look like the Hollywood character he is – because Lunev was Russia’s real-life James Bond.

In fact, he was the highest-ranking military spy ever to defect from Russia. He did so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to power and after America and the West believed the old USSR had died.

Col. Lunev told, and continues to tell, America’s CIA, the FBI, DIA and other national security agencies that Russia still posed a real threat and that Russian military and spy officials were still talking, planning and preparing for war with the United States and the West. He revealed they continue to organize, support and sponsor terrorist groups world-wide. He alleged Russia uses organized crime groups to pursue their dangerous agenda.

Col. Lunev’s message went unheeded – until now.

In a stunning two-hour interview with Barry Farber, one of America’s most noted radio talk show hosts, Col. Lunev reveals some of the darkest secrets of Russia.

In CIA Files: Defector Reveals Russia’s Secret Plans, Lunev now shares some of the vital information he shared with his CIA debriefers – much of which has never been revealed publicly.

Here are just a few of the shockers you’ll hear:

And much, much more… See our international information on our websites as we discover truth regarding the "Religious, political, educational and financial dynasties" and organizations of the world! The world don't yet realize that we have agents in every aspect of life and industry. We cover all of Satan's four hidden dynasties that he uses to control mankind as disclosed in the book of Daniel. We at Heritage have trained the best electronic survaliance spy network in the world since our training and recording information under private contract with Interpol in the 60's and 70's. (Our first teacher of the Heritage operatives) Since 1968 most of our operative have lived duel lives. Some as double agents and some as international bounty hunters. Our sources and operatives have operated in every theater around the world and we have infiltrated the highest offices in all government, financial, educational and religious organization around the world just as our enemy has. The final battle between good and evil is at hand. Who do you think will win? Do you want to be one of those who live right into the millinial reighn of a man with a new name or say Christ's reighn that "he" began preparing you for as a prophet 2,000 years ago? When the world realizes that God himself is at the head of our organization here on earth, they will faint!

Please realize that the one problem mankind has is that he thinks that only his way is right. Of over 1,000 sects of "christianity" in the US and Canada, each one thinks that only their way is the right way. As in all religions, not one sect totally agrees with the other. So how do you decide which religion or christian sect or church is the true church and favored by God? Only God knows and He refers to that church in Revelations chapter 2 & 3 as a little church or the church of Philedalphia that He found no fault in! Are you a member of that little group here today on this earth in these end times. Each of you best examine your conscience carefully and decide if you are pleasing God or yourselves and if your church falls into the catagory of the other churches that God does find fault in! Do you belong to a church denomination or a true church of the almighty God? Are your church traditions of God or man? I know that some of you have already found the way and the light! May God be with you all. Amen

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