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Do You Know What Is Planed For Our World Tomorrow from 2001 to 2009?

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September 2008

Are both the Arabs and Jews mentioned in God's everlasting promiss? Enter Here and see for yourself!

May 18, 2001 to January 1, 2009

Bush Administration Took Appropriate Action in Response to General Threats

Americans know that President Bush when faced with credible information about a threat would act swiftly and strongly. It is terribly unfair to the victims and victim families of the terrible tragedy of September 11 for anyone to suggest anything to the contrary. Such statements are irresponsible and politically motivated.

Last summer, President Bush received briefings that contained general information about possible threats. The information was not specific. It did not mention time, place or method. These general threats were also uncorroborated. Any briefings containing specific information were uncorroborated and not credible.

The same information was shared with members of the House and Senate. Senator Diane Feinstein told CNN in July of 2001 “intelligence staff have told me that there is a major probability of a terrorist incident within the next three months.” Yesterday, Senate Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Richard Shelby acknowledged to CNN the briefings on potential threats.

In light of the potential threats, the federal government took action including alerts to law enforcement agencies, airlines, and U.S. assets overseas.

Bush Administration Takes Action

The Counter-terrorism Security group (CSG) - which brings together WH officials with officials from all relevant federal agencies - began to meet several times per week, with telephone contact between key officials several times per day. The FBI was conducting active investigations inside the US, and issuing appropriate warnings:

July 2 -- FBI released a warning message about a possible threat overseas. The warning specifically stated that while officials could not foresee a domestic attack, one could not be ruled out.

July 18 - FBI issues message on Millennium plot conviction, reiterates 2 July message.

Aug 1 - FBI issues alert on upcoming 3rd East Africa bombing Anniversary, reiterating July 2 message. The State Department issued a worldwide caution

(June 22). Counter-terrorism Security Group suspends non-essential travel of US counter-terrorism staff

(July 6). Five key FAA Information Circulars (IC) were issued alerting private carries to potential threats against airlines:

June 22 - alerted carriers to a possible hijacking to free terrorist operatives.

July 2 - based on the testimony of a terrorist involved in the Millennium bombing plots, who told of a possible attempt place a bomb in an air terminal.

July 18 - though based on no specific threat information, urges all carries maintain a high degree of alertness.

July 31 - reports that some active terrorist groups are known to train for hijacking operations.

August 16 - warns carriers to be on alert for disguised weapons.

The August 6th briefing to the President that mentioned hijacking was not a threat report.

It was an analysis of Al Qadea and Usama bin Laden that their desire to attack the US, and their preferred methods of operation. The analysis was prepared at the President’s request, in response to his questions about Al Qaeda’s capabilities and intentions to harm US interests. The analysis mentioned hijacking as a possible operation Al Qaeda might attempt.

But it did not say anything using aircraft as missiles. Rather, it mentioned the possibility that Al Qaeda might attempt to hijack a plane and hold passengers hostage to force the release of terrorist operatives, including the Blind Sheikh.

Since 9-11

President directs the FBI and CIA to begin unprecedented sharing of intelligence and cooperation on investigations.

Established the Office of Homeland Security to coordinate a national strategy to protect America and named Governor Tom Ridge as Director. President Bush worked with the House and Senate to improve our anti-terrorism laws and to give law enforcement needed tools to more effectively collect and share intelligence information.

The President now receives a daily domestic security briefing from the FBI Director, CIA Director, Governor Ridge with the Office Homeland Security, National Security Advisor Rice and the Vice President. This joint briefing helps guarantee seamless cooperation among law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Despite these facts, Democrats leaders such as Senator Tom Daschle, Rep. Dick Gephardt and Senator John Edwards have tried to play politics with this threat information by making irresponsible statements about President Bush allowing their presidential ambitions get the best of their judgment.

Today’s New York Times cautions:

“As Congressional Democrats and other Bush opponents rev up the recriminations following this week’s disclosures, they should remember that the House and Senate Intelligence Committees received some of the same intelligence reports as the White House. These included public and private warnings from George Tenet, the director central intelligence, that Al Qaeda could strike at any time.”

The Washington Post states:

“The tempest seems overblown…based on what the White House has revealed thus far, the information Mr. Bush received was very general, and the possibility of a domestic hijacking was far less salient in the briefing he received from the CIA than the possibility of an overseas attack. The administration warned airlines to take precautions. It’s easy after September 11 to insist that more should have been done.”

Washington Won't Let Israel Win

May 8, 2002

Wednesday’s New York Times led with the banner headline, “New Strategy Set by US and Saudis for Mideast Crisis.” The article cited administration sources, explaining that the outcome of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah’s visit to US President George W. Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, was a “division of labor” between the two. The Saudis are to deliver Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat to the negotiating table, and Bush is to deliver Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, starting at their meeting on Monday. The endgame, according to the article, is the establishment of a PLO state along the lines set out by president Bill Clinton in December 2000.

The Clinton proposal, which was declared null and void by the Bush administration early last year, envisioned the establishment of a Palestinian state in about 95 percent of Judea and Samaria, all of the Gaza Strip, east Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, and the Halutza dunes inside pre-1967 Israel.

The Clinton proposal also gave legitimacy to the Palestinian demand for a “right of return,” allowing for the immigration of several thousand in the framework of family reunification.

If the Times’ report is true, (and the Times seems to have a knack for forcing events to follow its stories), it can be said that the Bush administration is quite simply following in the footsteps of all US administrations since Dwight Eisenhower’s – allowing Israel to beat Arab aggression militarily, but forcing it to lose the war politically.

So it was in 1956, when Eisenhower forced David Ben-Gurion to beat a speedy retreat from the Sinai and Gaza at the end of the Suez campaign. The president justified the uncompromising demand by promising Israel that if the Egyptians were again to close the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, the US would send its navy to reopen the waterway by force. In 1967, when Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the straits, president Lyndon Johnson begged off, forcing Israel to stand alone.

After the Six Day War, which should have led to a complete political reshuffling of the region, the US again protected Israel’s neighbors.

Adopting UN Security Council Resolution 242, the US again dragged Israel along by extolling the resolution’s balance – conquered land would be returned to the aggressors, but not all of it, for Israel would be allowed to retain all territory necessary to ensure it had “defensible” borders. Promises aside, since the Carter administration, the US has accepted the Arab misinterpretation of 242 – that Israel is required to return all the lands it conquered.

In 1973, the US administration was again on hand, wresting the Egyptians from the jowls of defeat. Henry Kissinger prevented Israel from destroying Egypt’s Third Army, allowed the Egyptians to escape with honor and thus enabled the creation of the current Egyptian myth – that Israel lost that war.

The Ford and Carter administrations strongly pressured Israel to sign away the Sinai in exchange for peaceful ties with Egypt, which after 23 years have yet to materialize, although Egypt, rearmed with American assistance, now poses a military threat unimaginable in the past.

In Lebanon in 1982, the Reagan administration stepped in to save a routed Arafat. The Americans paved the way for his escape with his troops from Beirut to Tunis, free to fight another day. In the meantime, the US forced Israel to withdraw from much of Lebanon and allowed the Syrian army to remain.

And in the Gulf war, the first Bush administration not only prevented Israel from achieving political advantage, it prohibited Israel even from defending itself against unprovoked Iraqi ballistic missile attacks. After isolating Israel from the coalition, the administration proceeded to force its democratic ally to the negotiating table to discuss the transfer territory to the Arabs. When the negotiations failed to bear fruit, the administration meddled in the 1992 elections to assist in the victory of the more forthcoming Labor Party.

Although the Clinton administration served in a decade unscathed by large-scale war, but marked by an increase in rogue states’ audacity and terrorist attacks on US targets, Clinton consistently urged Israel to accept Palestinian terrorism and insisted on turning a blind eye to blatant PA breaches of its commitments to Israel. The Clinton administration’s addiction to pressuring Israel to accept Arab aggression under the guise of peacemaking led to unprecedented meddling in Israel’s internal politics. The end result could be seen in the twin pictures of Clinton impertinently announcing his peace plan after his successor had already been elected, and Madeleine Albright chasing after Arafat outside the US Embassy in Paris in a vain attempt to get him to return to the negotiating table he had just overturned.

The refusal of successive administrations to locate the US Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, is not simply an indignity, but another example of how the US has consistently prevented Israel from gaining any political advantage from its military victories against Arab aggression.

Why has the US treated Israel so shabbily? Mainly because it can get away with it. After all, Israel has no other diplomatic outlet, given that the American people is not as cynical as the State Department. Throughout this history, the US has justified denying its democratic ally the fruits of its military victories against despotic aggressors “in the interests of peace.” This policy has never brought peace, nor has it engendered stability. Rather, just as feeding the beast acts not to placate it but to strengthen it, so US placation of the Arab world at Israel’s expense has legitimized Arab rejection of Israel.

Never having to worry about losing irrevocably in their wars against Israel, rogue states like Syria, Iraq, and Iran ostentatiously build up non-conventional capabilities to destroy Israel. For their part, supposedly moderate regimes, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, are free to inspire as much anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiment as they wish, knowing there will never be a serious price to pay, even if this hatred foments a war they will lose.

Today Bush, perhaps to a degree even greater than his predecessors, has sole power to determine which side will emerge victorious from the current Palestinian terrorist war against Israel.

And what would a much maligned and dreaded Israeli political victory over the current terrorist war look like? First and foremost, it would see Arafat’s physical disappearance from the scene and the dismantling of his Palestinian Authority as a political and military organization. Just as in Afghanistan today and hopefully in Iraq in the near future, the US has and will set up friendly, quasi-democratic governments, so Israel, or the US, would set up a new Palestinian government, committed to coexistence with Israel and the provision of political and economic freedom to the Palestinian people. Although sovereignty would not be promised, the chances of sovereignty being achieved, naturally and peacefully, would be greatly enhanced if the Palestinian people is allowed to develop democratic institutions and economic prosperity.

There is nothing wrong, immoral, imperialistic, or even anti-Palestinian about this plan. In fact, it would allow the Palestinians the opportunity to reconstitute their civil society after eight years of living under a corrupt dictatorship, which impoverished and subjugated them and told them to value murder more than life.

The only thing wrong with this plan is that it allows Israel to win this war politically.

In seemingly siding with the Saudis over Israel, the Bush administration has opted for the status quo, even though the status quo has failed repeatedly. On September 11, the US was attacked by the consequences of the status quo. Decades of hatred of the US, fuelled by despotic, US-backed regimes, which have seen the value of US guarantees as successive administrations have sold Israel out to Arab pressure, empowered al-Qaida to strike. The belief that today, the US is again preventing Israel from defeating the PA, has made Arafat stronger than he ever was before. It should have been clear by now that the Palestinian terrorist war against Israel, supported by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Syria, together with al-Qaida’s war against the US – backed by the same governments – have rendered the status quo not only destined to failure, but also dangerous to US interests.

Given the almost schizophrenic nature of the US administration’s Middle East policies, it is still anybody’s guess what Bush will decide to do. One thing is certain though: For the US to be able to win its war on Islamic terrorism, Israel must be allowed to win its war on Palestinian terrorism, both militarily and politically.

The Case Against Yasser Arafat Any fair court would convict him of murder, Harvard law professor writes by Alan M. Dershowitz - May 6, 2002

There are two distinct questions that will certainly be raised when Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and U.S. President George W. Bush meet this week. The first is factual: Is Yasser Arafat a mass murdering terrorist with the blood of thousands of civilians on his hands? The second question is one of policy: Should Israel negotiate with Arafat who, regardless of whether he is a terrorist, is also the elected leader of the Palestinian people? Sharon believes that the answer to the first question is yes and that it necessarily follows from this answer that the answer to the second question must be no. Bush wants the answer to the second question to be yes, and so he insists -- as U.S. national security advisor Condoleezza Rice has put it -- "I don't think we get anywhere by calling Yasser Arafat a terrorist." Indeed, if the U.S. were to call Arafat a terrorist, under the terms of the Bush doctrine, its hands would be tied. It could not deal with him because the Bush doctrine requires that the U.S. treat all terrorists as enemies to be defeated.

There is, of course, a third alternative: To recognize the factual reality that Arafat is a brutal terrorist who has relied on the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians from the very beginning of his career and who continues to do so today, while at the same time recognizing that it may be necessary to negotiate even with mass murderers in order to achieve peace.

The evidence that Arafat is a mass murderer is overwhelming and is beyond reasonable dispute. As a criminal law professor and a practicing criminal defence lawyer for nearly 40 years, I can attest, with absolute certainty, that there is enough evidence against Arafat to assure his conviction of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in any fair legal system anywhere in the world.

The evidence includes his own words, both oral and written, the eyewitness testimony of close associates and an overwhelming amount of documentary and circumstantial evidence.

Were Arafat a mafia don or a drug kingpin he would be spending the rest of this life in prison. On the facts currently available, the case against Arafat is far more compelling than the case against Osama bin Laden, both in terms of the quality and quantity of the evidence, and in terms of the number of deaths for which their organizations are responsible.

Here, in a nutshell, is the prosecution's case against Yasser Arafat:

Arafat's involvement with terrorism began even before Israel occupied a single inch of Palestinian territory. He began as an Egyptian terrorist, complicit in the arming of Fedayeen, who crossed the border from Egyptian-occupied Gaza into Israel to attack civilian targets. In 1968, a year after Israel's victory in the six-day war, Arafat became the father of international terrorism by directing a campaign of airplane hijackings which targeted not only El-Al but the airlines of virtually every European nation. These airplane hijackings were designed to bring attention to the Palestinian cause. Hundreds of commercial travellers were killed. In 1972, the Palestinian leadership decided to escalate its terrorism by attacking the Israeli Olympic team in Munich. Although the attack was masterminded by Mohammed Oudeh, a one-time associate of Arafat, Oudeh publicly stated that "Arafat was briefed on the scheme." Several months after the murder of the 11 Israelis in Munich, Arafat personally planned the kidnapping of two American and one Belgian diplomat in Khartoum, Sudan. Unbeknownst to Arafat, the United States intercepted a direct communication between Arafat and his operatives in the Khartoum office of al-Fatah. There exists a tape of that intercept, and of Arafat giving the direct order to murder the diplomats, one of whom was the highest ranking African-American in the American diplomatic corps. The Arafat-ordered murders were so brutal that the races of the victims could not be determined by direct observation. Two months after these murders, Arafat excitedly bragged about his involvement in them to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu at a dinner attended by Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who subsequently defected to the United States and debriefed U.S. officials about the Arafat confession. There is no statute of limitations on murder and on the basis of the Khartoum case alone, Arafat could now be convicted of first-degree murder, based on his own recorded words.

Shortly after the Khartoum killings, the Palestinian leadership once again ratcheted up its violence, this time targeting Jewish houses of prayer around the world. It targeted synagogues in Paris, Vienna, Brussels, Rome and Istanbul, killing dozens of Jews who had no connection with Israel. These killings were reminiscent of the Klu Klux Klan bombings of churches a few years earlier. In 1982, I wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times calling for an international investigation of these synagogue attacks in order to determine the role of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and its leader Yasser Arafat. No such investigation was ever conducted.

Terrorism continued as the tactic of choice by the Palestinian Authority until the early 1990s, when Arafat appeared to have renounced terrorism in favour of negotiations. This apparent renunciation earned Arafat a share of the Nobel Peace Prize. At the end of the Clinton administration, it looked like peace between Israel and the Palestinians was in hand. Israel's dovish Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians a state, control over the Arab section of East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and more than 90% of the disputed territories. Instead of either accepting this offer or continuing to negotiate for a better deal, Arafat returned to his tried and true method of targeting innocent civilians.

As one observer recently put it: "The difference between Anwar Sadat and Yasser Arafat is that Sadat used war as a tactic and peace as a strategy, whereas Arafat has always used peace as a tactic and terrorism as a strategy."

Recently, Israel released documents which, if authentic, conclusively prove that Arafat has remained complicit in the premeditated murder of civilians, including children. These documents, captured during the recent Israeli military incursion into the Palestinian Authority, contain the sort of evidence traditionally used to convict organized crime capos and drug conspirators. The documents contain Arafat's signature on payment vouchers to terrorists and for the purchase of material that could only be used in acts of terrorism. They also include authorization and payment to a commander who was known to have participated in suicide bombings of Jews attending a bat mitzvah in Hadera. Arafat personally wrote in his own hand an authorization to pay him and other terrorists: "Allocate $600 to each of them."

These documents have been compiled by Israeli authorities into a briefing book which will be presented to President Bush. If and when they are authenticated, the world will see a paper trail conclusively proving that Arafat is a murderer.

There are some who argue that Israelis, too, have killed civilians. But there is a world of difference, both legally and morally, between the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians and the incidental killing of civilians who are being used as shields and camouflage to hide terrorists.

All of this does not answer the important question of whether Israel should negotiate with Arafat. Reasonable people can differ as to the proper policy with regard to dealing with terrorists. But no reasonable person can now believe that Arafat is anything but a terrorist.

To argue that Israel must negotiate with a terrorist because he is the elected leader of the Palestinian people is a knife that cuts both ways: It also supports the conclusion that the Palestinian people, at least those who voted for Arafat knowing that he is a terrorist, are morally complicit in his terrorism.

April 28, 2002

Biological attack poses real threat, experts say

Risk is believed to be that civilians will be the target

The terrorist attack that experts most fear would not be seen, heard or felt.

It would ease its way through a city, taking lives without causing even a hiccup in the daily routine. Days afterward, doctors might begin to notice patients with curious complaints who aren't getting better. Eventually, health officials would realize they were treating victims of bioterrorism.

"It's not a question of 'if,' it's a question of 'when,' " said Dr. Donald Henderson, head of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies in Baltimore.

Dr. Henderson and others have come to believe that civilians, not the military, are most vulnerable to a bioterrorist attack. Unlike soldiers, civilians are generally unprotected and might offer an easier target. And an anonymous terrorist would not run the risk of retaliation from one of the most advanced militaries in the world.

Unfortunately, nature has provided agents that, with the right tinkering, might be turned into weapons that are invisible and untraceable.

Last month, Dallas became one of several cities to apply for a share of $158 million in federal money to prepare for a biological attack. It is the first time the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has received funding specifically aimed at responding to bioterrorism. Unlike other disasters, which are met with swarms of sirens and flashing lights, a biological assault might show itself earliest on emergency room gurneys.

The likelihood of such an attack in the United States "is not large, but it's not zero," said Dennis Perrotta, chief of the epidemiology bureau at the Texas Department of Health in Austin.

And the consequences could be devastating, he said, no matter how prepared a city might be. "If this occurs, we will lose people," said Dr. Perrotta, who served recently on a special committee on biological and chemical terrorism assembled by the National Academy of Sciences.

A tough task

The good news, so far, is that bioterrorism doesn't appear to be easy to pull off. And not just any microbe would lend itself to the job.

"We would rate, at the top of the list, smallpox and anthrax as the two organisms we fear the most," Dr. Henderson said. Both spread readily through the air, both are relatively easy to grow, and both can cause widespread disease.

Anthrax is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. In the soil, it forms a tough spore that can persist for years. Cattle and other grazing animals are the rare natural victims of anthrax when they accidentally ingest spores from the ground.

Although the anthrax bacterium can infect people several ways, it is most lethal when inhaled. When these spores are dried and left in a concentrated powder, they are breathable. In an unintentional human experiment, a secret Soviet biological weapons plant accidentally released such "aerosolized" anthrax in 1979 in Sverdlovsk. Although the breach lasted only hours, a northerly wind carried a narrow plume of bacteria across the city. At least 77 people became ill, and only 11 survived. Sheep and cows up to 30 miles away also died.

An investigation found that the devastation was caused by, at most, a gram of anthrax - less than the weight of a dollar bill. A World Health Organization report estimated that if an airplane released 50 kilograms, or just over 100 pounds, of anthrax spores upwind over a city of 500,000, about 220,000 people would become ill.

But a person probably couldn't just whip up an anthrax aerosol in the basement, said Dr. Philip Brachman, a medical epidemiologist at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta. "You'd have to really know what you were doing to be able to develop an aerosol," Dr. Brachman said. "It would take an unusual bit of equipment."

Outside the United States, at least one terrorist group has tried and failed. Eight or nine times between 1990 and 1995, the Japanese cult Aum Shinri Kyo attempted to spray aerosolized anthrax bacteria, as well as the toxin that causes botulism, from rooftops or vehicles in metropolitan Tokyo. (This surfaced during the cult's trial for the 1995 chemical attack with sarin gas.) The anthrax particles merely dropped to the ground.

A powder would also need some nudging to be inhaled, Dr. Brachman said, referring to a string of hoaxes in which people have sent envelopes of "anthrax," informing the recipients that they have just been exposed.

"If somebody pulled out an envelope, and to the desk fell some white powder, you'd have to put your nose down on the desk and sniff it" to risk inhalation-induced anthrax, Dr. Brachman said.

Furthermore, if the powder remained undisturbed, people farther away wouldn't be in any danger. Anthrax is not spread person to person.

But smallpox is.

An old idea

The idea of using smallpox as a weapon reportedly dates at least to the French and Indian War in the mid-1700s, when British soldiers sent blankets from a smallpox hospital to American Indians.

"Smallpox, if it got started, could continue to spread," said Dr. Robert Shope of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, who was also a member of the National Academy of Sciences committee. A person can be infected with the smallpox virus for two weeks without knowing it, all the while infecting others.

The disease has no cure, and about 30 percent of victims die.

In 1967, a year when 10 million to 15 million people were stricken with the disease, world health authorities began an eradication campaign. Thirteen years later, the disease was conquered and all vaccination stopped. By official accounts, only two frozen stocks of smallpox virus remain. One is housed at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and the other in Russia.

Recently, however, reports of unofficial stashes of smallpox have shaken experts in terrorism and international intelligence. In 1992, Ken Alibek, a former first deputy chief of research and production of the Russian biological weapons program, defected to the United States. He describes smallpox stashes hidden throughout Russia.

"What other governments saw as a medical victory, the Kremlin perceived as a military opportunity," Dr. Alibek writes in his recent book Biohazard, about the Soviet biological weapons program. "A world no longer protected from smallpox was a world newly vulnerable to the disease."

Even vaccinated adults would not be protected, because the immunity fades over time. With the Russian economy in ruins, Dr. Alibek and others worry that the fruits of Russian smallpox weapons experiments, as well as the scientists who performed them, might be for sale.

"The disastrous economic conditions in Russia have driven many of our brightest scientists and technicians to seek work wherever they can get it," Dr. Alibek writes.

Other threats

Smallpox and the anthrax bacterium aren't the only agents that haunt bioterrorism experts. The organisms that cause bubonic plague, a bacterial infection known as tularemia and other microbes are just as capable of causing disaster.

However, some scientists are wary of placing too much emphasis on any one disease. The failure of the wealthy Aum cult, despite its best efforts to engage in bioterrorism, is perhaps a demonstration that the technical hurdles are not small.

"The one [large-scale] attack we've had has been salmonella," said Dr. Ronald Atlas of the University of Louisville, who is chairman of the American Society for Microbiology's task force on biological weapons. "More likely I think you'd see that sort of low-tech attack."

The salmonella incident, which occurred in Oregon in 1984, caused 751 people to become ill after 10 salad bars were sprinkled with the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. Members of a religious commune had contaminated the restaurants to incapacitate voters before a county election.

Dallas has experienced a similar, but smaller, bioterrorist attack: In 1996, a lab worker at St. Paul Medical Center dumped shigella bacteria on her co-workers' breakfast pastries, making 12 people sick. She pleaded guilty in the case last year and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

"I think it's very easy to make other people sick," Dr. Atlas said. "I think it's very hard to cause mass casualties."

Dr. Henderson, of Johns Hopkins, acknowledges that the scariest organisms would be the hardest to use. But he fears that many terrorists, like Aum Shinri Kyo or those sponsored by exiled Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden, are organized enough and rich enough to be a concern.

"I don't think it's going to be some yahoo from Montana that's going to get involved in this," he said. "It's become apparent that there are between 10 and 15 countries that are involved in developing bioweapons. They could use surrogates [other terrorists] to disperse them."

He and others who talk about bioterrorism say they are not out to scare the public.

"There are some who maintain that discussing the subject will cause needless alarm," Dr. Alibek states. "But existing defenses against these weapons are dangerously inadequate, and when biological terror strikes, as I'm convinced it will, public ignorance will only heighten the disaster. The first step we must take to protect ourselves is to understand what biological weapons are and how they work."

  • How long will it be before the UN Police will be in charge in the USA? April 24, 2002

    United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan issued his Millennium Report to prepare "the largest single gathering of Heads of State and/or Government ever held in the world" for global governance, a euphemism for world government.

    After five years of planning, the UN Millennium Summit will be held September 6-9 at the UN headquarters in New York, the day after the commencement of the UN Millennium Assembly. The UN claims that it will provide "a historic opportunity to agree on a process for fundamental review of the role of, and challenges facing the United Nations in the new century." The UN proposes to do nothing less than "chart a course for the world's peoples in the first decades of the new millennium."

    Originally proposed by the UN Commission on Global Governance in its 1995 report entitled, Our Global Neighborhood, the plan was accepted in the 1997 Track II–Reform a the United Nations report by Annan. The secretary general called for the General Assembly in 2000 to be "convened as a special ‘Millennium Assembly’ with a summit segment at which heads of Government could come together to articulate their vision of prospects and challenges for the new millennium and agree on a process for fundamental review of the role of the United Nations."

    Both Our Global Neighborhood and the Track 2–Reform at the United Nations call for a total, top-to-bottom restructuring of the UN to enable it to administer global governance. Many of these restructuring changes have already been implemented, but Annan claimed in 1997 the UN must be provided "with greater authority through Charter revisions" to make it truly effective. In his Track 2 report he called for creating a "Special Commission, at the ministerial level" to make recommendations for a new Charter at the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. That plan never materialized, and instead a series of regional conferences were held in 1999 to obtain input from governments and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

    We the Peoples

    Secretary General Kofi Annan released the Millennium Report on the United Nations in the 21st Century on April 3, 2000. Called We the Peoples, the report begins by claiming that "The benefits of globalization are obvious:  faster growth, higher living standards, new opportunities.  Yet a backlash has begun, because these benefits are so unequally distributed, and because the global market is not yet underpinned by rules based on shared social objectives." Annan claims this unconstrained globalization is beginning to "generate a backlash," as evidenced in "last November’s World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle."

    What Annan did not say, however, is that the NGO Seattle riots and the ones that occurred at Davos Switzerland in late January, at Bangkok in mid February and at Washington DC in mid-April are no accident. Annan knows it. A week after the Seattle riots Annan was in Montreal at the World Civil Society Conference telling many of the very same NGOs that rioted in Seattle that "I see a United Nations keenly aware that if the global agenda is to be properly addressed, a partnership with civil society is not an option, it is a must.... I see a United Nations which recognizes that the NGO the best thing that has happened to the [UN] in a long time."

    As is usual for the UN, Annan's report is very vague in its language, overly optimistic in its goals, short on substance, and drastically distorts its true intent—to restructure the UN into a world government. 

    That is not what Annan claims, however. Global governance, he insists, is not a "world government of centralized bureaucratic behemoths trampling on the rights of people and states." "Nothing," he claims, "is less desirable." Instead, he avows that it is a loose group of international "decision-making structures" which articulates and advances the "cause of common humanity." On the other hand, "Global civilization," claims Annan, must be driven by a "robust international legal order" within the "principles and practices of multilateralism." (Bold added) 

    What Annan doesn’t say is that the definition for government in the Webster's New World Dictionary is "the exercise of authority over a state...," "the right, function, or power of governing," or "a system of political administration by which...nation[s]...[are] governed." Governance, according to Webster, is "the act, manner, function, or power of government." With Annan's doublespeak, dung magically becomes a rose. 

    One of the first tasks of the UN once it has the power to govern is to "to adopt the target of halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty, and so lifting more than 1 billion people out of it, by 2015" by "ensuring that people in all developing countries can benefit from globalization." This will be done, according to the report, by "rich countries... opening their markets to poor countries’ products," providing them with " deeper and faster debt relief," and giving " more and better focused development assistance." 

    Not all third world nations receiving development assistance have been successful, however. Corrupt governments almost guarantee failure. Annan affirms that "economic success depends in considerable measure on the quality of governance a country enjoys. Good governance comprises the rule of law, effective State institutions, transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs, respect for human rights, and the participation of all citizens in the decisions that affect their lives." A casual reader would believe that this is what the UN is creating. But, it is not. The emerging global governance exhibits none of these foundational principles to good government. Nowhere, in any UN or NGO document is there any mention of a structure of governance that would permit real checks and balances to absolute power. There will be absolutely no direct accountability to the people governed.

    Instead, the "emerging global legal order," is based upon signing and ratifying "international treaties and conventions." Hence, one of the purposes of the Millennium Summit will be to allow world leaders to sign a variety of treaties while they are attending. Annan is especially pushing the ratification of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to "bring to justice," he claims, "those responsible for crimes against humanity." Yet, numerous studies have revealed that the ICC has absolutely no checks and balances. Its judges can bring charges against any citizen or elected official for anything they deem as a crime against humanity. The accused is guilty until proven innocent, and the court's jurisdiction is superior to national courts. It is the perfect tool to coerce elected officials and citizens alike to toe the UN line. 

    In addition to poverty, Annan notes that most recent wars have been internal with high civilian casualties. Driven by "politics, greed and ethnic or religious hatreds," these wars are fueled, he claims, "by a hyperactive and in large part illicit global arms market." "In the wake of these conflicts," he contends, "a new understanding of the concept of security is evolving." Not security from "external attack", but rather security "of communities and individuals from internal violence."

    The solution to all of this, of course, is UN control. Annan insists that "international humanitarian and human rights laws" must be reasserted. To enforce them, he contends, "the Security Council has a moral duty to act on behalf of the international community." In other words, the UN should intervene militarily like NATO did in Kosovo. But Annan laments that the UN cannot do this job the way it is presently structured. He implies that the UN needs its own army for peace making/keeping purposes. Even so, small arms "endanger peacekeepers and humanitarian workers" and benefit terrorists and "perpetrators of organized crime." Of course, Annan's one-dimensional solution is gun control and the time-honored practice of all tyrants, the establishment of a global police state.

    The greatest justification for global governance, according to Annan, is the need to protect the environment. "Earth's atmosphere is warming at an increasing rate," he warns. The hottest 14 years since systematic measurements began in the 1860s have all occurred in the past two decades." Yet, the data used in the report to support his claim is a compilation from a highly suspect database whose temperature records are corrupted by a variety of sources. The best temperature data to date is from satellites which can measure the earth's temperature to 0.01 oC. This data shows no warming at all since 1979. Over 17,000 verified scientists in the U.S. have signed a petition saying that there is insufficient evidence of global warming for a treaty to be passed.

    Nonetheless, Annan calls for the immediate ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, which he claims will reduce the global carbon dioxide (CO2) to "5 per cent below 1990 levels." However, because only the industrialized nations are bound by the treaty, leaving developing nations free to increase their emissions, the Kyoto Protocol is not designed to accomplish any CO2 reduction. While the U.S. must reduce its projected energy requirements by over 30 percent by 2012, nations like Mexico, Brazil, China and others can increase their energy use at will. The Kyoto Protocol is nothing more than the greatest income redistribution plan ever conceived in the mind of a socialist. In the process, it will destroy the U.S. as an economic powerhouse.

    Annan would also create what is called "green accounting" to integrate the environment into "mainstream economic policy" to make sure all human activity and development is "sustainable." Green taxes would be imposed on those that the UN considers "polluters" based on a completely arbitrary formula that somehow is supposed to measure the degree of impact a human activity or development theoretically imposes on the environment. In other cases, nations would be required to impose appropriate regulations to maintain certain standards set by the UN. To ensure that everyone is forced to follow a new earth ethic, the Earth Charter has recently been completed that establishes just such an ethic. This ethic will be put into law in 2002 with the introduction of a new treaty called the Covenant on the Environment and Development.

    While we do face environmental problems, nearly all of them are caused by corrupt, repressive governments that have no concern for the plight of either their people or the environment. Incredibly, the one thing that can help solve the world's water and food shortage problem is increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere—the very thing global governance will reduce. Much research has shown that a doubling of CO2 can increase crop and forest production by up to 50 percent, and can dramatically increase the drought tolerance of crops so that they can grow with less irrigation. Yet, Annan and global governance seek to reduce the very thing that could save the world! It is diabolical.

    Annan seeks through global governance to destroy the very things that have been proven to protect the environment: national economic wealth, property rights and human ingenuity. The UN’s solution to the world’s problems is to bring every human being under the control of the UN. The root causes of poverty, war, and environmental destruction are greed, power, hatred and corruption. These are issues of the soul and spirit. Although they can be curtailed at the point of a gun, no amount of governance can ever change it. Only God can do that by changing the heart. 

    The role of NGOs

    Global governance will not come upon us suddenly during the dual meetings of the Millennium Assembly and Summit this September. Global governance has been encroaching for decades. Rather, the Millennium Summit will likely mark the public debut of UN global governance across trans-national boundaries. The Millennium Assembly is a special name for the fifty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly that commences on September 5, 2000. The Millennium Summit, on the other hand, is a meeting of all the heads of state in the world and starts on September 6. Its purpose is to determine the role of the UN in the twenty-first century.

    The implementation of global governance has been gradually underway for decades as the sovereignty of individual nations around the world has been systematically eroded. Within nations all of the pieces of global governance have been carefully put into place, ensuring the final transfer of power to a centralized, global government in the not too distant future.

    The UN agenda is already firmly entrenched in the American landscape in such things such as gun control, sustainable development and federal land grabs that will eventually claim well over 100 million acres of private property with the balance controlled through regulation. Federal programs such as the American Heritage Rivers Program, Clean Water Action Plan, Ecosystem Management, Sustainable America, Global Warming and many, many more, effectively circumvent Constitutional law by transferring power from elected representatives to non-elected bureaucracies and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). All of these are done in the name of satisfying the requirements of numerous treaties and international agreements—even when they have not been approved by Congress.

    At the same time the global educators have implemented the occult-based Goals 2000 to dumb-down and prepare our children to be unquestioning global citizens. UN taxing authority merely awaits a new UN Charter. Finally, with the International Criminal Court in place and a permanent, standing army in the works, the UN is poised at the threshold of having the enforcement muscle it needs to back its policies and retain centralized control.

    Before the Millennium Summit takes place, however, the inaugural meeting of a new UN Millennium Forum of "Civil Society" will be held May 22-26 in New York. Civil Society is nothing more than globally-oriented special interest non-governmental organizations seeking to violently force their collective agenda onto the world through protests and riots. So far there have been three protests and riots by NGOs. The first in Seattle late last year was against the WTO. The second was in Davos, Switzerland, early this year against the World Economic Forum, and the third was in Bangkok, Thailand, in mid-February at the UN Conference on Trade and Development. They were the result of highly orchestrated efforts to bring enormous pressure on the world leaders at the Summit to adopt NGO demands. The next protest is scheduled for Washington D.C. against the World Bank-International Monetary Fund meetings starting on April 16.

    The NGO demands take the form of Charter 99, A Charter for Global Democracy, which is nothing more than a restatement of recommendations made in 1995 by the UN Commission on Global Governance. Both provide a blueprint for global governance. The Commission on Global Governance had recommended a new UN Charter be presented to heads of state at the Millennium Summit on September 6. That recommendation was derailed, however. So, instead of the UN proposing a new UN Charter at the Millennium Assembly, NGOs will do it. In a stroke of Hegelian duplicity, NGOs are now protesting against the evils globalism to create global governance. By using rioting they hope to force the world’s leaders at next September’s Millennium Summit to create a new UN Charter which will institute global governance. The UN will claim the people of the world demanded it.

    Six sub-themes will be addressed at the Millennium Forum that parallel Charter 99: 1) Peace, Security and Disarmament, 2) The Eradication of Poverty, Including Debt Cancellation and Social Development; 3) Human Rights; 4) Sustainable Development and The Environment; 5) The Challenges of Globalization, Achieving Equity Justice and Diversity; and, 6) Strengthening and Democratizing the United Nations and Other International Organizations. More accurate titles might be: 1) Global Gun Control and Disarmament, 2) Redistribution of Wealth, 3) Control of Human Rights, 4) The Great Global Land Grab, 5) Creating an NGO Parliament within the UN and, 6) Socialization of the Planet.

    Nearly every agenda item in the Millennium Forum represents a consolidation of power in the hands of non-elected bureaucrats and NGOs. The impudence with which these demands are made shows that the obliteration of national sovereignty and personal freedom is the core goal of "Civil Society" which seeks to establish enormous power for itself within the coming global government.

    The plan to implement global governance is so diabolical it can come only from one source---Satan (diabolos), the father of all lies. Unless God intervenes, humanity is on a collision course with disaster. If so, remember 1 John 4:4, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." V ms and ks

    By His End Time Watchmen

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    Friday, 19 April, 2002 Annan calls for Mid-East peacekeepers

    President Bush praised the Israeli withdrawal

    United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has said a multinational peacekeeping force is needed in the Middle East. Mr Annan told the Security Council that a multinational force was essential because the Israelis and Palestinians have been driven so far apart.

    Israel radio said that the army pullout from Jenin had been completed early on Friday.

    Israel had pulled its forces out of Jenin town and part of the refugee camp on Thursday, leaving behind what a UN envoy called a "totally unacceptable" situation.

    Early on Friday morning a Palestinian man was shot dead as Israeli tanks moved into the edges of Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said.

    The Israeli military said it was conducting a "routine operation" in the area, when it came under fire.

    "Our forces returned fire towards the armed Palestinians only," an Israeli military source was quoted as saying.

    Palestinian sources also said that Israeli tanks entered Qalqilya in the West Bank, one of the town from which the army withdrew last week, amid sporadic gunfire.

    The Israeli army refused to comment.

    'On schedule'

    US President George W Bush said on Thursday that he believed the Israeli withdrawal was going to schedule.

    Click here to see town-by-town update Describing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as "a man of peace", Mr Bush said Mr Sharon had begun his promised withdrawal and it was being done "quickly".

    Palestinian spokesman Saeb Erekat called Mr Bush's comments "a gift, a reward for Sharon's policy of state terrorism and war crimes".

    Israeli officials say that by Saturday troops will have left most West Bank areas apart from Ramallah and Bethlehem.

    Speaking in New York, Mr Annan said there was a need for a peacekeeping force large enough to take "decisive action" to end the deadly cycle of attacks.

    The multinational force should be assembled by countries willing to supply troops and should have "a robust mandate," he said, adding later: "I expect the United States to play an important role."

    However, a White House spokesman said only that the US would back civilian monitors.

    Ari Fleischer said that President George W Bush "thinks the purpose of America's military is to fight and win wars".

    'Horrific' Jenin

    UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, who toured the Jenin refugee camp on Thursday, said that the devastation left by Israeli forces was "horrific beyond belief".

    He said it was "morally repugnant" that Israel had not allowed emergency workers in for 11 days to provide humanitarian relief.

    Palestinians claim hundreds of bodies are buried beneath the rubble, but Israel says the numbers of dead are far fewer.

    An British independent forensic expert, Prof Derrick Pounder, says evidence suggests that a massacre has taken place.

    Mr Roed-Larsen said the top priority was to bring in search-and-rescue teams. The only rescue efforts currently under way are residents digging though the ruins looking for survivors.

    "It is totally destroyed, it looks like an earthquake has hit it," he said.

    Israel invaded the Jenin camp on 3 April, saying it was a hotbed of Palestinian militancy and declaring it a closed military zone.

    Danny Ayalon, the chief foreign policy adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said that Israel shared the humanitarian concerns and was already allowing some aid teams to operate.

    Israel says troops will continue to surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where a group of armed Palestinians are among more than 200 people who have been holed up for more than two weeks.

  • God's plan in progress now, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Not everyone will understand God's coded prophecy!

    To help decode: The word "whore, false prophet, woman and Babylon the Great" refers to organized religion. The word "beast and Babylon" refers to organized governments. The word "horn" refers to divisions of the UN system or members. Now study with the language tools provided later on in this web site and you will know where we are on God's callender.

    Revelation Chapter 18

    Chapter 18 announces the judgment. The one difficulty here is verse 4, coming where it is; but, as every difficulty in scripture, it leads into further light. The destruction of Babylon is simple enough. She falls by God's judgment just before Christ comes to judge the earth; and, first perhaps losing her power and influence, is destroyed by the horns and beast. The comparison of chapter 16:8, and the place it holds, chap. 16:19, 18:8, and the beginning of 19, make this plain. Chapter 18 is a warning from heaven, not the angel of judgment of the earth. It is not consequent on events, but supposes spiritual apprehension of heaven's mind. This is the case when it is simply a voice from heaven. This call then was a spiritual call, not a manifest judgment. It may be more urgent and direct just before judgment, and I doubt not will be: as the call is in Hebrews to come out of the camp because Jerusalem's day was at hand. Hence I believe this applies whenever we see the system to be Babylon, and the sense of her iniquities is pressed upon the conscience.

    The chapter then goes on to the actual execution of judgment according to chapter 17:16. The horns, or kingdoms connected with the beast, have destroyed her. The kings mourn over her; so do those that have sought profit and ease and commerce in the earth. The royal and commercial system is shattered to pieces by the upset of the system. What characterises her, that for which she is judged, is idolatry, corruption, worldliness, and persecution. She is judged and destroyed, and the prosperity of the worldly is smitten by her fall, and the hopes of the kings who had commerce with her. The blood of all saints was found in her, as in Jerusalem in her day. Persecution comes from religion connected with worldly advantage. But what a picture we have here of the world, the relations of the kings and of the saints to Babylon!

  • World Government Plans and Humanity on hold:

    The fact or quality of being humane; kindness, mercy, sympathy, etc.

    During this time of world globalization, the human race is even more interconnected with one another than ever before, through economic and mass communication mediums. It is obvious that we depend on one another in order to maintain a stable economy and we all feel the ripple effects of a failed economy equally all through out the world. This also holds true with regards to our humanity.

    Mass communication today delivers to us first hand information for us to witness upfront human suffering that unfortunately still exists in the world today. It is unavoidable for us not to be witness. Though, unlike the world economy, we do have a choice to either assist those who are suffering or to shut them out completely from our conscience.

    Our individual choice to help or ignore human suffering is completely up to us and we must take responsibility for our actions on behalf of all mankind. It should be our obligation. Let us not leave our human rights in the hands of soldiers who are trained to kill and to politicians who train us to accept and justify the killing of children. Take humanity off hold by affirming in solidarity that all human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination. Until then, humanity is on hold.

  • Prophecy:

    See Revelation 12:7-10 "satan and his 7000 angels cast to earth. Revelation 9:3-11, satan's rule for 5 months, Revelation 11:3-10 The two physical witnesses of the end times and their death after 3 1/2 years. Then satans reign comes to an end at the battle of Hamongog and Armageddon. 1st Cor. 15:52 Our physical bodies are all changed to spirit bodies at Christ return!

  • The Final Great World War:

    Armageddon at the Valley of Meggido in Israel and Hamongog is Alaska.

  • This website is written for and by both Christian, Jewish and Muslim editors.

    Our goal is to present the real truth that is hidden to mankind and let the world know that only God will bring about total peace. Yes and it will be in the next few short years. He who endures all things and sufferings will be of survice in God's Kingdom for a Millennium.

    See (1 Cor. 15:52) and you will know when!


Before You Read Any Further, Enter Here and learn how to 'discern truth written or spoken by a man' in our times!

Confirming Information Web Sites

(1) Lets follow Usama bin Laden all the way to the Coos County, Oregon Jail in September of 2008 - We know where he is all the time!
(2) The Eyes On The World - News & Prophecy
(3) World News Today - the most accurate!
(4) Daily Bible Study - Translated from original Greek, Chaldean & Hebrew Manuscripts
(5) Valuable Free Software Downloads and Services for our Readers
(6) Government Secrets, Secret Projects, Aliens, (ADULT CONTENT)
(7) War is on the Horizon in 2008 AD
(8) The Plot to surrender America to the UN
(9) Facts That Our Political and Religious Leaders don't want you to know!
(10) A great Sept. 11 Site of World-Wide News Stories

Native peoples of all nations, black, white, red, yellow, grey and those of the inner earth, we need your tithes and offerings to continue our work. If you know that I, Melchizedek, the son of man, am working hard day and night to reach every man, woman and child throughout the entire earth for the bettermint, understanding and to help give you peace in the end times of this system as we know it! Please help us help you.

At the end of each callender month, we will randomly pick a new batch of nine families in need and send them 10% of the months receivables before expences.

Those whom are blessed with more, please send a tithe of your annual earnings, for you too may be a receiver. Those of you that have less, send one to three gold one ounce coins of your country and those with little, send one silver one to three ounce coins. Old collectable coins are accepted too!

Three families in each group will receive 10% of the gross receipts in each catergory and each month there will be nine receivers of unimagined amounts. Better than any lottery and you will receive more from God! With no scams! START TODAY and RECEIVE INSTANT BLESSINGS TOMORROW! Spiritual, physican and financial. You cannot outgive the Lord!

Tell your relatives, friends and neighbors. Then in a nice little box with the coins, enclose that name of the individuals that have their dna on the coins along with you physical and financial needs. Rap them in a baggie. We will then take each and every box with the offering and say a special prayer for health, healing and safety for all that you mention. Some will be blesed financially, some physically and most important using the code of three "spiritually."

And I promiss that you all will have bread on your table as well as special blessing from the most high. We in the God family, three of us, love you all, just beleive and see miracles happen, including the dead being raised up in the flesh and miraculas healings in these end times. Miracles which doctors cannot do! Don't waite to be raptured, it is only a dotorine of man that began in Scotland in 1830. Look up the rapture docturing by Margeret MacDonald of Scotlnad on you computer and our web sites and you will know the truth and whole story to tell you religious leaders.

You will then become teachers of the word and bless many as we will bless you. You will be hated by many, but loved by more. Teach them how to have the same blessings which we give you!

Never have to buy drugs with side effects of liver failiur, heart attact and death ever again.

Please let us help you live a better life with understanding of not only the code of three, but a life that the Father meant you to have in the first place. As the Father and I have allways been with you, let us now prove it to you beyond a shawdow of doublt. Can any mortal man make such a promiss. Let you conscience be your guide after you read this and our many other wib sites. You will see they are all written to you in order to better your understanding and assist all mankind for the better. With a eternal love from the father Yehwey and I the son of man, Melchizedek!

We use God's code of three in all of our dealings. - By the great white spirit, the 3rd entity of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit or God's evenging Angel or the son of man is Here Now in the flesh! The code of 3 is very important for you to understand to know when your blessing are coming!.

Yes, I do look right into the sun and my eyes don't burn! For America to succeed, the nation must turn back to God. Remember, In God we trust! Not "M. Obama!" September 4, 2008

As evidenced below, prophecy in the book of Daniel and Revelations is about to be fullfilled. The king of the North, (Russia) is about to come against the king of the South (USA). The rest of the prophecied events you can read with confidence below after the psunami. If we have a giant psunami in January 2009, then we know that we are on God's callender of the prophecied end times, would'nt you say?

If you don't know us yet, read Revelations 11:4. We are the two olive trees and the two candlestiks, standing before the God of this earth. God's two end time witnesses. As a whirlwind commeth out of the north, there shall be the son of man.

For the coming atomic war we will try to have a good supply of Potassium Iodate on Hand for radiation poisoning and Atrophine for poison gas. Follow instrustions on the labels. Ask you National Guard or Doctor for a one month supply. Also have a bottle of grapefruit seed extract on hand to purify your drinking water. Have dried foods and vitamins & nutrients in you kit too! Then read on other web site for emergency supplies needed! We in the god family do not lie about prophecy and don't want to have to worry about all of you fine people in the world!

"In the begining" we gave man comon sence"

With emotions of Love and hate, we live with each day! With sences of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. If it is hot, we don't touch, drink, eat or taste it until it cools off. If you apply comon sences in life, you won't get burnt! Dogs have the sence of smell to follow their masters, if he is good and feeds him! They have excellent smell, hearing, sight, and have memories and emotions. Dog is God spelt backwards. Do you have a sence of place and purpose? Is it to bring together or devide? "Love or hate?" What will be the end result? The earth too has electro magnitic waves! Can you read them? Are your idols truely worthy of your love and respect? Will they accomplish your hearts desires and needs? Appy all the above in your daily decission making! Remember, judgement began at the household of the Lord! Shepherds, religious leaders and political leaders, do you live for your people or your own personal ambitions? Let all nations, above, in and on the earth pray together for the "Eternal God's will" in these end times. Amen

To all mankind everywhere. Before you begin to read this web-site, take the time to remember the following two Bible Scriptures taken from the original KJV of 1611!

First - Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? From - (2 Cor. 6:14)

Second - When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. From - (Proverbs 16:7)

In the Old Testament Bible it states that in these end time Israel would be hated by all nations and the enemy will be knocking down their doors from house to house. Keep in mind that it is referring to all of the 13 tribes of Israel and not just Judah! To mention too that England is where the Tribe of Epherim settled with some of the Royal Tribe of Judah. (The Royal Family) via Scotland and Ireland. And the USA is where the Tribe of Mennaseh came and settled from England on the Mayflower.

So all Israel will be hated and surrounded by the enemy. Russia to our north via Alaska and Cuba to the South and China to our south, via the Panama Canal and the South seas. Europe will stand off and wait for Israel to be defeated and then come to collect the spoils like vultures.

But, then read (2 Chron. 20:29) And the fear of the GOD (Father) was on all the Kingdoms of those Countries when they had heard that the LORD fought against the enemies of Israel. Israel is God's chosen people in the end times to fulfill His final works! Are You An Enemy of Israel and GOD?

Can't you now see that we are in the last days as mentioned in Prophecy? Open your heart and eyes my friends, God has already taken His "blessings and protections" away from "America in 1992" because she went a hoaring and allowed the dog (homo-sexuals) See (Rev. 22:15) in the military camps and did not put them out! Also see Re. 21: and read all about the seven vials and seven plagues be poured out on man at this time. Both scripture and news below will confirm all!

It is all HIS Kingdom don't forget!

ENTER HERE for April 1, 2002 Exciting factual updates on War and Bin Laden

In answer to a question by Bill O'Reilly of the O'Reilly factor on Fox News 02/04/02 at 5 PM Pacific. Now on this 5th day of April, 2002 let us get into history and maybe see why Israel may have so many problems. We also will take Scriptures from the 1611 Original King James version of the Holy bible, both Old and New Testiments.

Let me also point out that this is where the prevailing religious bodies fail to fully understand the scripture. They declare that because God had caused Israel to be driven from the land of "Palistine," He had cast them away forever. In doing so, they teach, God had brought His Kingdom, established at Mount Sinai, to an end and its place had chose what they term the Gentile church, or "Spiritual Israel." This is far from true!

In contradiction to this theory, God is faithful. He cannot and will not lie, and He will keep His Everlasting Covenant made with Abraham and his descendants, Israel. For if He cast His people away forever and they no longer exist then God has lied. He has been unfaithful, He has broken His Everlasting Covenant with them and is not dependable. But we know He does not and cannot lie. (Heb. 6: 18)

No proof can be found in Scripture that God has cast away His people forever. The proofs that God has not cast them off are too numerous to be listed here but a few should be mentioned. Read Leviticus 26, where God warned Israel that the result of the continued sinning would be removal from their land to be scattered throughout the nations of the earth, but in the 44th verse we have God's definite statement that even when they were in the hands of their enemies He would not cast them away. Even for all their sins, He would not break His Covenant with them. This is repeated in Deut. 4: 26-31.

Again in Isaiah 41: 8-9, after all Israel had been scattered, God says He has not cast them away. Then in the closing book of the Old Testiment, Malachi 3:6, God says to Israel, "I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are NOT consumed."

We also find in the New Testiment when Christ, The God of Israel, came to earth He declared, "I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel" (Matt. 15:24). Would he have come to seek a people that did not exist? Rather, it is declared of Him that He came to "confirm the promises made unto the fathers" (Rom. 15:8)

Also, Paul in answer to the question, "Hath God cast away His people?" replied in no uncertain terms, "God hath not cast away His people" (Rom. 11: 1-2). The epistle of James is addresed to the "Twelve tribes scattered abroad", Peter wrote to (the strangers and pilgrims in the lands through which they were scattered) (1 Peter 1 & 2). A wealth of scripture can be found to prove that God has sworn He will never cast them away, nor break His Everlasting Covenant with them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Paul, Peter, James, and the prophets all declare they are not cast away, but "the organized religions" teach that God has cast them away forever, thereby nullifying His Everlasting Covenant with them. Whom do you believe? If you really believe God, then there can be only one answer, and that is the answer given by Paul, "God hath not cast away His people."

What then is to become of them? Much space could be taken up answering this question by simply presenting the numerous statements from Scripture relative to it, but only a few can be given here.

We will start with the prophet Jeremiah and from Jer. 31:10, "And declare it in the isles afar of and say, He that scattered Israel will gather and keep him as a shepherd doth his flock." That was a promise made by God to Israel after their dispersion; that is confirmed again in Jerimiah 32:37-44, then again in Isaiah 43:5-6, addresses to scattered Israel. In Jerimiah 18, God tell the prophet that just as the potter's clay was marred in the hands of the potter, but taken again the second time and remoulded into a perfect vessel, so would He do with the House of Israel. In Jer. 46:27 God told Israel He would save them from afar off, together with all their seed. And in Ezekiel 20:34 God promised to gather Israel out of the countries wherein they were scattered.

In Amos 9:9, God declared that although He will sift Israel among the nations "like as corn is sifted in a sieve," yet, not the least grain would fall upon the ground. The in the 14th and 15th verses He one again promised to bring them to their own land in the appointed time, where they "shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them."

Israel was to be divorced from the Mosaic Law and their identity temporarily lost to history, but know to God. They were to be recovenanted, in Christ, to enjoy the Israel Birthright in the "appointed" land; "Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more, neither shall the children of wichedness afflict them any more, as beforetime" (2nd Sam 7:10). Since the children of Israel were in Palistine at the time, it follows, that the appointed place had to be somewhere else.

In Ezekiel 34: 1-16, God sees His sheep, His people Israel, "scattered upon all the face of the earth", as lost sheep without a shepherd, and in the 11th verse, "For thus saith the Lord God, Behold I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out as a shepherd doth his flock in the day that he is among his sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day."

Here, God is saying that He Himself would come and seek them out as a shepherd seeking his lost sheep, (Jer. 31:10) and when Christ came to earth He said "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30) Timothy understood this great mystery and stated "God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, (non-believers) believed on in the world, received up unto glory." Clearly this was referring to Christ of whom the prophets foretold. "He would be called the Son of God." St. Matthew also understood what was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name "Emmanuel," when he said, "Emmanuel" which being interpreted is, God is with us. (Matt. 1:23) Isaiah also gave among the names of the child, "The Everlasting Father" (Isaiah 9:6).

Christ then openly declared, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House Of Israel," (Matt. 15:24) "I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep" (John 10:11); "The Son Of Man is come to save that which was lost" (Matt. 18:11). He commissioned His disciples, "As the Father hath sent me even so send I you." A study of the Epistles will soon prove that they have found Israel where they had been scattered throughout Western Europe and part of Asia, and in the Isles of the Sea, north and west of Palistine.(p)NOTE: Gentile - To better understand what Timothy said it must be pointed out that the word "Gentile" which is not to be found in any original scripture, is a translated word from the Greek word "ethnos" which means "heathen" "people" (non-believer) also "nations"". Christ did not go to the heathen but rather He did preach to the people of non-Jewish origin or "other nations" or tribes of Israel.

Now what is the purpose of the re-gathering of Israel? The answer from scripture is that God may keep His Everlasting Covenant with them made through their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even though that they sinned and lost their rights to Israel several thousands of years ago. His Kingdom on earth with Israel, once again, as His subjects and as was originally promissed and planned.

Read what the prophets have to say on this subject of this re-gathering of Israel. Isaiah, from the 40th chapter to the end, is filled with the promises of God to Israel in the Isles of the sea, the placg of His Kingdgm on earth after it was removed from Palestine till the final return to new Jerusalem. At the second advent of Christ, He shall take the Throne (Luke 1:32). Jeremiah has much to say concerning the promise of the restoration of Israel and Judah, see Jeremiah chapters 30, 31, and 32. Ezekiel, from the 36th through the 39th chapters gives the plans or blueprints for the restoration of the kingdom. In Ezekiel 37: 16—17 the divided. kingdom referred to as the "sticks" of Judah and Ephraim is joined into one "stick". God clearly explains the meaning of this in verse 22 that the divided kingdom shall once again become one kingdom or nation with one king. And both the prophets Zechariah and Joel tell about the restored kingdom. In the 23rd chapter of-Jeremiah, God pronounces woe upon the false castors, who have destroyed.and scattered His sheep. But in the 3rd verse is the promise that He will gather His flock out of all the countries whither He had driven them and would-bring them again to their folds, "And I will set shepherds over them which shall feed them; and they shall eare no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord. Behold, the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shalLceign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth (Jer. 23: 4—5).

As a question was possed on the O'reilly factor by Bill O'Reilly on April 4th, 2002 at 5 PM Pacific time, about why in Israel. If he has the wisdom I believe he has, he will find his answer to his question above. Also realize that no matter what happens in the world with Palistine and the terrorist, the outcome has already been decided. There is noting he or anyone can do to change it.

I have seen prophecy fulfilled on a regular basis since 1948 when the Parable of the fig tree, as recorded in Matt 24 and Mark 13 was fulfilled. When as prophesied in Jerimiah 23 and 24 about the basket of figs saying when Israel would once again become a nation.

For you that understand some prophecy, see our other web sites in the link section. You will know that 1948 was a marked time of the beginning of the last generation of this physical age. A generation being three score or 60 years and if you have good health and blessings from God, you may be blessed in the past with an additional 10 years of youth or health. Or 3 score and 10 as the bible puts it.

So as prophecy states in Mark 13, we will not see the end untill all prophecy has been fulfilled. And as mentioned in Rev. 9, and Matt. the time will be cut short to the time of the "locust" 5 months season as most farmers know seasons. Reason is for the "elect of God's sake, so they would not fall too.

As written in the books of Daniel, The tribulation would be 7 years. But the second have of the 7 years was cut short to 5 months.

Friends, I have the evidence of prophecy fulfillment that the tribulation did begin in 2001 on the Spring Holy Days. Passover. 3 1/2 years plus 5 months from then gives us to the time of the "locust of 2005". during this time, Satan, the antichrist will reign. Then after his 5 month reign, at the last trump, 1st Cor. 15:52, christ the true King returns. Then we begin a millinium or 1,000 years of rightious rule, but still subject to death. Yes, pain will be no more, because we will be in our spirit or celestial body.

1,000 years to learn right and wrong as well as to clean up the earth for God's Kingdom to be here on Earth for eternity. Are you written in the books of life?

Heritage Associates April, 2002: This is not a war on terror. It's a fight against America's enemies

First the 25 September 2001

'We are being asked to support a war whose aims appear to be as misleading as they are secretive'

While covering the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, I would, from time to time, drive down through Jalalabad and cross the Pakistan border to Peshawar to rest. In the cavernous, stained interior of the old Intercontinental Hotel, I would punch out my stories on a groaning telex machine beside an office bearing the legend "Chief Accountant" on the door. On the wall next to that office – I don't know if it was the Chief Accountant who put it there – was a framed piece of paper bearing four lines of Kipling that I still remember:

A scrimmage at a border station

A canter down a dark defile

Five thousand pounds of education

Felled by a five-rupee jezail

Or, I suppose today, a Kalashnikov AK-47, home-produced in Quetta, or one of those slick little Blowpipe missiles that we handed over to the mujahedin with such abandon in the early Eighties so that they could kill their – and our – Russian enemies.

But I've been thinking more about the defiles, the gorges and overhanging mountains, the sheer rock walls 4,000 feet in height, the caves and the massive tunnels which Osama bin Laden cut through the mountains. Here, presumably, are the "holes" from which the Wes is going to "smoke out" Mr bin Laden, always supposing that he's been obliging enough to run away and hide in them. For there is already a growing belief – founded on our own rhetoric – that Mr bin Laden and his men are on the run, seeking their hiding places.

I'm not so certain. I'm very doubtful about what Mr bin Laden is doing right now. In fact, I'm not at all sure what we – the West – are doing. True, our destroyers and aircraft carriers and fighter aircraft and heavy bombers and troops are massing in the general region of the Gulf. Our SAS boys – so they say in the Middle East – are already climbing around northern Afghanistan, in the region still controlled by the late Shah Masoud's forces. But what exactly are we planning to do? Kidnap Mr bin Laden? Storm his camps and kill the lot of them, Mr bin Laden and all his Algerian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian and Gulf Arabs?

Or is Mr bin Laden merely chapter one of our new Middle Eastern adventure, to be broadened later to include Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the destruction of the Lebanese Hezbollah, the humbling of Syria, the humiliation of Iran, the reimposition of yet another fraudulent "peace process" between Israel and the Palestinians?

If this seems fanciful, you should listen to what's coming out of Washington and Tel Aviv. While The New York Times Pentagon sources are suggesting that Saddam may be chapter two, the Israelis are trying to set up Lebanon – the "centre of international terror" according to Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon – for a bombing run or two, along with Yasser Arafat's little garbage tip down in Gaza where the Israelis have discovered, mirabile dictu, a "bin Laden cell".

The Arabs, of course, would also like an end to world terror. But they would like to include a few other names on the list. Palestinians would like to see Mr Sharon picked up for the Sabra and Chatila massacre, a terrorist slaughter carried out by Israel's Lebanese allies – who were trained by the Israeli army – in 1982. At 1,800 dead, that's only a quarter of the number killed on 11 September. Syrians in Hama would like to put Rifaat Al-Assad, the brother of the late president, on their list of terrorists for the mass killings perpetrated by his Defence Brigades in the city of Hama in the same year. At 20,000, that's more than double the 11 September death toll.

The Lebanese would like trials for the Israeli officers who planned the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which killed 17,500 people, most of them civilians – again, well over twice the 11 September statistic. Christian Sudanese would like President Omar al-Bashir arraigned for mass murder.

But, as the Americans have made clear, it's their own terrorist enemies they are after, not their terrorist friends or those terrorists who have been slaughtering populations outside American "spheres of interest". Even those terrorists who live comfortably in the US but have not harmed America are safe: take, for example, the pro-Israeli militiaman who murdered two Irish UN soldiers in southern Lebanon in 1980 and who now live in Detroit after flying safely out of Tel Aviv. The Irish have the name and address, if the FBI are interested – but of course they're not.

So we are not really being asked to fight "world terror". We are being asked to fight America's enemies. If that means bagging the murderers behind the atrocities in New York and Washington, few would object. But it does raise the question of why those thousands of innocents are more important – more worthy of our effort and perhaps blood – than all the other thousands of innocents. And it also raises a much more disturbing question: whether or not the crime against humanity committed in the US on 11 September is to be met with justice – or a brutal military assault intended to extend American political power in the Middle East.

Either way, we are being asked to support a war whose aims appear to be as misleading as they are secretive. We are told by the Americans that this war will be different to all others. But one of the differences appears to be that we don't know who we are going to fight and how long we are going to fight for. Certainly, no new political initiative, no real political engagement in the Middle East, no neutral justice is likely to attend this open-ended conflict. The despair and humiliation and suffering of the Middle East peoples do not figure in our war aims – only American and European despair and humiliation and suffering.

As for Mr bin Laden, no one believes the Taliban are genuinely ignorant of his whereabouts. He is in Afghanistan. But has he really gone to ground? During the Russian war, he would emerge, again and again, to fight Afghanistan's Russian occupiers, to attack the world's second superpower. Wounded six times, he was a master of the tactical ambush, as the Russians found out to their cost. Evil and wicked do not come close to describing the mass slaughter in the US. But – if it was Mr bin Laden's work – that does not mean he would not fight again. And he would be fighting on home ground. There are plenty of dark defiles into which we may advance. And plenty of cheap rifles to shoot at us. And that wouldn't be a "new kind of war" at all.

Truth, as Winston Churchill notoriously said, must be protected by "a bodyguard of lies". But Churchill, who once described pre-1948 Palestine as a "hell-disaster", could never have known the deception, dishonesty and sheer fantasy of today's propaganda in the Middle East. Is the conflict here a "war against terror" or a struggle against Zionism?

Anyone who does not know the cost of trying to answer that question has only to refer to a document recently published by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which asks the question: "Is anti-Zionism different from anti-Semitism?"

Here's part of the answer: "Just as anti-Semitism denies Jews their rights as individuals in society, anti-Zionism attacks the Jewish people as a nation ... It is no coincidence that the recent censure of Israel in international forums and the media has been accompanied by a sharp increase in anti-Semitic incidents." The message is simple: to criticise Israel risks the charge of racism; better, therefore, to keep to the safe line that Israel is fighting a "war against terror" rather than reoccupying the land of a subject people.

As usual, the Israelis are initially winning the propaganda war. The evil campaign of Palestinian suicide bombers and the eloquence of at least some of Israel's spokesmen easily crush the efforts of a colonised and occupied people whose corrupt leader, Yasser Arafat, appoints his own cronies as press officers, men who are often uneducated and incomprehensible in English.

Marwan Kanafani, Mr Arafat's man in Gaza, speaks good English but comes across as a used-car salesman. His man at the UN rants and raves like a Nasserite. Mustafa Barghouti – who may or may not be on Israel's latest "wanted list" – announced yesterday that the Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian cities was "the worst crime of the 21st century". Ruthless and brutal the Israeli invasions have been, but at least one event in the United States in the autumn of last year suggests his remarks are ridiculous.

The Israelis produce spokesmen who seem calculated to appeal to an American audience. Ranaan Gissin and Dore Gold come across as tough, uncompromising figures in the US. In Europe, however, they look respectively like a New York taxi driver and an undertaker. Mr Gissin's performance on the BBC earlier this year – trying to reassure the world that Ariel Sharon had "paid the price" for being personally responsible for the 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacre – was positively creepy.

Far better was the public performance of Uri Dromi, Yitzhak Rabin's former spokesman and a one-time Israeli Air Force C-130 pilot, who used to come across as a thoughtful, intelligent and sometimes troubled man who believed in the State of Israel but acknowledged its flaws.

The "nice-cop/bad-cop" routine of Mr Sharon and Shimon Peres also serves its purpose in the outside world. If Mr Sharon appears suspect – not least because of his ghastly role in Sabra and Chatila – the Labour Party's Mr Peres, holder (with Arafat, let us quickly forget) of the Nobel Peace Prize, gives the present very extreme Israel government a humane face.

Mr Peres appears to present the friendly, humanistic, honourable Israeli government which the world wants to believe in. Journalists who ask Mr Peres soft questions – which means just about all of them – have to forget that it was he who launched Israel's "Grapes of Wrath" operation, which led to the 1996 massacre of 108 Lebanese civilians at a UN camp in Qana.

The government in which Mr Peres serves is, after all, the same government that is building illegal colonies on Arab land for Jews, and Jews only, at a greater speed than ever; destroying the physical symbols of the Oslo agreement; and re-occupying the West Bank. If Mr Peres was opposed to these ruthless policies, he could leave the Sharon government. But he chooses not to do so.

In the present conflict, the Israeli Army's use of the "closed military area", which bans journalists from any district where Israeli soldiers are misbehaving or killing the innocent, has dissuaded many reporters from entering the newly-occupied Palestinian cities.

Thus Israel can boast of its army's highly professional and moral soldiering, supposedly risking the lives of its men to protect the innocent, while castigating journalists who do break the military rules for their eyewitness reporting of the lack of discipline of Israeli troops and their reckless killings. Rotting bodies in the streets of Bethlehem and Ramallah are portrayed as Palestinian propaganda – providing few journalists see the bodies with their own eyes.

Thus the false news of a Catholic priest killed in Bethlehem on Tuesday was condemned by an Israeli spokesman as a Palestinian lie – even though the inaccurate story was originally put out by a Catholic church agency and then broadcast on Israeli as well as Palestinian radio.

In his latest bunker-prison, Yasser Arafat rages against journalists who ask about suicide bombers – as if it is somehow indecent to mention the massacre of Israelis and the role of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a satellite of Mr Arafat's own Fatah movement.

Far more culpable is the Israeli press, usually so courageous in denouncing Israel's role in atrocities, but which has largely left its readers ignorant of Palestinian suffering. In Tuesday's edition of Ha'aretz, Aviv Lavie remarked that Israeli journalists "cease collecting facts and asking questions, and instead turn to beating the war drums – yesterday, Ma'ariv's editor, Amnon Danker, ran a front-page article devoted to smashing, killing, trampling and destroying – it's time to say goodbye, at least in the meanwhile, to a free press".

On the same day, The Jerusalem Post ran a haunting full page of passport-sized snapshots of the more than 60 Israeli men, women and children killed by Palestinian suicide bombers over the previous month. It was a page of memory and pain. But the paper has no plans to run a similar page of photographs of the innocent Palestinians who have been killed by Israel's supposedly "elite" army.

Here you will find the evidence for which I know and beleive of the comming future.

Just below in Ezekiel Chapter 38 you will find the end result of what will happen to the "enemies of the USA and Israel. Also read Eze. Ch. 39-40, Revelation Ch. 16, Daniel Ch. 12, Mark Ch. 13 re: the parable of the fig-tree and the generation that began in 1948. Read and understand just these chapters in the Bible and their references and then you will have peace of mind. You will also know why we must be held captive for just a short time. Then Rev. Ch. 9, The time of the locus, as any farmer knows is five months. The reign of the antichrist, (Satan, the false christ that comes first.) He will soon come in giving peace and prosperity to the world. Looking like Christ and a great leader. Yes, he will rule from the temple in Israel. Watch the News my friends, don't be deceived!

The KJV Strong's Version

For your benefit, I put in parentaces and bold the translation from Hebrew to English taken from the Strongs Hebrew, Greek and Chaldean Dictionary.

Study and show thyself approved of the Lord and just maybe you will be spared! And YES, I know tomorrow as you know yesterday. You who understand, know who and what I am! Don, His End Time Watchmen

Ezekiel 38

38:1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

38:2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, (Russia) the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,

38:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, (Leader of Russia) the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

38:4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: (Great military, vehicles and modern weapons)

38:5 Persia, (Iran & Iraq) (Ethiopia, African Nations) and (Libya) with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

38:6 Gomer, and all his bands; ( Assyrian, Celts ) the house of Togarmah (Russian part of old Assyria)of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.

38:7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company (Military Allies) that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains (people) of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.

38:9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. (By air and land)

38:10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: (War and terrorism)

38:11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, (Outside Jerusalem) and having neither bars nor gates,

38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.

38:13 Sheba, and Dedan, (Arabian States)and the merchants of Tarshish, (Spain)with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?

38:14 Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?

38:15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:

38:16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

38:17 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?

38:18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.

38:19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;(Bombs)

38:20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains (World Governments)shall be thrown down, and the steep places (Communications and weapon Satellites) shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

38:21 And I will call for a sword (Judgement)against him throughout all my mountains, (US Government, Canada, England and Christian Nations) saith the Lord GOD: every man's sword (Weapons)shall be against his brother. (Different ethinic races in USA, not family!)

38:22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones *, fire, and brimstone.(Radiation and Biological weapons)

38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD. The KJV Strong's Version

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I guess most people don't ever have the oportunity to get all the real truth. Truth regarding news, prophecy and what our World Leaders really have planed for our future. The links on this web site are for all who really want to know. Check out each of the hot links within. You will be very much surprised how much truth that your political and religious leaders have kept you in the dark about.

Lets Start Here, the immediate future deception.

Blue Beam Project

It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the reemmrgence of new "MONTAUK" type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a "rapture" type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land. Ironically, portions of the holographic projections have the potential for changing the planet into oneness with God. Unfortunately, this operates on the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and control other Men and dictate all actions and thoughts.

The calculated resistance to the new religion, the New World Order and the new "Messiah" will entail human loss on a massive scale in the ensuing "holy wars".The "BLUE BEAM PROJECT" will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old; as major an event as that which took place 2000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a holographic projection screen for space-based laser-generating satellites (star wars). These projectors will project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet, in every language by region. It deals with the religious aspect of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The "system" has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "CHRIST IMAGE" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of alien craft, aliens, monsters, angels - you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell.

Hollography is based on very nearly identical signals combining to produce and image, or hologram, with depth perception. This is equally applicable to acoustic (ELF,VLF,LF) waves as it is to optical phenomena. Specifically, the "show" will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the planet, each receiving different images according to the predominating regional religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.

The various images of Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into ONE after "correct explanation" of the mysteries, prophecies and revelations are disclosed. This "ONE GOD" will in fact function as the "Anti-Christ", who will "explain" that the various scriptures "have been misunderstood"- that the religious of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation - that the religions of the world must be abolished to make way for the GOLDEN AGE (NEW AGE) of the One World Religion, representing the One God they see before them.

Naturally, this superbly staged, full-scale production will result in social and religious disorder on a massive scale. Wonder what the television transmitters of religious networks will be doing on that day ? But before all this, they have to go through four different steps in order to get to Project Blue Beam.

1: The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaological knowledge. It deals with staging earthquakes at certain precise locations around the planet where supposed new "discoveries" will finally explain (for them) that the meanings of the basic doctrines of all the world`s major religions are "wrong." This falsification will be used to make the population believe that all religious doctrine has been misunderstood and misinterpreted.

The falsification started with the film 2001: A Space Odessy, the TV-series STAR TREK, the STAR WARS films, E.T., all of which deal with space "invasion" and "protection". JURASSIC PARK, was to push the theory of evolution. 2: The second step deals with the gigantic space show: 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, each receiving a different image, according to its predetermined original national religious faith.

This new "god" image will talk in all languages. As an exemple, the Soviets have manufactured the advanced computers and have programmed them with the minute psychological particles based upon their studies of the anatomy and biology of the human body, as well as their studies on the anatomy, chemistry and electricity of the humain brain. These computers have also been fed with the different languages of the world.

3: The third step deals with telepathic electronic two-way communication, where ELF(Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves will reach the people of the earth through the insides of their brains, making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his owm soul. Such rays, from satellite, are fed from the memory of computers that store much data about the human being and his languages. These rays will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking processes to form what we call the ARTIFICIAL TALK.

4: The fourth step involves universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means. This step contains three different orientations: The first one is to make mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to occur upon every major city on the earth. This is to push each major nation into using its nuclear capability to strike back. In this manner, it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament before the United Nations after the false attack.

The second is to make the "christian" believe that a major rapture is occurring, with a simple "played" divine imtervention of an alleged "good" alien force coming to save the good people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The third orientation is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves (frequencies) used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics cable, coaxial cable,electric and telephone lines in order to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances that will by then all have a special microship installed.

The goal of this step deals with the materialization of satanic ghosts, spectres, and poltergeists all across the globe in order to push all populations to the edge of a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder. After that night of the THOUSAND STARS, HUMANITY IS BELIEVED TO BE READY FOR THEM TO ENTER IN A "NEW MESSIAH" TO REESTABLISH PEACE EVERYWHERE AT ANY COST, EVEN AT THE COST OF FREEDOM.

Background on "Mind Control research by our governments that enabled project Blue Beam to be created!

Mind Control: The Current Situation

In July of 1991, two inmates died at the Vacaville Medical Facility. According to prison officials at the time, the two may have died as a result of medical treatment, that treatment was the use of mind control or behavior modification drugs. A deeper study into the deaths of the two inmates has unraveled a mind-boggling tale of horror that has been part of California penal history for a long time, and one that caused national outcries years ago.

In August of 1991, the Sentinel presented a graphic portrait of some of the mind control experiments that have been allowed to continue in the United States. On November 1974 a U.S. Senate Sub-committee on Constitutional Rights investigated federally-funded behavior modification programs, with emphasis on federal involvement in, and the possible threat to individual constitutional rights of behavior modification, especially involving inmates in prisons and mental institutions.

The Senate committee was appalled after reviewing documents from the following sources: The Neuro-Research Foundation's study entitled "The Medical Epidemiology of Criminals." The Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence at UCLA. The Closed Adolescent Treatment Center. Senate Investigations of the History of US Mind Control (Based on Testimony before the Senate Sub-Commmittee on Constitutional Rights).

A national uproar was created by various articles in 1974, which prompted the Senate investigation. But after all these years, the news that two inmates at Vacaville may have died from these same experiments indicates that though a nation was shocked in 1974, little was done to end the experimentations. In 1977, a Senate subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, chaired by Senator Ted Kennedy, focussed on the CIA's testing of LSD on unwitting citizens. Only a mere handful of people within the CIA knew about the scope and details of the program. To understand the full scope of the problem, it is important to study its origins. The Kennedy subcommittee learned about the CIA Operation MK.-Ultra through the testimony of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. The purpose of the program, according to his testimony, was to "investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual's behavior by covert means". Claiming the protection of the National Security Act, Dr. Gottlieb was unwilling to tell the Senate subcommittee what had been learned or gained by these experiments. He did state, however, that the program was initially engendered by a concern that the Soviets and other enemies of the United States would get ahead of the U.S. in this field. MK-ULTRA Past and Present (From testimony and files obtained under Freedom Of Information Act) Through the Freedom of Information Act, researchers are now able to obtain documents detailing the M.K.-Ultra program and other CIA behavior modification projects in a special reading room located on the bottom floor of the Hyatt Regency in Rosslyn, VA.

The most daring phase of the M.K.-Ultra program involved slipping unwitting American citizens LSD in real life situations. The idea for the series of experiments originated in November 1941, when William Donovan, founder and director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA during World War Two. At that time the intelligence agency invested $5000 for the "truth drug" program. Experiments with scopolamine and morphine proved both unfruitful and very dangerous. The program tested scores of other drugs, including mescaline, barbituates, benzedrine, cannabis indica, to name a few.

The U.S. was highly concerned over the heavy losses of freighters and other ships in the North Atlantic, all victims of German U-boats. Information about German U-boat strategy was desperately needed and it was believed that the information could be obtained through drug-influenced interrogations of German naval P.O.W.s, in violation of the Geneva Accords. Tetrahydrocannabinol acetate, a colorless, odorless marijuana extract, was used to lace a cigarette or food substance without detection. Initially, the experiments were done on volunteer U.S. Army and OSS personnel, and testing was also disguised as a remedy for shell shock. The volunteers became known as "Donovan's Dreamers". The experiments were so hush-hush, that only a few top officials knew about them. President Franklin Roosevelt was aware of the experiments. The "truth drug" achieved mixed success.

The experiments were halted when a memo was written: "The drug defies all but the most expert and search analysis, and for all practical purposes can be considered beyond analysis." The OSS did not, however, halt the program. In 1943 field tests of the extract were being conducted, despite the order to halt them. The most celebrated test was conducted by Captain George Hunter White, an OSS agent and ex-law enforcement official, on August Del Grazio, aka Augie Dallas, aka Dell, aka Little Augie, a New York gangster.

Cigarettes laced with the acetate were offered to Augie without his knowledge of the content. Augie, who had served time in prison for assault and murder, had been one of the world's most notorious drug dealers and smugglers. He operated an opium alkaloid factory in Turkey and he was a leader in the Italian underworld on the Lower East Side of New York. Under the influence of the drug, Augie revealed volumes of information about the underworld operations, including the names of high ranking officials who took bribes from the mob. These experiments led to the encouragement of Donovan. A new memo was issued: "Cigarette experiments indicated that we had a mechanism which offered promise in relaxing prisoners to be interrogated."

When the OSS was disbanded after the war, Captain White continued to administer behavior modifying drugs. In 1947, the CIA replaced the OSS. White's service record indicates that he worked with the OSS, and by 1954 he was a high ranking Federal Narcotics Bureau officer who had been loaned to the CIA on a part-time basis. White rented an apartment in Greenwich Village equipped with one-way mirrors, surveillance gadgets and disguised himself as a seaman. White drugged his acquaintances with LSD and brought them back to his apartment. In 1955, the operation shifted to San Francisco. In San Francisco, "safe houses" were established under the code name Operation Midnight Climax. Midnight Climax hired prostitute addicts who lured men from bars back to the safehouses after their drinks had been spiked with LSD. White filmed the events in the safehouses. The purpose of these "national security brothels" was to enable the CIA to experiment with the act of lovemaking for extracting information from men.

The safehouse experiments continued until 1963 until CIA Inspector General John Earman criticized Richard Helms, the director of the CIA and father of the M.K.-Ultra project. Earman charged the new director John McCone had not been fully briefed on the M.K.-Ultra Project when he took office and that "the concepts involved in manipulating human behavior are found by many people within and outside the Agency to be distasteful and unethical." He stated that "the rights and interest of U.S. citizens are placed in jeopardy". The Inspector General stated that LSD had been tested on individuals at all social levels, high and low, native American and foreign." Earman's criticisms were rebuffed by Helms, who warned, "Positive operation capacity to use drugs is diminishing owing to a lack of realistic testing. Tests were necessary to keep up with the Soviets." But in 1964, Helms had testified before the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President John Kennedy, that "Soviet research has consistently lagged five years behind Western research".

Upon leaving government service in 1966, Captain White wrote a startling letter to his superior. In the letter to Dr. Gottlieb, Captain White reminisced about his work in the safehouses with LSD. His comments were frightening. "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun," White wrote. "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest?" The CIA and the Mafia (Testimony before the 1951 Sub-Committee on Organized Crime and other public sources.)

Though the CIA continued to maintain drug experiments in the streets of America after the program was officially canceled, the United States reaped tremendous value from it. With George Hunter White's connection to underworld figure Little Augie, connections were made with Mafia king-pin Lucky Luciano, who was in Dannemore Prison. Luciano wanted freedom, the Mafia wanted drugs, and the United States wanted Sicily. The date was 1943. Augie was the go-between between Luciano and the United States War Department. Luciano was transferred to a less harsh prison and began to be visited by representatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence and from underworld figures, such as Meyer Lansky. A strange alliance was formed between the U.S. Intelligence agencies and the Mafia, who controlled the West Side docks in New York. Luciano regained active leadership in organized crime in America.

The U. S. Intelligence community utilized Luciano's underworld connections in Italy. In July of 1943, Allied forces launched their invasion of Sicily, the beginning push into occupied Europe. General George Patton's Seventh Army advanced through hundreds of miles of territory that was fraught with difficulty, booby trapped roads, snipers, confusing mountain topography, all within close range of 60,000 hostile Italian troops. All this was accomplished in four days, a military "miracle" even for Patton. Senate Estes Kefauver's Senate Sub committee on Organized Crime asked, in 1951, how all this was possible. The answer was that the Mafia had helped to protect roads from Italian snipers, served as guides through treacherous mountain terrain, and provided needed intelligence to Patton's army. The part of Sicily which Patton's forces traversed had at one time been completely controlled by the Sicilian Mafia, until Benito Mussolini smashed it through the use of police repression.

Just prior to the invasion, it was hardly even able to continue shaking down farmers and shepherds for protection money. But the invasion changed all this, and the Mafia went on to play a very prominent and well-documented role in the American military occupation of Italy. The expedience of war opened the doors to American drug traffic and Mafia domination. This was the beginning of the Mafia-U.S. Intelligence alliance, an alliance that lasts to this day and helped to support the covert operations of the CIA, such as the Iran-Contra operations. In these covert operations, the CIA would obtain drugs from South America and Southeast Asia, sell them to the Mafia and use the money for the covert purchase of military equipment. These operations accelerated when Congress cut off military funding for the Contras.

One of the Allies' top occupation priorities was to liberate as many of their own soldiers from garrison duties so that they could participate in the military offensive. In order to accomplish this, Don Calogero's Mafia were pressed into service, and in July of 1943, the Civil Affairs Control Office of the U.S. Army appointed him mayor of Villalba and other Mafia officials as mayors of other towns in Sicily. As the northern Italian offensive continued, Allied intelligence became very concerned over the extent to which the Italian Communists' resistance to Mussolini had driven Italian politics to the left. Community Party membership had doubled between 1943 and 1944, huge leftist strikes had shut down factories and the Italian underground fighting Mussolini had risen to almost 150,000 men. By mid-1944, the situation came to a head and the U.S. Army terminated arms drops to the Italian Resistance, and started appointing Mafia officials to occupation administration posts. Mafia groups broke up leftists rallies and reactivated black market operations throughout southern Italy.

Lucky Luciano was released from prison in 1946 and deported to Italy, where he rebuilt the heroin trade. The court's decision to release him was made possible by the testimony of intelligence agents at his hearing, and a letter written by a naval officer reciting what Luciano had done for the Navy. Luciano was supposed to have served from 30 to 50 years in prison. Over 100 Mafia members were similarly deported within a couple of years.

Luciano set up a syndicate which transported morphine base from the Middle East to Europe, refined it into heroin, and then shipped it into the United States via Cuba. During the 1950's, Marseilles, in Southern France, became a major city for the heroin labs and the Corsican syndicate began to actively cooperate with the Mafia in the heroin trade. Those became popularly known as the French Connection. In 1948, Captain White visited Luciano and his narcotics associate Nick Gentile in Europe. Gentile was a former American gangster who had worked for the Allied Military Government in Sicily. By this time, the CIA was already subsidizing Corsican and Italian gangsters to oust Communist unions from the Port of Marseilles.

American strategic planners saw Italy and southern France as extremely important for their Naval bases as a counterbalance to the growing naval forces of the Soviet Union. CIO/AFL organizer Irving Brown testified that by the time the CIA subsidies were terminated in 1953, U.S. support was no longer needed because the profits from the heroin traffic was sufficient to sustain operations. When Luciano was originally jailed, the U.S. felt it had eliminated the world's most effective underworld leader and the activities of the Mafia were seriously damaged. Mussolini had been waging a war since 1924 to rid the world of the Sicilian Mafia. Thousands of Mafia members were convicted of crimes and forced to leave the cities and hide out in the mountains. Mussolini's reign of terror had virtually eradicated the international drug syndicates. Combined with the shipping surveillance during the war years, heroin trafficking had become almost nil. Drug use in the United States, before Luciano's release from prison, was on the verge of being entirely wiped out.

Mind Control Experiments Conducted in Our Name The U.S. government has conducted three types of mind-control experiments: Real life experiences, such as those used on Little Augie and the LSD experiments in the safehouses of San Francisco and Greenwich Village; experiments on prisoners, such as in the California Medical Facility at Vacaville; experiments conducted in both mental hospitals and the Veterans Administration hospitals.

Such experimentation requires money, and the United States government has funneled funds for drug experiments through different agencies, both overtly and covertly. The Role of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (Reportorial Sources, Including the Washington Post) One of the funding agencies to contribute to the experimentation is the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), a unit of the U.S. Justice Department and one of President Richard Nixon's favorite pet agencies. The Nixon Administration was, at one time, putting together a program for detaining youngsters who showed a tendency toward violence in "concentration" camps. According to the Washington Post, the plan was authored by Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch was told by John Erlichman, Chief of Staff for the Nixon White House, to implement the program. He proposed the screening of children of six years of age for tendencies toward criminality. Those who failed these tests were to be destined to be sent to the camps. The program was never implemented.

LEAA came into existence in 1968 with a huge budget to assist various U.S. law enforcement agencies. Its effectiveness, however, was not considered too great. After spending $6 billion, the F.B.I. reports general crime rose 31 percent and violent crime rose 50 percent. But little accountability was required of LEAA on how it spent its funds. LEAA's role in the behavior modification research began at a meeting held in 1970 in Colorado Springs. Attending that meeting were Richard Nixon, Attorney General John Mitchell, John Erlichman, H.R. Haldemann and other White House staffers. They met with Dr. Bertram Brown, director fo the National Institute of Mental Health, and forged a close collaboration between LEAA and the Institute. LEAA was a product of the Justice Department and the Institute was a product of HEW.

LEAA funded 350 projects involving medical procedures, behavior modification and drugs for delinquency control. Money from the Criminal Justice System was being used to fund mental health projects and vice versa. Eventually, the leadership responsibility and control of the Institute began to deteriorate and their scientists began to answer to LEAA alone. The Role of the National Institute of Mental Health (Source: Court Records and US Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights) The National Institute of Mental Health went on to become one of the greatest supporters of behavior modification research. Throughout the 1960's, court calenders became blighted with lawsuits on the part of "human guinea pigs" who had been experimented upon in prisons and mental institutions. It was these lawsuits which triggered the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights investigation, headed by Senator Sam Erwin. The subcommittee's harrowing report was virtually ignored by the news media. The Department of Defense (Source: CIA Documents released under FOIA and Subcommittee Testimony) Thirteen behavior modification programs were conducted by the Department of Defense. The Department of Labor had also conducted several experiments, as well as the National Science Foundation.

The Veterans' Administration was also deeply involved in behavior modification and mind control. Each of these agencies, including LEAA, and the Institute, were named in secret CIA documents as those who provided research cover for the MK-ULTRA program. Eventually, LEAA was using much of its budget to fund experiments, including aversive techniques and psychosurgery, which involved, in some cases, irreversible brain surgery on normal brain tissue for the purpose of changing or controlling behavior and/or emotions. Senator Erwin questioned the head of LEAA concerning ethical standards of the behavior modification projects which LEAA had been funding. Erwin was extremely dubious about the idea of the government spending money on this kind of project without strict guidelines and reasonable research supervision in order to protect the human subjects. After Senator Erwin's denunciation of the funding polices, LEAA announced that it would no longer fund medical research into behavior modification and psychosurgery.

Lobotomies Performed on Black Activists (Committee Testimony) Despite the pledge by LEAA's director, Donald E. Santarelli, LEAA ended up funding 537 research projects dealing with behavior modification. There is strong evidence to indicate psychosurgery was still being used in prisons in the 1980's. Immediately after the funding announcement by LEAA, there were 50 psychosurgical operations at Atmore State Prison in Alabama. The inmates became virtual zombies. The operations, according to Dr. Swan of Fisk University, were done on black prisoners who were considered politically active.

Veteran's Administration Practices (Committee Testimony) The Veterans' Administration openly admitted that psychosurgery was a standard procedure for treatment and not used just in experiments. The VA Hospitals in Durham, Long Beach, New York, Syracuse and Minneapolis were known to employ these products on a regular basis. VA clients could typically be subject to these behavior alteration procedures against their will. The Erwin subcommittee concluded that the rights of VA clients had been violated. LEAA also subsidized the research and development of gadgets and techniques useful to behavior modification. Much of the technology, whose perfection LEAA funded, had originally been developed and made operational for use in the Vietnam War. Private Companies Involved Companies like Bangor Punta Corporation and Walter Kidde and Co., through its subsidiary Globe Security System, adapted these devices to domestic use in the U.S. ITT was another company that domesticated the warfare technology for potential use on U.S. citizens. Rand Corporation executive Paul Baran warned that the influx back to the United State of the Vietnam War surveillance gadgets alone, not to mention the behavior modification hardware, could bring about "the most effective, oppressive police state ever created". Some of the Players One of the fascinating aspects of the scandals that plague the U.S. Government is the fact that so often the same names appear from scandal to scandal. From the origins of Ronald Reagan's political career, as Governor of California, Dr. Earl Brian and Edward Meese played key advisory roles. Dr. Brian's name has been linked to the October Surprise and is a central figure in the government's theft of PROMIS soft ware from INSLAW. Brian's role touches from the Cabazon Indian scandals to United Press International. He is one of those low-profile key figures.

And, alas, his name appears again in the nation's behavior modification and mind control experiments. Dr. Brian was Reagan's Secretary of Health when Reagan was Governor. Dr. Brian was an advocate of state subsidies for a research center for the study of violent behavior. The center was to begin operations by mid-1975, and its research was intended to shed light on why people murder or rape, or hijack aircraft. The center was to be operated by the University of California at Los Angeles, and its primary purpose, ac cording to Dr. Brian, was to unify scattered studies on anti-social violence and possibly even touch on socially tolerated violence, such as football or war. Dr. Brian sought $1.3 million for the center.

It certainly was possible that prison inmates might be used as volunteer subjects at the center to discover the unknowns which triggered their violent behavior. Dr. Brian's quest for the center came at the same time Governor Reagan concluded his plans to phase the state of California out of the mental hospital business by 1982. Reagan's plan is echoed by Governor Pete Wilson today, to place the responsibility of rehabilitating young offenders squarely on the shoulders of local communities. But as the proposal became known more publicly, a swell of controversy surrounded it. It ended in a fiasco. The inspiration for the violence center came from three doctors in 1967, five years before Dr. Brian and Governor Reagan unveiled their plans. The "Scientific" Basis for Psychosurgery (Publications of the Participants).

Amidst urban rioting and civil protest, Doctors Sweet, Mark and Ervin of Harvard put forward the thesis that individuals who engage in civil disobedience possess defective or damaged brain cells. If this conclusion were applied to the American Revolution or the Women's Rights Movement, a good portion of American society would be labeled as having brain damage.

In a letter to the Journal of the American Medical Association, they stated: "That poverty, unemployment, slum housing, and inadequate education underlie the nation's urban riots is well known, but the obviousness of these causes may have blinded us to the more subtle role of other possible factors, including brain dysfunction in the rioters who engaged in arson, sniping and physical assault. "There is evidence from several sources that brain dysfunction related to a focal lesion plays a significant role in the violent and assaultive behavior of thoroughly studied patients. Individuals with electroencephalographic abnormalities in the temporal region have been found to have a much greater frequency of behavioral abnormalities (such as poor impulse control, assaultiveness, and psychosis) than is present in people with a normal brain wave pattern." Soon after the publication in the Journal, Dr. Ervin and Dr. Mark published their book Violence and the Brain, which included the claim that there were as many as 10 million individuals in the United States "who suffer from obvious brain disease". They argued that the data of their book provided a strong reason for starting a program of mass screening of Americans.

"Our greatest danger no longer comes from famine or communicable disease. Our greatest danger lies in ourselves and in our fellow humans...we need to develop an 'early warning test' of limbic brain function to detect those humans who have a low threshold for impulsive violence...Violence is a public health problem, and the major thrust of any program dealing with violence must be toward its prevention," they wrote.

The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration funded the doctors $108,000 and the National Institute of Mental Health kicked in another $500,000, under pressure from Congress. They believed that psychosurgery would inevitably be performed in connection with the program, and that, since it irreversibly impaired people's emotional and intellectual capacities, it could be used as an instrument of repression and social control. The doctors wanted screening centers established throughout the nation. In California, the publicity associated with the doctors' report, aided in the development of The Center for the study and Reduction of Violence. Both the state and LEAA provided the funding. The center was to serve as a model for future facilities to be set up throughout the United States.

The Director of the Neurophyschiatric Institute and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Louis Jolyon West was selected to run the center. Dr. West is alleged to have been a contract agent for the CIA, who, as part of a network of doctors and scientists, gathered intelligence on hallucinogenic drugs, including LSD, for the super-secret MK-ULTRA program. Like Captain White, West conducted LSD experiments for the CIA on unwitting citizens in the safehouses of San Francisco. He achieved notoriety for his injection of a massive dose of LSD into an elephant at the Oklahoma Zoo, the elephant died when West tried to revive it by administering a combination of drugs.

Dr. West was further known as the psychiatrist who was called upon to examine Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald's assassin. It was on the basis of West's diagnosis that Ruby was compelled to be treated for mental disorders and put on happy pills. The West examination was ordered after Ruby began to say that he was part of a right-wing conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy. Two years after the commencement of treatment for mental disorder, Ruby died of cancer in prison. (Note: Dr West is now a member of the Board of Directors of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.) The Violence Control Center (Testimony, FOIA documents, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Bay Guardian) After January 11, 1973, when Governor Reagan announced plans for the Violence Center, West wrote a letter to the then Director of Health for California, J. M. Stubblebine: "Dear Stub: "I am in possession of confidential in formation that the Army is prepared to turn over Nike missile bases to state and local agencies for non-military purposes. They may look with special favor on health-related applications.

"Such a Nike missile base is located in the Santa Monica Mountains, within a half-hour's drive of the Neuropsychiatric Institute. It is accessible, but relatively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings and improvements, making it suitable for prompt occupancy.

"If this site were made available to the Neurophyschiatric Institute as a research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct to the new Center for the Prevention of Violence, we could put it to very good use. Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior. "Such programs might include control of drug or alcohol abuse, modification of chronic anti-social or impulsive aggressiveness, etc. The site could also accommodate conferences or retreats for instruction of selected groups of mental-health related professionals and of others (e.g., law enforcement personnel, parole officers, special educators) for whom both demonstration and participation would be effective modes of instruction.

"My understanding is that a direct request by the Governor, or other appropriate officers of the State, to the Secretary of Defense (or, of course, the President), could be most likely to produce prompt results." Some of the planned areas of study for the Center included: Studies of violent individuals. Experiments on prisoners from Vacaville and Atascadero, and hyperkinetic children. Experiments with violence-producing and violent inhibiting drugs. Hormonal aspects of passivity and aggressiveness in boys. Studies to discover and compare norms of violence among various ethnic groups. Studies of pre-delinquent children. It would also encourage law enforcement to keep computer files on pre-delinquent children, which would make possible the treatment of children before they became delinquents. The purpose of the Violence Center was not just research. The staff was to include sociologists, lawyers, police officers, clergymen and probation officers. With the backing of Governor Reagan and Dr. Brian, West had secured guarantees of prisoner volunteers from several California correctional institutions, including Vacaville. Vacaville and Atascadero were chosen as the primary sources for the human guinea pigs. These institutions had established a reputation, by that time, of committing some of the worst atrocities in West Coast history. Some of the experimentations differed little from what the Nazis did in the death camps.

Dr. Earl Brian, Governor Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Health, was adamant about his support for mind control centers in California. He felt the behavior modification plan of the Violence Control Centers was important in the prevention of crime. The Violence Control Center was actually the brain child of William Herrmann as part of a pacification plan for California. A counter insurgency expert for Systems Development Corporation and an advisor to Governor Reagan, Herrmann worked with the Stand Research Institute, the RAND Corporation, and the Hoover Center on Violence. Herrman was also a CIA agent who is now serving an eight year prison sentence for his role in a CIA counterfeiting operation. He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair according to government records and Herrmann's own testimony. In 1970, Herrmann worked with Colston Westbrook as his CIA control officer when Westbrook formed and implemented the Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville Medical Facility, a facility which in July experienced the death of three inmates who were forcibly subjected to behavior modification drugs. The Black Cultural Association was ostensibly an education program designed to instill black pride identity in prisons, the Association was really a cover for an experimental behavior modification pilot project designed to test the feasibility of programming unstable prisoners to become more manageable.

Westbrook worked for the CIA in Vietnam as a psychological warfare expert, and as an advisor to the Korean equivalent of the CIA and for the Lon Nol regime in Cambodia. Between 1966 and 1969, he was an advisor to the Vietnamese Police Special Branch under the cover of working as an employee of Pacific Architects and Engineers. His "firm" contracted the building of the interrogation/torture centers in every province of South Vietnam as part of the CIA's Phoenix Program. The program was centered around behavior modification experiments to learn how to extract information from prisoners of war, a direct violation of the Geneva Accords. Westbrook's most prominent client at Vacaville was Donald DeFreeze, who be tween 1967 and 1969, had worked for the Los Angeles Police Department's Public Disorder Intelligence unit and later became the leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Many authorities now believe that the Black Cultural Association at Vacaville was the seedling of the SLA. Westbrook even designed the SLA logo, the cobra with seven heads, and gave De Freeze his African name of Cinque. The SLA was responsible for the assassination of Marcus Foster, superintendent of School in Oakland and the kidnapping of Patty Hearst.

As a counterinsurgency consultant for Systems Development Corporation, a security firm, Herrmann told the Los Angeles Times that a good computer intelligence system "would separate out the activist bent on destroying the system" and then develop a master plan "to win the hearts and minds of the people". The San Francisco-based Bay Guardian, recently identified Herrmann as an international arms dealer working with Iran in 1980, and possibly involved in the October Surprise. Herrmann is in an English prison for counterfeiting. He allegedly met with Iranian officials to ascertain whether the Iranians would trade arms for hostages held in Lebanon.

The London Sunday Telegraph confirmed Herrmann's CIA connections, tracing them from 1976 to 1986. He also worked for the FBI. This information was revealed in his London trial. In the 1970's, Dr. Brian and Herrmann worked together under Governor Reagan on the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, and then, a decade later, again worked under Reagan. Both men have been identified as working for Reagan with the Iranians.

The Violence Center, however, died an agonizing death. Despite the Ervin Senate Committee investigation and condemnation of mind control, the experiments continued. But when the Watergate scandal broke in the early 1970's, Washington felt it was too politically risky to continue to push for mind control centers.

Top doctors began to withdraw from the proposal because they felt that there were not enough safeguards. Even the Law Enforcement Assistance Agency, which funded the program, backed out, stating, the proposal showed "little evidence of established research ability of the kind of level necessary for a study of this cope".

Eventually it became known that control of the Violence Center was not going to rest with the University of California, but instead with the Department of Corrections and other law enforcement officials. This information was released publicly by the Committee Opposed to Psychiatric Abuse of Prisoners. The disclosure of the letter resulted in the main backers of the program bowing out and the eventual demise of the center. Dr. Brian's final public statement on the matter was that the decision to cut off funding represented "a callous disregard for public safety". Though the Center was not built, the mind control experiments continue to this day.

The Victims of MK-ULTRA (Court Records, Senate Testimony and FOIA Documents) The Central Intelligence Agency held two major interests in use of LSD. to alter normal behavior patterns. The first interest centered around obtaining information from prisoners of war and enemy agents, in contravention of the Geneva Accords. The second was to deter the effectiveness of drugs used against the enemy on the battlefield.

The MK-ULTRA program was originally run by a small number of people within the CIA known as the Technical Services Staff (TSS). Another CIA department, the Office of Security, also began its own testing program. Friction arose and then infighting broke out when the Office of Security commenced to spy on TSS people after it was learned that LSD was being tested on unwitting Americans. Not only did the two branches disagree over the issue of testing the drug on the unwitting, they also disagreed over the issue of how the drug was actually to be used by the CIA. The office of Security envisioned the drug as an interrogation weapon. But the TSS group thought the drug could be used to help destabilize another country, it could be slipped into the food or beverage of a public official in order to make him behave foolishly or oddly in public. One CIA document reveals that L.S.D. could be administered right before an official was to make a public speech.

Realizing that gaining information about the drug in real life situations was crucial to exploiting the drug to its fullest, TSS started conducting experiments on its own people. There was an extensive amount of self-experimentation. The Office of Security felt the TSS group was playing with fire, especially when it was learned that TSS was prepared to spike an annual office Christmas party punch with LSD, the Christmas party of the CIA. L.S.D. could produce serious insanity for periods of eight to 18 hours and possibly longer.

One of the "victims" of the punch was agent Frank Olson. Having never had drugs before, L.S.D. took its toll on Olson. He reported that, every automobile that came by was a terrible monster with fantastic eyes, out to get him personally. Each time a car passed he would huddle down against a parapet, terribly frightened. Olson began to behave erratically. The CIA made preparation to treat Olson at Chestnut Lodge, but before they could, Olson checked into a New York hotel and threw himself out from his tenth story room. The CIA was ordered to cease all drug testing. Mind control drugs and experiments were torturous to the victims. One of three inmates who died in Vacaville Prison in July of 1991 was scheduled to appear in court in an attempt to stop forced administration of a drug, the very drug that may have played a role in his death.

Joseph Cannata believed he was making progress and did not need forced dosages of the drug Haldol. The Solano County Coroner's Office said that Cannata and two other inmates died of hyperthermia, extremely elevated body temperature. Their bodies all had at least 108 degrees temperature when they died. The psychotropic drugs they were being forced to take will elevate body temperature.

Dr. Ewen Cameron, working at McGill University in Montreal, used a variety of experimental techniques, including keeping subjects unconscious for months at a time, administering huge electroshocks and continual doses of L.S.D. Massive lawsuits developed as a result of this testing, and many of the subjects who suffered trauma had never agreed to participate in the experiments. Such CIA experiments infringed upon the much-honored Nuremberg Code concerning medical ethics. Dr. Camron was one of the members of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

L.S.D. research was also conducted at the Addiction Research Center of the U.S. Public Health Service in Lexington, Kentucky. This institution was one of several used by the CIA. The National Institute of Mental Health and the U.S. Navy funded this operation. Vast supplies of L.S.D. and other hallucinogenic drugs were required to keep the experiments going. Dr. Harris Isbell ran the program. He was a member of the Food and Drug Administration's Advisory Committee on the Abuse of Depressant and Stimulants Drugs. Almost all of the inmates were black. In many cases, L.S.D. dosage was increased daily for 75 days. Some 1500 U.S. soldiers were also victims of drug experimentation. Some claimed they had agreed to become guinea pigs only through pressure from their superior officers. Many claimed they suffered from severe depression and other psychological stress. One such soldier was Master Sergeant Jim Stanley. L.S.D. was put in Stanley's drinking water and he freaked out. Stanley's hallucinations continued even after he returned to his regular duties. His service record suffered, his marriage went on the rocks and he ended up beating his wife and children. It wasn't until 17 years later that Stanley was informed by the military that he had been an L.S.D. experiment. He sued the government, but the Supreme Court ruled no soldier could sue the Army for the LSD experiments. Justice William Brennen disagreed with the Court decision.

He wrote, "Experimentation with unknowing human subjects is morally and legally unacceptable." Private James Thornwell was given L.S.D. in a military test in 1961. For the next 23 years he lived in a mental fog, eventually drowning in a Vallejo swimming pool in 1984. Congress had set up a $625,000 trust fund for him. Large scale L.S.D. tests on American soldiers were conducted at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, Fort Benning, Georgia, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, and in Europe and the Pacific. The Army conducted a series of L.S.D. tests at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. The purpose of the tests were to ascertain how well soldiers could perform their tasks on the battlefield while under the influence of L.S.D. At Fort McClellan, Alabama, 200 officers in the Chemical Corps were given L.S.D. in order to familiarize them with the drug's effects. At Edgewood Arsenal, soldiers were given L.S.D. and then confined to sensory deprivation chambers and later exposed to a harsh interrogation sessions by intelligence people. In these sessions, it was discovered that soldiers would cooperate if promised they would be allowed to get off the L.S.D.

In Operation Derby Hat, foreign nationals accused of drug trafficking were given L.S.D. by the Special Purpose Team, with one subject begging to be killed in order to end his ordeal. Such experiments were also conducted in Saigon on Viet Cong POWs. One of the most potent drugs in the U.S. arsenal is called BZ or quinuclidinyl benzilate. It is a long-lasting drug and brings on a litany of psychotic experiences and almost completely isolates any person from his environment. The main effects of BZ last up to 80 hours compared to eight hours for L.S.D. Negative after-effects may persist for up to six weeks. Psychological Warfare Drugs (Court Records, FOIA Documents, General Accounting Office investigations).

The BZ experiments were conducted on soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal for 16 years. Many of the "victims" claim that the drug permanently affected their lives in a negative way. It so disorientated one paratrooper that he was found taking a shower in his uniform and smoking a cigar. BZ was eventually put in hand grenades and a 750 pound cluster bomb. Other configurations were made for mortars, artillery and missiles. The bomb was tested in Vietnam and CIA documents indicate it was prepared for use by the U.S. in the event of large-scale civilian uprisings.

In Vacaville, psychosurgery has long been a policy. In one set of cases, experimental psychosurgery was conducted on three inmates, a black, a Chicano and a white person. This involved the procedure of pushing electrodes deep into the brain in order to determine the position of defective brain cells, and then shooting enough voltage into the suspected area to kill the defective cells. One prisoner, who appeared to be improving after surgery, was released on parole, but ended up back in prison. The second inmate became violent and there is no information on the third inmate. Vacaville also administered a "terror drug", Anectine, as a way of "suppressing hazardous behavior". In small doses, Anectine serves as a muscle relaxant; in huge does, it produces prolonged seizure of the respiratory system and a sensation "worse than dying". The drug goes to work within 30 to 40 seconds by paralyzing the small muscles of the fingers, toes, and eyes, and then moves into the the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. The heart rate subsides to 60 beats per minute, respiratory arrest sets in and the patient remains completely conscious throughout the ordeal, which lasts two to five minutes. The experiments were also used at Atascadero.

Several mind altering drugs were originally developed for non-psychoactive purposes. Some of these drugs are Phenothiazine and Thorzine. The side effects of these drugs can be a living hell. The impact includes the feeling of drowsiness, disorientation, shakiness, dry mouth, blurred vision and an inability to concentrate.

Drugs like Prolixin are described by users as "sheer torture" and "becoming a zombie". The Veterans Administration Hospital has been shown by the General Accounting Office to apply heavy dosages of psychotherapeutic drugs. One patient was taking eight different drugs, three antipsychotic, two antianxiety, one antidepressant, one sedative and one anti-Parkinson. Three of these drugs were being given in dosages equal to the maximum recommended. Another patient was taking seven different drugs. One report tells of a patient who refused to take the drug. "I told them I don't want the drug to start with, they grabbed me and strapped me down and gave me a forced intramuscular shot of Prolixin. They gave me Artane to counteract the Prolixin and they gave me Sinequan, which is a kind of tranquilizer to make me calm down, which over calmed me, so rather than letting up on the medication, they then gave me Ritalin to pep me up."

Prolixin lasts for two weeks. One patient describes how the drug does not calm or sedate nerves, but instead attacks from so deep inside you, you cannot locate the source of the pain. "The drugs turn your nerves in upon yourself. Against your will, your resistance, your resolve, are directed at your own tissues, your own muscles, reflexes, etc.." The patient continues, "The pain grinds into your fiber, your vision is so blurred you cannot read. You ache with restlessness, so that you feel you have to walk, to pace. And then as soon as you start pacing, the opposite occurs to you, you must sit and rest. Back and forth, up and down, you go in pain you cannot locate. In such wretched anxiety you are overwhelmed because you cannot get relief even in breathing." Doctor Jose Delgado: "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind." (Congressional Record, New York Times).

"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. "The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." These were the remarks of Dr. Jose Delgado as they appeared in the February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118.

Despite Dr. Delgado's outlandish statements before Congress, his work was financed by grants from the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Aero-Medical Research Laboratory, and the Public Health Foundation of Boston. Dr. Delgado was a pioneer of the technology of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). The New York Times ran an article on May 17, 1965 entitled Matador With a Radio Stops Wild Bull. The story details Dr. Delgado's experiments at Yale University School of Medicine and work in the field at Cordova, Spain. The New York Times stated:

"Afternoon sunlight poured over the high wooden barriers into the ring, as the brave bull bore down on the unarmed matador, a scientist who had never faced fighting bull. But the charging animal's horn never reached the man behind the heavy red cape. Moments before that could happen, Dr. Delgado pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away. The bull was obeying commands in his brain that were being called forth by electrical stimulation by the radio signals to certain regions in which fine wires had been painlessly planted the day before." According to Dr. Delgado, experiments of this type have also been performed on humans. While giving a lecture on the Brain in 1965, Dr. Delgado said, "Science has developed a new methodology for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans."

Russian Experiments in Hypnotism and Radio Control of the Mind

The late L.L. Vasiliev, professor of physiology at the University of Leningrad wrote in a paper about hypnotism: "As a control of the subject's condition, when she was outside the laboratory in another set of experiments, a radio set was used. The results obtained indicate that the method of using radio signals substantially enhances the experimental possibilities." The professor continued to write, "I.F. Tomaschevsky (a Russian physiologist) carried out the first experiments with this subject at a distance of one or two rooms, and under conditions that the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented with. In other cases, the sender was not in the same house, and someone else observed the subject's behavior.

Subsequent experiments at considerable distances were successful. One such experiment was carried out in a park at a distance. Mental suggestions to go to sleep were complied with within a minute." The Russian experiments in the control of a person's mind through hypnosis and radio waves were conducted in the 1930s, some 30 years before Dr. Delgado's bull experiment. Dr. Vasiliev definitely demonstrated that radio transmission can produce stimulation of the brain. It is not a complex process. In fact, it need not be implanted within the skull or be productive of stimulation of the brain, itself. All that is needed to accomplish the radio control of the brain is a twitching muscle. The subject becomes hypnotized and a muscle stimulant is implanted. The subject, while still under hypnosis, is commanded to respond when the muscle stimulant is activated, in this case by radio transmission.

Lincoln Lawrence wrote a book entitled Were We Controlled? Lawrance wrote, "If the subject is placed under hypnosis and mentally programmed to maintain a determination eventually to perform one specific act, perhaps to shoot someone, it is suggested thereafter, each time a particular muscle twitches in a certain manner, which is then demonstrated by using the transmitter, he will increase this determination even more strongly. As the hypnotic spell is renewed again and again, he makes it his life's purpose to carry out this act until it is finally achieved. Thus are the two complementary aspects of Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC) joined to reinforce each other, and perpetuate the control, until such time as the controlled behavior is called for. This is done by a second session with the hypnotist giving final instructions. These might be reinforced with radio stimulation in more frequent cycles. They could even carry over the moments after the act to reassure calm behavior during the escape period, or to assure that one conspirator would not indicate that he was aware of the co-conspirator's role, or that he was even acquainted with him."

US Experiments in Radio Control of the Mind (Public Statements of the Principals) RHIC constitutes the joining of two well known tools, the radio part and the hypnotism part. People have found it difficult to accept that an individual can be hypnotized to perform an act which is against his moral principles. Some experiments have been conducted by the U.S. Army which show that this popular perception is untrue.

The chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, Dr. Estabrooks, has stated, "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." Estabrooks was one of the nation's most authoritative sources in the hypnotic field. The psychologist told officials in Washington that a mere 200 well trained hypnotists could develop an army of mind-controlled sixth columnists in wartime United States. He laid out a scenario of an enemy doctor placing thousands of patients under hypnotic mind control, and eventually programming key military officers to follow his assignment. Through such maneuvers, he said, the entire U.S. Army could be taken over. Large numbers of saboteurs could also be created using hypnotism through the work of a doctor practicing in a neighborhood or foreign born nationals with close cultural ties with an enemy power.

Dr. Estabrooks actually conducted experiments on U.S. soldiers to prove his point. Soldiers of low rank and little formal education were placed under hypnotism and their memories tested. Surprisingly, hypnotists were able to control the subjects' ability to retain complicated verbal information. J. G. Watkins followed in Estabrooks steps and induced soldiers of lower rank to commit acts which conflicted not only with their moral code, but also the military code which they had come to accept through their basic training. One of the experiments involved placing a normal, stable army private in a deep trance. Watkins was trying to see if he could get the private to attack a superior officer, a cardinal sin in the military. While the private was in a deep trance, Watkins told him that the officer sitting across from him was an enemy soldier who was going to attempt to kill him. In the private's mind, it was a kill or be killed situation. The private immediately jumped up and grabbed the officer by the throat. The experiment was repeated several times, and in one case the man who was hypnotized and the man who was attacked were very close friends. The results were always the same. In one experiment, the hypnotized subject pulled out a knife and nearly stabbed another person.

Watkins concluded that people could be induced to commit acts contrary to their morality if their reality was distorted by the hypnotism. Similar experiments were conducted by Watkins using WACs exploring the possibility of making military personnel divulge military secrets. A related experiment had to be discontinued because a researcher, who had been one of the subjects, was exposing numerous top-secret projects to his hypnotist, who did not have the proper security clearance for such information. The information was divulged before an audience of 200 military personnel. Dr. Watson's Experiments on Babies.

In man's quest to control the behavior of humans, there was a great breakthrough established by Pavlov, who devised a way to make dogs salivate on cue. He perfected his conditioning response technique by cutting holes in the cheeks of dogs and measured the amount they salivated in response to different stimuli. Pavlov verified that "quality, rate and frequency of the salivation changed depending upon the quality, rate and frequency of the stimuli."

Though Pavlov's work falls far short of human mind control, it did lay the groundwork for future studies in mind and behavior control of humans. John B. Watson conducted experiments in the United States on an 11-month-old infant. After allowing the infant to establish a rapport with a white rat, Watson began to beat on the floor with an iron bar every time the infant came in contact with the rat. After a time, the infant made the association between the appearance of the rat and the frightening sound, and began to cry every time the rat came into view. Eventually, the infant developed a fear of any type of small animal. Watson was the founder of the behaviorist school of psychology.

"Give me the baby, and I'll make it climb and use its hands in constructing buildings or stone or wood. I'll make it a thief, a gunman or a dope fiend. The possibilities of shaping in any direction are almost endless. Even gross differences in anatomical structure limits are far less than you may think. Make him a deaf mute, and I will build you a Helen Keller. Men are built, not born," Watson proclaimed. His psychology did not recognize inner feelings and thoughts as legitimate objects of scientific study, he was only interested in overt behavior.

Though Watson's work was the beginning of man's attempts to control human actions, the real work was done by B.F. Skinner, the high priest of the behaviorists movement. The key to Skinner's work was the concept of operant conditioning, which relied on the notion of reinforcement, all behavior which is learned is rooted in either a positive or negative response to that action. There are two corollaries of operant conditioning" Aversion therapy and desensitization.

Aversion therapy uses unpleasant reinforcement to a response which is undesirable. This can take the form of electric shock, exposing the subject to fear producing situations, and the infliction of pain in general. It has been used as a way of "curing" homosexuality, alcoholism and stuttering. Desensitization involves forcing the subject to view disturbing images over and over again until they no longer produce any anxiety, then moving on to more extreme images, and repeating the process over again until no anxiety is produced. Eventually, the subject becomes immune to even the most extreme images. This technique is typically used to treat people's phobias. Thus, the violence shown on T.V. could be said to have the unsystematic and unintended effect of desensitization.

Skinnerian behaviorism has been accused of attempting to deprive man of his free will, his dignity and his autonomy. It is said to be intolerant of uncertainty in human behavior, and refuses to recognize the private, the ineffable, and the unpredictable. It sees the individual merely as a medical, chemical and mechanistic entity which has no comprehension of its real interests.

Skinner believed that people are going to be manipulated. "I just want them to be manipulated effectively," he said. He measured his success by the absence of resistance and counter control on the part of the person he was manipulating. He thought that his techniques could be perfected to the point that the subject would not even suspect that he was being manipulated. Dr. James V. McConnel, head of the Department of Mental Health Research at the University of Michigan, said, "The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs, hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior. We want to reshape our society drastically."

The Navy's Murderers (Statements of Lt. Commander Thomas Narut, The London Times) A U.S. Navy psychologist claims that the Office of Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modification techniques on them, and then relocated them in American embassies throughout the world. Just prior to that time, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee had censured the CIA for its global political assassination plots, including plots against Fidel Castro. The Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance. According to Dr. Narut, the U.S. Navy was an excellent place for a researcher to find "captive personnel" whom they could could use as guinea pigs in experiments.

The Navy provided all the funding necessary, according to Narut. Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins. He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as "hit men and assassins" who could kill on command. Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the military records, and those who actually received assignments where their training could be utilized, were drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops, and many were convicted murderers serving military prison sentences. Several men who had been awarded medals for bravery were drafted into the program. The assassins were conditioned through "audio-visual desensitization". The process involved the showing of films of people being injured or killed in a variety of ways, starting with very mild depictions, leading up to the more extreme forms of mayhem. Eventually, the subjects would be able to detach their feelings even when viewing the most horrible of films. The conditioning was most successful when applied to "passive-aggressive" types, and most of these ended up being able to kill without any regrets. The prime indicator of violent tendencies was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Dr. Narut knew of two Navy programming centers, the neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego and the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Italy, where he worked. During the audio-visual desensitization programming, restraints were used to force the subject to view the films. A device was used on the subjects eyelids to prevent him from blinking. Typically, the preliminary film was on an African youth being ritualistically circumcised with a dull knife and without any anesthetic. The second film showed a sawmill scene in which a man accidentally cut off his fingers.

In addition to the desensitization films, the potential assassins underwent programming to create prejudicial attitude in the men, to think of their future enemies, especially the leaders of these countries, as sub-human. Films and lectures were presented demeaning the culture and habits of the people of the countries where it had been decided they would be sent. After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut disappeared. He could not be located. Within a week of so after the lecture, the Pentagon issued an emphatic denial that the U.S. Navy had "engaged in psychological training or other types of training of personnel as assassins." They disavowed the programming centers in San Diego and Naples and stated they were unable to locate Narut, but did provide confirmation that he was a staff member of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples. Dr. Alfred Zitani, an American delegate to the Oslo conference, did verify Narut's remarks and they were published in the Sunday Times.

Sometime later, Dr. Narut surfaced again in London and recanted his remarks, stating that he was "talking in theoretical and not practical terms." Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Naval headquarters in London issued a statement indicating that Dr. Narut's remarks at the NATO conference should be discounted because he had "personal problems". Dr. Narut never made any further public statements about the program.

During the NATO conference in Oslo, Dr. Narut had remarked that the reason he was divulging the information was because he believed that the information was coming out anyway. The doctor was referring to the disclosure by a Congressional subcommittee which were then appearing in the press concerning various CIA assassination plots. However, what Dr. Narut had failed to realize at the time, was that the Navy's assassination plots were not destined to be revealed to the public at that time. Electromagnetic Control of Human Behavior (Published scientific papers and press reports) There were three scientists who pioneered the work of using an electromagnetic field to control human behavior. Their work began 25 years ago. These three were Dr. Jose Delgado, psychology professor at Yale University; Dr. W. Ross Adey, a physiologist at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA; and Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian.

Dr. Penfield's experiments consisted of the implantation of electrodes deep into the cortexes of epilepsy patients who were to undergo surgery; he was able to drastically improve the memories of these patients through electrical stimulation. Dr. Adey implanted transmitters in the brains of cats and chimpanzees that could send signals to a receiver regarding the electrical activity of the brain; additional radio signals were sent back into the brains of the animals which modified their behavior at the direction of the doctor. Dr. Delgado was able to stop and turn a charging bull through the use of an implanted radio receiver.

Other experiments using platinum, gold and stainless steel electrode implants enabled researchers to induce total madness in cats, put monkeys into a stupor, or to set human beings jerking their arms up and down. Much of Delgado's work was financed by the CIA through phony funding conduits masking themselves as charitable organizations. Following the successes of Delgado's work, the CIA set up their own research program in the field of electromagnetic behavior modification under the code name Sleeping Beauty. With the guidance of Dr. Ivor Browning, a laboratory was set up in New Mexico, specializing in working with the hypothalamus or "sweet spot" of the brain. Here it was found that stimulating this area could produce intense euphoria. Dr. Browning was able to wire a radio receiver-amplifier into the "sweet spot" of a donkey which picked up a five-micro-amp signal, such that he could create intense happiness in the animal. Using the jolts of happiness as an "electronic carrot", Browning was able to send the donkey up a 2000 foot New Mexico mountain and back to its point of origin.

When the donkey was proceeding up the path toward its destination, it was rewarded; when it deviated, the signal stopped. "You've never seen a donkey so eager to keep on course in your whole life," Dr. Browning exclaimed. The CIA utilized the electronic carrot technique in getting trained pigeons to fly miniature microphone-transmitters to the ledge of a KGB safe house where the devices monitored conversations for months. There was a move within the CIA to conduct further experiments on humans, foreigners and prisoners, but officially the White House vetoed the idea as being unethical. In May 1989, it was learned by the CIA that the KGB was subjecting people undergoing interrogation to electromagnetic fields, which produced a panic reaction, thereby bringing them closer to breaking down under questi

More on Man's Play for our future that proves why God will step in!

For those of us who still accept the Bible as God's revealed will to man, it's a matter of great concern to see the increasing propaganda for, and emergence of, a New World Order. Briefly put, beginning more than two thousand years ago both Old and New Testaments warned us that the culmination of history would be marked by the reunion of the nations of the old Roman Empire in Europe; the restoration of the state of Israel [and the increasing hostility of all nations toward her]; the implementation of a one-world governmental system; the imposition of a world-wide cashless monetary system; the development of a synchretistic world religion, based upon man, and presided over by a false prophet; the rise to power of a benign world dictator, who [once firmly in control] would eliminate individual freedoms, demonstrate iron-willed ferocity and cruelty, and make himself the object of worship; and world-wide apostacy, coupled with active persecution and execution of believing Jews and Christians. If you're interested, check for yourself in Ezekiel 38 and 39; Daniel 7; Zechariah 12-14; Matthew 24; 2 Thessalonians 4; and the Book of Revelation.

The phenomenal rise of the European Union, the amazing creation of the State of Israel, the increasing surrender of international authority and policing power to the U.N., recurrent and increasing currency and financial crises, and the gradual abandonment of the Biblical revelation on which Western civilisation was built, all give us due warning that very tough and delusive times are coming. We should be as skilled in reading the spiritual portents of the times in which we live as we are in reading the weather, and we should prepare accordingly.

The following carefully-chosen books from various publishers are all solid, informative and factual, and would well repay careful reading. As for ourselves, we're trusting to the grace and mercy of God, and not in the dangerous chimera of "human progress", and we hope that you are too.


"This campaign against the American people -against traditional American culture and values - is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left.

Among this group we find the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational coporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.

Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a New World Order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called New World Order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles. .

The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector. The principal instrument of this control over the American economy and money is the Federal Reserve System. The policies of the Industrial sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are influenced by the money center banks through debt financing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by the trust departments of the money center banks.

Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise....

The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time. This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.

The viewpoint of the establishment today is called globalism. Not so long ago, this viewpoint was called the "one-world" view by its critics. The phrase is no longer fashionable among sophisticates; yet, the phrase "one-world" is still apt because nothing has changed in the minds and actions of those promoting policies consistent with its fundamental tenets.

Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power. Liberty and tyranny are viewed as neither necessarily good nor evil, and certainly not a component of policy.

In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design - with a convergence of the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece - into being. . . . All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, a system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn't real capitalism. It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery."

Interested in reading more, and being warned, about the New World Order? The following books are invaluable and highly readable resources:






















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A Muslim's understanding of what is going on in the world. How correct is he? Maybe 95%!

Never in the history of humankind have so many countries owed so much money with so little prospect of ever getting out of debt. The total amount of international debt owed by the Third World nations amounted to just under 100 billion dollars in 1973. By 1997, it stood at a staggering sum of $2 trillion. This sum of money is certainly large by any standard. But ironically, more money flows from poor 'Developing Countries' into the richer 'Developed Countries', than is given back in aid and new loans. Since 1987 multilateral institutions like the IMF have received, from all 'Developing Countries', net transfers of over $13 billion. Between 1983 and 1993 the IMF in particular took $2.9 billion more from the less 'Developed Countries' than it gave in new loans. 'Third World' debt is ever growing, with devastating consequences on the people due to structural adjustment conditions attached.

The strings attached to loans Nations receiving loans are asked to, devalue their currency, lower their import barriers, remove their restrictions on foreign investments, remove their subsidies for local industry, lower their social welfare funding, pay lower wages, reduce government spending in general, and expand production and export of their timber, minerals, and agriculture. The results are almost universally the same, wages fall, poverty worsens, health care decreases, education decreases. Adding to all of these problems is the purpose of all the changes, the price of the export commodities are forced down. And then the real trouble cycle begins.

The international debt game is played according to an upside down logic, that one would think would be blatantly obvious to all. But it continues like an endless chess game with pawns continuously placed in strategic positions in order to be sacrificed to keep bishops and kings going. During the Clinton administration in his tour of Africa, President Clinton made a move to place Africa in a strategic position in the American plan. After admitting that "For centuries, other nations exploited Africa's gold, Africa's diamonds, Africa's minerals...". He coloured his speeches with phrases like "It is time for Americans to put new Africa on our map", "Now Africans are embracing economic reform", "Americans of both political parties want to increase trade and investment in Africa...". These amount to an agenda of loans and 'aid' to African countries in order to invest in further exploitation of raw materials and to boost consumption of US products. This has been happening in the same way for centuries, only this time more cleverly so. President Clinton only seeked to beat the European Union in the new scramble for Africa. Being the biggest competitor to the US, the European Union has announced its own "economic encounter with Africa" in the year 2000 and on. Neither the US nor the EU will offer to increase trade and investment by removing their unfair trade barriers on secondary or tertiary products or by investing in real manufacturing and industrial development. This is because Capitalism is the rule of the game, and they make the rules, using instruments like GATT. Like the IMF, GATT is a crucial tool in the game, since loans and 'aids' on their own are not sufficient to maintain the continuous exploitation of 'Third World' countries. Through it, strategically selected barriers are raised and lowered in such a way as to steer the economic growth of 'Third World' nations. These conditions which complement the IMF loan conditions are not the same for the powerful. The US is the most indebted country in the world, with foreign debt amounting to about $1.5 trillion out of a total Federal debt of $5.5 trillion.
Yet it stands as the leading nation of the world due to its political and ideological will and its influence in setting the rules and playing the game. The existing 'Third World' regimes have abandoned their political will in order to pursue these structural adjustment policies and therefore have little prospect of ever getting out of the vicious cycle. In the following paragraphs, we analyze how the international debt game is played, its implications and consequences and the Islamic viewpoint on it.
The ends do not justify the means

The reason why 'Third World' countries borrow at the international level is to finance projects in the country. But the bulk of the projects are not addressing the fundamental requirements of these nations. They often involve the construction of infrastructure and production systems that benefit the creditor nations of the West far more than the debtor. These include large irrigation dams as in the case of Morocco or power plants supplying non-domestic electricity as in the case of Zaire and arms to keep ailing dictatorships in power. At face value, these projects may seem very beneficial to the borrowing 'Third World' country. But the actual consequence of the borrowing can be seen as follows:
The loan is provided on the basis of regular interest payments. These loans have to be paid back in Dollars or Pound Sterling, and to earn this currency, the borrowing country needs to export goods, or to purchase foreign currency on the international market. In order to achieve this, government expenditure on basic necessities such as food and other commodities is diverted to other products such as cash crops that can be sold on the international market for the desired currency. These crops are usually produced by many other debtor nations, resulting in low market prices. At the same time, due to the emphasis on cash crops and the like, the borrowing country has not invested in developing its own agricultural base for feeding its population. Consequently, it needs to purchase its food from the 'First World', thus living at their mercy; and to do that it needs to borrow. Then the cycle begins all over again. When the borrowing nation defaults or is in danger of doing so, the IMF is invoked. The IMF has one and the same solution to all such problems, - the imposition of austerity measures designed to increase foreign exports and reserves in order to make more payments. This means more suffering and poverty for the people.

The poor borrow their own money
This is a well-known phenomenon to American bankers. They take funds that 'Third World' elites have appropriated from their countries and loan them back to countries for supposedly productive uses, earning a nice spread each way. These banks are adept at designing complex schemes to help their wealthy clients ferry money out of their country's offshore trusts, fake investment companies, parallel foreign exchange swaps that avoid national banks, and 'back to back' loans in which the bank 'loans' the client his own money. Their inventiveness is amazing! The big western banks in the game have whole departments dedicated to this, with agents world-wide. One dollar out of every three loaned to Latin America by banks between 1979 and 1983 made this round trip. It was estimated that a net of $418 billion of borrowed funds flowed right back between 1982 and 1990. This is more than double that was spent to rebuild Europe after World War II. This wealth that is skimmed off by the elite of Developing Countries and deposited in foreign banks, is a large factor in the developing world's debt burden.

Compulsory purchase
Another mechanism for ensuring Third World debt is that they are almost without exception tied to import from the donor country. These types of bondage deals are usually done discretely. To cite an example of one such deal that became public in 1988, George Younger, the British Defense Secretary, signed a deal with Malaysia linking $1 billion in arms sales with an aid package to build the Pergau Dam. More generally, it has now become a common practice for Western companies to persuade poor countries to buy their goods and services even if they don't have money to pay. They make it part of the deal that they will secure aid on their behalf from their country or a loan from the World Bank or any such bodies. Hence the money simply remains in the donor country. It is reported that over 80% of America's foreign aid returns immediately through exports tied to that aid.

Compound interest
In the Capitalist world, interest must be paid on debt. Now, unless a country is running a trade surplus, it must borrow the funds necessary to make interest payments. Thus the annual amount that must be borrowed gets larger and larger, even if the trade deficit itself does not expand. As debts grow, interest payments grow. As interest payments grow, debt grows. As time passes the rate of debt accumulation speeds up, even if the basic trade deficit remains constant. This magic of compound interest is that it ensures that almost all of the 'Third World' countries will alaways remain in debt. To illustrate with numbers, $1 trillion dollars compounded at 10% per year will become $117 trillion in fifty years and $13.78 quadrillion in one hundred years. This would correspond to about $3.5 million for every man, woman, and child in the 'Developing World'. But their debt is twice this and has been compounding at twice that rate - over 20% per year between 1973 and 1997, from under $100 billion to $2 trillion. Most of these debts are incurred without the recipient country receiving any lasting benefits. In fact, only about $400 billion of that $2 trillion debt was actual borrowed finance capital; the rest was runaway compound interest.
The Islamic Perspective
The taking of foreign aids/loans by the Islamic State could be haram or mubah depending on the strings attached. Firstly, if it comes with interest, it becomes haram as Allah (swt) has forbidden interest. But even if this could be circumvented somehow, it does not automatically become permitted by Islam. The reason is that it could bring harm to the state's authority, its economy and its security. This is based on the Shari'ah principle which states that if any particular action that is allowed (mubah) leads to harm then this individual action becomes haram.

The curse of foreign aid
The clear and present danger of foreign loans is that they constitute a sophisticated war tool that has been used historically and is still being used to control debtor states. Strange as it may sound, one of the goals of the leading mercantilist nations is to sell as many consumer products as possible to an enemy, while embargoing machinery and technology, so as to keep them dependent and weak. High priority is placed on selling to any society that is an ideological threat, as is the case between Islam and the West. The resulting inability of the dependent society to develop its own skilled labor, innovations, industry and wealth, is well understood. Modern aid is intended by 'Developed Countries' to perpetuate the above. Additionally, as the debt grows to unrepayable levels, the debtor country becomes permanently enslaved with the creditor country invoking all sorts of rights to intervene.

England colonized Egypt through debts. Under the pretext of recouping their loans, an English administrative officer was sent to supervise public revenues and a French one to supervise expenditure. This developed later to establishing a mixed cabinet, with the English in the ministry of Finance and the French in the ministry of works. Through this, Egypt was colonized. In a similar way, France also occupied Tunis through debts. But most telling was the establishment of the Ottoman Debt Council (1881-1944) through which the Western states extended their direct influence on the Khilafah in its last days.

What is most likely to happen today or in the future is that international bodies will be used to control the Khilafah if it falls into the debt trap. This was what happened to the lesser European states during the inter-war period, especially Austria, Hungary and Greece, when international financial control was established by the League of Nations over them. The modern equivalent of the 'League of Nations', the UN and its daughter organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, are already doing the job. These are in fact tools in the hands of the rich Western nations. Notwithstanding this, if the Khilafah evaluates that none of the above dangers exist, taking a loan, without interest, would be permissible.

The Islamic State is and must be an ideological nation. Since it is clear that such interventionist actions as outlined above are motivated by political and ideological considerations, it must steer clear of this danger. As has been proven in many historical cases, these debts are not absolute necessities for advancement. On the one hand, there are countries especially in the Muslim World that are even richer than their Western masters, and yet they are so technically backward that they cannot even defend their borders. On the other hand, there have been many examples of countries which were boycotted and actually ended up better off in terms of developing their own resources while countless more that were tempted or coerced to keep borrowing ended up worse off. The lesson stands that the most important tool of advancement is the ideological and political will of a nation rather than anything else.

1. What is terrorism?

Terrorism is hard to define. In its broadest sense terrorism can be thought of as the use or threatened use of force against civilians designed to bring about political or social change. Moreover, while we think of terrorism as being both a political and irrational act (especially suicide terrorism), terrorism can also be thought of as a rational act conducted specifically because of the impact -- fear, confusion, submission -- it will have.

Given the U.S. government's pledge to wage a war against terrorism, it is important to look at its definitions. According to both the Department of Defense (DOD) and the FBI, terrorism is "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The DOD definition adds that a goal of terrorism can be "inculcating fear" (thus the psychological dimension), while the State Department is more elaborate, specifying that terrorism may include the use of biological, chemical or nuclear devices as well as the act of "assassination."

The latter would suggest that assassinating bin Laden would be a terrorist act by our definition of the word; the former that allied forces in the fire bombings of cities in Dresden, and specifically the U.S., through its use of nuclear weapons to end World War II and of chemical weapons in Vietnam, has already engaged in terrorist activities, although the moral calculus and justification for these actions varies widely and in comparison with the terrorism of the enemies, such as Nazi Germany.

This is the grand conundrum of defining terrorism; it is very difficult to separate it from acts of war, just or unjust. We all have heard the saying, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." And indeed, Osama bin Laden and his comrades were hailed as freedom fighters in the 1980s by the American government at a time when politicians like Dick Cheney considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist.

Further, the UN definition of terrorism states that "all war crimes will be considered acts of terrorism," in which case most every government in the world (especially the major military powers, Pakistan, Israel, the major Muslim states, most Latin American governments) has committed terrorism, though few have ever faced justice or even opprobrium for doing so.

2. What is the history of terrorism?

The first recorded use of "terrorism" and "terrorist" was in 1795, relating to the Reign of Terror instituted by the French government. The use of "terrorist" to signify anti-government activities was recorded in 1866 referring to Ireland, and in 1883 referring to Russia.

Throughout history humans have terrorized their neighbors to generate fear and compel changes in behavior. At the dawn of China's imperial age, T'ai Kung, the first Chinese general and progenitor of strategic thought, described the "spreading of civil offensives" to sow dissension, demoralize the populace and incapacitate the government.

In the modern period, all regular armies have recruited "irregulars" to do their dirty work: Cossacks, hunters, Hussars, all were used to draw a civilized veil over the actions of their sponsors as they raped and pillaged in towns and across countrysides. (Ironically, Ivan the First had to subdue the very Cossacks he used to pacify the Muslim regions of Russia; today the U.S. is forced to "subdue" the Muslims we used to pacify Russia.)

Today terrorism must be viewed within the context of the modern nation-state. Indeed, it was the rise of a bureaucratic state, which could not be destroyed by the death of one leader that forced terrorists to widen their scope of targets in order to create a public atmosphere of anxiety and undermine confidence in government. This reality is at the heart of the ever more violent terrorism of the last 100 years, from anarchists' assassinations to hijackings and suicide bombings.

3. Who and where are terrorists today?

According to the U.S. State Department, there are at least 45 terrorist groups outside the United States. Currently, at least seven "rogue states" -- Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba and now Afghanistan -- are accused by the U.S. of "supporting terrorism."

But the label of who is and isn't a terrorist is still fuzzy. Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat was a terrorist, and now isn't. Jerry Adams of Ireland's Sinn Fein and Nelson Mandela of South Africa were terrorists, now they're statesmen. At least three Israeli Prime Ministers were either self-avowed terrorists or could be legitimately accused of engaging in terrorist activities. Our newest ally in the war against terror, Russian President Vladimir Putin, continues to lead a dirty war in Chechnya that could be described as terrorist in the ferocity of its atrocities against civilians.

Thirty years ago Noam Chomsky reminded us that two thirds of the national-security states using torture and terrorism were clients of the United States. Moreover, almost every Middle Eastern government, including our strongest allies, engage in state-terrorism against its people or its neighbors. To cite just one small example, Pakistan, our major security partner in Central Asia, is about to execute Dr. Yunis Shaikh, a leading humanist and peace activist [ go to for more information and to help free him ] on concocted charges of "blasphemy," precisely in order to stifle any dissent against the government's policies. And yet President Bush has ignored this human rights abomination, waved American sanctions imposed after the detonation of the Pakistani bomb and is putting together new aid packages for the Pakistan government.

4. From where does the trail of Osama bin Laden, and terrorists more generally, originate? This September 2008 Osama bin Laden is imprisoned in the Coos County Oregon Jail now for several weeks. Why, for political reasons?

We are only beginning to understand the incredibly complex logistical, financial and personnel network behind the likes of Osama bin Laden. This complexity suggests the deeper we dig, the wider the circle grows. What has long been clear is that bin Laden's main support comes from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, both major U.S. allies and pivots in our Middle Eastern and Central Asian security system.

The U.S. remains the lead arms supplier and patron of the Saudi regime, and was close to Pakistan during the Afghan war, while the dictator Zia ul-Haq (one of the world's more ruthless) was in power. The CIA was a main funnel of over $3 billion in funds to the Afghan resistance, which became the core of the current terrorist network. The Soviet Union was likewise a supporter of the previous generation of Arab terrorists, such as Abu Nidal, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other Palestinian groups.

The U.S. alliance with the Saudi royal family goes back to the 1940s, when the Roosevelt administration pledged to ensure the survival of the royal family as long as it ensured a supply of cheap oil. Thus was born the petrodollar-arms cycle, in which dollars sent to the Saudis in the form of oil revenues were recycled back to the U.S. through arms purchases. To understand the finances of terrorism it is important to keep in mind this petrodollar cycle, which keeps the vast majority of oil revenue in the hands of corrupt regimes and thus out of reach of most citizens of the region.

If we turn to the question of who is harboring and financing terrorists, once again the West and its allies in the Middle East and global south are implicated. For its part, the U.S. is involved, through foreign aid and weapons sales totaling hundreds of billions of dollars during and since the Cold War (from just 1993 to 1997, the U.S. government sold, approved or gave away $190 billion in weapons to virtually every nation on earth). The same has been true for the Soviet Union, though on a smaller scale. Whether in Latin America, Africa, Asia or the Middle East, regimes that have engaged in acts of terror could not have survived without the support of the two (and now one) superpower and our G-8 allies.

But blame cannot just be laid with superpowers. If bin Laden could not survive without the Taliban, the Taliban could not exist were it not for Pakistan's patronage and support of hundreds of "madrasas," or religious schools, that train thousands of young men to do little else other than hate and kill in the name of God. In fact, the major financiers of the bin Laden and the Taliban have been Saudi intelligence and eminent Saudis such as the Governor of Riyadh and the Grand Mufti of the country. Ironically, bin Laden has been linked to Saddam Hussein.

Yet it is not only princes and sheiks who are to blame: average people through small donations have helped to sustain myriad terrorist organizations, whether its Arabs giving to duel-function groups like the Muslim Brotherhood or the Hamas that provide social services and support violent activities, or poor Pakistanis who still manage to give a rupee or two to add to bin Laden's millions. It could also be argued that average citizens in France, Israel or the U.S. do likewise through their tax dollars that pay our policies.

5. What do Judaism, Christianity and Islam have to say about terrorism?

The concept of terrorism arose centuries after the classic texts of the three religions were handed down to humanity, so it is difficult to discuss the concept of terrorism in this sense. However, all three Abrahamic faiths allow war and set limits on when, how and against whom it can be waged.

If we start with Judaism, certainly the Bible, in the Ten Commandments, admonishes "thou shalt not kill," which clearly would prescribe any sort of violence against non-combatants. Indeed, the Prophet Hosea warned Israel that her sins would cause "the tumult of war [to] arise among your people, and all your fortresses shall be destroyed… mothers dashed in pieces with their children." Yet the Bible also describes the Lord as "a man of war" who orders Israel to "go and smite Am'alek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." In one sense, this is not an act of terrorism, since the goal isn't political. Yet in the larger context of teaching a lesson to Israel's enemies by making Am'alek an example, it would seem to meet the criteria. Moreover, if we consider the Egyptians' killing of all the first born of the Hebrews, and God's doing likewise to Egypt as the tenth plague preceding the Exodus, both could be interpreted in a modern context as "terroristic" because they involved the killing of innocent non-combatants for political ends -- i.e., the changing of attitudes and policies on each side.

Of course, by definition God cannot engage in an act of evil, yet when Job questioned God, He did not answer directly, but instead replied, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand... Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?" Even the prophets could not answer the question of evil and innocent suffering in a world created in God's image.

If we turn to Christianity, the example of Jesus's doctrine of blessing peacemakers and turning the other cheek has influenced pacifist movements to this day. Instead of an "eye for an eye," Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Yet he did not challenge the Roman soldiers to give up their profession—which certainly included "terrorism" as a matter of course—while Paul in Romans exclaims that "He beareth not the sword in vain: for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil."

As Christian theology developed with Augustine and later Aquinas, the doctrine of "just war" helped define the rules and limits of war, and are now being used by the Vatican to indicate its support for the war against terrorism. Augustine explained, "We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace. Be peaceful, therefore, in warring, so that you may vanquish those whom you war against, and bring them to the prosperity of peace."

Such solipsisms are easily distorted to justify any sort of barbarity, even as the just war doctrine prohibited "private individuals" (like Osama bin Laden) from "summoning together the people," to quote Aquinas. Yet Augustine's definition of a just war as "one that avenges wrongs, when a nation or state has to be punished, for refusing to make amends for the wrongs inflicted by its subjects, or to restore what it has seized unjustly" sounds just like the justifications offered by terrorists everywhere for their extreme actions. And indeed, the commonly accepted contemporary criteria for a just war -- having a "just case," being under "proper authority," fighting for justice and not reasons of self-interest or aggrandizement -- can all be claimed by terrorists as well as "just" states. Finally, we should remember that the Crusades or Inquisition, which were executed largely through terroristic means, were authorized directly by the Church.

Arriving at Islam, the concept of Jihad, or "struggle," which in recent decades has been at the theological core of justifying Muslim acts of terrorism, traditionally meant the spiritual and moral struggle of an individual Muslim against his or her evil inclinations. The lesser jihad, that is, war against other human beings, is in classical Muslim sources a "defensive" war with limits that cannot be "transgressed," even when fighting those who "try to force you to adopt another religion or to leave your home." In fact, the conservative Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran just called the fight against terrorism a "holy war" -- that is, a jihad.

Yet while the Koran has plenty of verses that talk about peace, even with Muhammad's enemies, there are also verses that advocate war and violence. Indeed, God exclaims in Sura 8:12, "I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." Moreover, while the Koran prohibits suicide, and the Prophet clearly prohibited killing noncombatants, women and children, destroying property or even poisoning wells (the precursor to chemical warfare), there are hadith (prophetic sayings) that list jihad as among the highest religious duties, higher even than performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the five pillars of the faith. And although it is not always clear which jihad is being spoken of, the fact that the Prophet is quoted as saying that booty will be the reward for "Jihad for God," and that women should make the pilgrimage instead of jihad, one can assume that the martial sense of jihad is intended at least some of the time.

Ultimately, the theological roots of terrorism or war in general would seem to be moot, for religion has long been used to justify politics and warfare. Nonetheless, this has not stopped the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon from considering themselves to be good Muslims, nor the Jews who uproot Palestinian homes or Serbs who kill Muslims in Bosnia from considering themselves to be good Jews or Christains. Arguing with them about the "true" nature of their religion is a waste of time. They might indeed by "good" Christians, Muslims or Jews, but are in the end bad human beings.

6. What are the most common acts of terrorism?

Since 1968, when the United States government began keeping such statistics, more than 7,000 terrorist bombings have occurred worldwide. The State Department currently lists 30 "designated foreign terrorist organizations" and another 14 as "other terrorist organizations". [ report containing full list at ]

According to the State Department, the number of terrorist acts has hovered between 300 and 500 per year during the 1980-1999 period. Perhaps surprisingly, about two thirds of all acts of terrorism are against business, numbering five-fold more than attacks on diplomatic, military and government personnel or property, or civilians. Moreover, while the Middle East dominates media coverage of terrorism, in fact Latin America, followed by Western Europe, suffered the most attacks in 1999 (96 and 30 respectively out of a total of 169), with bombings the most popular method of attack, followed by firebombing, kidnapping, arson, and hijacking.

But the State Department numbers are misleading, because an incident is classified as international terrorism only if it involves the citizens or territory of more than one country; thus terrorism within countries not harming foreign nationals is not counted. A more accurate accounting comes from Pinkerton Security's Annual Risk Assessment, which show an average of almost 5,000 incidents per year during the last decade, with terrorism confined to one country. Yet even these numbers don't account for terrorist actions by governments. Indeed, while hijackings and suicide bombings get the most attention, the fact is that the most common act of terror is torture committed by states against their own citizens, as Amnesty International reports that tens of thousands of cases of torture and extra-judicial killings occur each year (and complains that more often than not, the U.S. "shares the blame" for them).

7. What are the most renowned acts of terrorism?

The attacks of September 11 may become the most famous acts of terror ever perpetrated, and are linked to other terrorist attacks apparently sponsored by bin Laden on U.S. embassies in Africa and the USS Cole in Yemen. Yet many of the most famous terrorist attacks of the modern era were attacks on individual political leaders. The turn of the 20h century, like today, was rife with terrorism, as evidenced by anarchist killings of a French and Spanish Prime Ministers (Sadi Carnot and Antonio Canovas), Empress Elizabeth of Austria, Italy's King Umberto I, and the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, which sparked the first World War. Anarchist mail bombs in the U.S. started the Palmer Raids in 1920, one of the worst violations of civil liberties by U.S. government in U.S. history.

In the post-war period, acts of terrorism have included the Munich Olympic massacre in 1972, plane hijackings and airport shootings throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the 1993 World Trade Center attack, the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the murderous acts of the Ted Kazinsky, the "Unibomber," the latter three of which signaled the arrival of large-scale terrorism as permanent fact of life on American soil.

Finally, the Tokyo sarin subway attack by Aum Shinrikyo in 1995 has augured a new era in terrorism, now crowned by the September 11 attacks. Yet while we focus on high-tech problems and responses, these attacks reveal that the new dynamics of terror combine devoted militants, often well-educated, using relatively primitive means to commit acts of extreme and indiscriminate violence.

8. Does terrorism work; and if so, how can it be stopped?

Terrorism by the IRA, the PLO and other Palestinian groups, Sikhs, Tamils, Basques, Philippino Muslims -- none of these has succeeded in altering the policies of the affected states. Neither has state-sponsored terror by Rogue states led to the defeat of an enemy. However, if the goal of terrorist acts by these groups is to prevent peace and reconciliation, terrorism has worked.

The variables determining the success or failure of acts of terror are thus indeterminate and complex. Perhaps the most we can say is that terror can help the stronger party in a conflict win more quickly and with less loss of life on its side (the rationale underlying the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings or the massacre of Palestinians in 1948). Yet as perpetrators of terrorism move away from single issue causes (freeing Northern Ireland or Palestine) and become more apocalyptic, hoping like Osama bin Laden to start war on a global scale, the standard for measuring success changes, as the worst possible scenario on all sides is exactly what is hoped for.

In such a situation it becomes all the more important for citizens and leaders in the West and its allies in the Muslim world -- in fact, all people everywhere -- to understand the role their policies, and indeed the whole world system as presently and unequally structured, plays in the fostering and sustaining this new generation of terrorists. Yet the scope and horror of the violence inflicted by the new terrorism makes such introspection all but impossible. In this sense, Osama bin Laden and his comrades around the world might achieve their goals through their very destruction.

9. Does violence stop terrorism?

All we have to do is look at both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide to understand that violence, including terrorism by a state or occupied population, rarely stops further violence as long as the grievances motivating them are not addressed.

In that context, 15 years ago Connor Cruise O'Brien warned that "the free, or capitalist, world provides highly favorable conditions for terrorist recruitment and activity." Why? Because the number of frustrated were increasing along with their awareness of how good life was for the few and better off. Ten years later, Bill Clinton made the "war on terrorism" a lynchpin of his reelection campaign just as the neo-liberal paradigm of globalization he championed achieved unparalleled power in international policy-making. It should come as no surprise, then, that in pushing for Star Wars funds, the U.S. Space Command's pamphlet "Vision for 2020" argues that "the globalization of the world economy" will widen the gap between haves and the have-nots, and thus the U.S. government has a mission to "dominate the space dimension of military operations" in order to protect the U.S. from the rest of the world.

In the context of a world were conservative estimates declare half of humanity to be living on less than $2 a day, asking the CIA or other military agencies to fight terrorism is probably not going to work, as the "blowback" from policies that produce ever-widening gaps between rich and poor between and within countries will likely be at least as bad as the blowback produced by the CIA overthrow of the Mossadeq Government and installation of the Shah of Iran in 1953.

Even on an operational level, as former CIA officer Reuel Marc Gerecht wrote only months before the 9/11 attacks, it has proved impossible to place even the best trained Muslim operative into the tight-knit structures that constituted contemporary terrorist organizations. As for America's technological supremacy, President Clinton sent dozens of cruise missiles after bin Laden, none of which hit their target.

From a broader perspective, the ever growing world trade in arms, which fuels violence at all levels, has multiplied opportunities for anyone with a grievance to spread terror anywhere, including here. Yet our entire military-industrial system is based on the large-scale trade in arms, which helps to fund our own defense budget. Finally, since much of the rest of the world, especially citizens of the Global South, harbor deep resentments against the United States for its "cultural invasion" as much as for its economic and foreign policies, using unilateral acts of large-scale violence in the war against terrorism will only feed that hatred.

10. What are the alternatives to our current policies on terrorism?

There have been two phases of the U.S. approach to fighting terrorism. The first, lasting until September 11, has been a "defensive approach" (also called "antiterrorism") that sought to protect against terrorism through increased security measures in airports and cooperation among intelligence services. With the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. has officially changed its policy to a more "offensive approach" (called "counter-terrorism") that focuses on the "sources of violence," that is the terrorists themselves and those who harbor them. A host of bills have also been proposed, including the "Combating Terrorism Act," the "Anti-Terrorism Act" and the "Public Safety and Cyber Security Enhancement Act," all of which civil libertarians argue go well beyond any necessary response to terrorism.

However, in terms of international law, there is a clear recourse in situations of this sort: going through the UN Security Council, the only body under international law that can authorize military action, or even authorize the equivalent of an international arrest warrant. Moreover, there are at least nine international multilateral terrorism conventions that the U.S. can use as the basis for a legal war against terrorism through international law, rather than unilateral war. [ report containing list at ]

There is also the International Criminal Court in the Hague, which has the moral and legal basis to enter this process, be it state of non-state actors who are ultimately accused of engaging in and/or supporting terrorism. This would clearly constrain the range and freedom of action of the U.S. government in prosecuting its war on terrorism, but that is precisely the point of the UN -- to limit the use of violence by member nations to secure international peace and security.

In the last analysis, breaking the cycle of terrorism, and the incredible violence that fuels it, requires a radical rethinking of a world system that forces half of its members to live in abject poverty and destroys ever more of the earth that sustains it. Today we all stand under judgment: colonizer and colonized, exploiter and exploited. As the philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote in the wake of 9/11, "the only way to ensure that it will not happen HERE again is to prevent it going on ANYWHERE ELSE." Only then will the war on terrorism see victory.

The Creator gave us all free choice of mind! Yet through "government, education, religion and the financial system," we have all been brought into captivety. Yes, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Budhist and all others that live on this planet. Even the Rich and wealthy are in captivity! They are brain washed into believing all they are doing is for the best for mankind and firstly themselves! Think about it my brothers and sisters of the world.

Yes I agree that it is quite clear that their are two camps amongs the Muslims worldwide. Which camp are you in? Are you in the camp that condones the killing of the non-believers? Or are you in the camp that will do all possible to make peace with the enemy? Which would God (Allah) prefer?

It is becoming more and more apparent that Muslims are waking up to their identity defined by Islam. We discuss here what defines the two camps and thier charcteristics in detail. The important question is whether Muslims are happy to be in the camp which may gain them helfire if their philosophy and teaching is truely ordained of God (Allah).!

The two groups in the world today when considering Muslims:

Usuli Muslims Muslims that follow the Quran, Sunnah, Shariah and decide according to Usul-ul-fiqh are known as Usuli Muslims.

illumi Muslims b Muslms that attest to following the Quran, possibly some of the Shariah and the law of the land*. Who make decisions according to their own limited minds are known as Illumi Muslims.

Remember, sincere Muslims living in the Muslim lands are being oppressed by goverments that have been planted by the West eighty or more years ago.

The Russians made a pact with America in 1956 whereby they both carved up the world into two spheres of control as a means to oppress the Muslim populations. Both USA(UK) and Russia made secret pacts that to destroy ISLAM. Russia was to carryout untold oppression against Muslims while the US looked on as a nation promoting Freedom. But freedom came at a cost and that was for the Muslims to become moderates and for them to impliment kaffir policies that contradicted ISLAM.

Eventually after decades of suppression the new sons of the Muslims would give up their fight for a Khilafah Islamic World State and follow the mainstream democratic capitalist governments.

History can prove that the US and Russia played this dreadful game at the expence of Muslim lives - they continue to do so under the guise of the failed New World Order. Let Muslims not be mislead into thinking that the United States is a seperate entity, it is no doubt a staging post for the New World Order and the UK as its military CNC (Command&Control) and should be seen as such.

Governemnts planted in the Muslim lands attest to being devout illumi Muslims and must not be supported by true Usuli Muslims. Instead these governments need to be removed and replace by a true Islamic Government as defined by ISLAM - read consitiution defined on this website.

And again I repeat myself, it has become more and more apparent that Muslims are waking up to their identity defined by Islamic writings. We discussed what defines the two camps and thier charcteristics in detail. The important question is whether Muslims are happy to be in the camp which may gain them helfire if their philosophy and understanding of GOD (Allah) is correct! Or is it another philosophy of man to control mankind?

Don't forget that we all were designed by the same Creator in the first place. Ancient races over 100,000 years ago, the yellow race over 14,000 years ago, the black, grey and brown about 14,000 years ago and the Adamic or light skin race 6,000 years ago. All of these races exist today! Even the seeds of Cain whose father was the "devil"!

The creator made us all in a certain order for a reason and purpose. That purpose is coming into play in this generation. Do you know your place on the Creators callender and His purpose for you?

Could it be the seeds of Cain that are running the show at this time?

George Bush declared to the world that either Muslims are with the Kaffir or they are with the terrorists (i.e usulli Muslims who are working for the restablishment of ISLAM as a political power on eartth). Muslims worldwide reject the Kaffir and support Muslims who call for the Khilafah Islamic State. Muslims are obliged to re-establish ISLAM as a political power because Allah(swt) demands this from the best of the Muslims. Muslims must determine whether they are Usuli or illumi.

This is if their religious teaching is truely ordained of God (Allah) A wise man will not listen to the words of any man and seek out truth for himself. If your heart is pure, the truth will be made known to you!

Their are indeed two groups in the world today when considering Muslims as I outlined above. Which do you want to be?

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Terrorism of the Worst Type

I am conscious of the fact that, strictly speaking, the word 'terrorism' applies to acts of terror, attempts to cause bomb explosions, and so on. But I do not believe that this is the only type of terrorism the world is suffering from. I believe that whenever repressive measures are taken by governments against their own countrymen to still the voice of disagreement, those measures too should be included within the term 'terrorism' and be as strongly and roundly condemned as any other form of terrorism. I consider all oppressive measures taken by governments against the left or right within their own countries as terrorism of the worst type. When acts of terrorism are directed against foreign governments and take the form of the use of explosives here and there, or the hijacking of planes, such events gain a great deal of attention. World opinion sympathizes with the victims of such callous terrorist acts, as indeed it should. Such sympathies are not merely voiced, but are generally followed by constructive means to prevent and pre-empt such attempts in the future. However, what about those hundreds of thousands of people suffering under the stem and merciless hands of their own governments? Their cries of anguish are seldom heard outside. Their cries of protest are very often muffled by the application of strict measures of censorship. Even if philanthropic agencies like Amnesty International draw the attention of the world to such cruel acts of persecution, torture, and denial of human rights, such events are only mildly condemned, if at all, by world governments. More often than not, these are considered to be internal matters for the countries concerned. Instead of being described as acts of terrorism, they are widely mentioned as government efforts to suppress terrorism in these countries, and to establish peace, law and order.

I am quite convinced that in essence all restrictive and punitive measures taken by a government against its own people to suppress a popular movement or suspected opposition, more often than not, go beyond the limits of genuine legal measures and end up as brutal acts of violence designed to strike terror in the hearts of a dissatisfied section of their own people. Humanity has suffered far more through such acts of State terrorism than through all acts of sabotage or hijacking put together As far as Islam is concerned, it categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individual, a group or a government.

From Murder in the Name of Allah,
Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 1990,
pp. 115-116
The Meaning of Jihad
Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-)
Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Community in Islam

For the record Published March 13, 2002


Comments by Palistine Doctor!

This week our Report Online interviews doctor and director of emergency medicine at the Red Crescent Society Hospital Ziad Abu Asia on ongoing events in the Israeli invasion in Ramallah. PR: Can you describe the situation in Ramallah from the position of a medical professional?

Abu Asia: Right now, the townspeople are very quiet. The city looks like a ghost town. You can't travel in your car through the streets because you will be shot at. I saw a few elderly people going to the bakery to get some bread. The streets are empty and you can see the tanks and bulldozers going back and forth.

I am at the Red Crescent Society Hospital in Al Bireh City. The ambulances cannot bring people to us. I had a person who called us and complained of chest pains last night, but she could not get to us. Two hours later she died and we have not yet been able to get to her to take her body to the hospital. Since six this morning, I have been trying to get someone to get this lady out of the house where she is with her daughter and six granddaughters, who have never seen a dead person before, and to bury her. Her brothers are far away and can't get there either and her daughter calls me and is crying.

I have another patient here who has a myocardial infraction or heart attack. We want to take him to a place where he can get better treatment, either Maqassed in Jerusalem or Ramallah hospital, which is very nearby. But Ramallah Hospital is surrounded by the Israeli military and there is an order [from the military] that the ambulances should not go there because they will shoot at them. They are shooting at any moving object.

In fact, I think the only hospital accepting patients in Ramallah right now is the Arab Care hospital in the center of town, but that is the only area in which there are no Israel military vehicles. But as far as I know Ramallah Hospital, Mustaqbal Hospital and the Red Crescent Hospital are out of action, with no patients being able to get in.

PR: Is there Palestinian firing at the Israelis around the hospital and how would you describe it?

Abu Asia: There is shooting by Palestinians, but not from inside the hospital. There is a lot of shooting and you can't always tell where it is coming from. It is not really safe to go and look, either.

PR: Has the hospital been targeted directly?

Abu Asia: They [Israeli troops] shot at the hospital and the third floor, the maternity ward, has been destroyed completely. The surgery room has been completely destroyed and we had to move the people from there. They also destroyed the administration offices on the fourth floor. We have 16 patients here in the hospital and the food is running out. Our cook was not here when the invasion began and so the nurses are cooking for the patients. I have been on the phone just trying to get some bread in here. PR: Do you have enough staff?

Abu Asia: We are getting by, but it is not adequate. We had a caesarean section yesterday and we arranged for the obstetrician to come to the hospital and now he cannot get home and no more can come. The Israeli army has been firing at cars marked with the Red Cross symbol.

PR: What has been the response of international organizations such as the International Red Cross?

Abu Asia: I think the Red Cross is trying. The Red Crescent is trying to arrange something, and they are doing their best. They want their patients to move around and medical people to get to their patients. But right now, there is indiscriminate shooting at any object. A case in point is this woman we are trying to get out. She is only 500 meters from our hospital--that is all. Somebody has to get her from the house to the cemetery to bury her, otherwise tomorrow, I would hate to see what that house is like.-Published 13/3/02 ©Palestine Doctor's Report.


Dear readers and good citizens of the World: As many of you know, we have been publishers of many Web-Sites in many languages around the World since 1999. We publish from all over the world.

Our main purpose and message is to inform all mankind of important world situations as they happen and where they fit in prophecy of today. As well as where we fit in Prophecy of today. To offer to the public valuable "FREE" software and services. To assist all mankind everywhere in the strugle for life, health, happiness, prosperity where and when possible. To investigate and fight against terrorism, crime and corruption world-wide. The on-line and private full time Study and Educattion regarding prophecy and where we are on "God's callender" today. To keep you informed on "news and many personal subjects" of interest to all, and to do our best in assisting the world to help maintain "peace and security" in troubled times. In this we have given it our all. Our time, health, finances and in many cases our own life.

We are a private, independent, and a self supporting organization. Most are well educated and trained in all fields of law enforcement, military, and private business and occupations of every major catagory in the world. We began our united world-wide venture to assist and observe mankind in 1968.

Our past and present force of independent operatives numbers 7,000 world-wide. Our group consist of all men except a team of two women.

When one dies or is killed, he is replaced with the best possible trained replacement.

Although our main occupation is International Private Investigations, we all specialize in many different fields or occupations. Therefore we have specialist in each professional field in order to be the best undercover or covert operatives.

Since 1970, by unanimous decision, we decided to keep most of our activities secret from the world. To this day, other than a few public law enforcement and government leaders and agencies throughout the world and former clients, except on a need to know basis, we have managed to remain anonymous.

Our parent company, Heritage International is a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce and most individual operatives are members in various professional trade organizations, societies, medical and legal organizations etc. We are registered with Dun & Bradstreet under a parent holding company name which is given out to clients only, on a need to know basis.

We have been totally self supporting and funded. No government grants, outstanding corporate loans or assets other than personal and individual small business office assets and homes. We are all independent agents and responsible for our our personal State or Country tax liabilities and licensing where and when necessary.

All of us are now over the age of 50 years and with Heritage for at least 25 years. Some of us like myself (Don Huard)are disabled due to on the job wounds and injuries while in the line of duty. I now only assist in the publishing of our web-sites and WWW distribution. Due to being self supporting and the decission to maintain low profiles in life, none of us are of any great financial wealth.

Due to the recent terrorist activities, and past, our commitments to mankind and the on going world war, along with our international travel and investigations expences, we are nearly out of all personal and reserve funds, savings and past donations from former clients and services payments. Or accounts receivables as you might put it. As I mentioned, some of us suffer great pain daily due to disability, injuries and the continuece of our services which we are each totally dedicated and committed to no matter what it takes.

Ninety percent (90%) or more of our works to this day have been without pay, due to the nature and privacy of the investigations, the inability of individuals to pay for services rendered, as well as our duties and loyal commitments to mankind.

Even though many of us have been injured on duty, even unjustly at the hands of our own authorities sometimes, or military that we may have assisted, none of us has ever been involved or filed a civil suit or demand for funds do to liability of others at any time in our history. Law enforcement throughout the world have been legally liable in many of the situations too!

We ourselves suffered the pains both physical and financial in order to maintain our high standards and principles.

Any and all Federal, State, Local or Country civil suits that may ever have been lodged or filed against us over 30 years has been won in our favor. In most cases we acted pro-per or defended ourself or company without legal defence.

Truth always wins, is what we believe!

If you will take the time to read some of our web-sites, you will personally know what we are about and our commitment to man-kind. Each and every one of us always believe that God will take care of our needs. So without begging or borrowing, we feel that there are some readers out there that will hear and understand our financial needs.

In prayer and faith, we will waite to hear from you.

Meantime, everyone please keep us in your prayers. We are not getting any younger and we are trying to achieve what many feel may be impossible. I am sure you know what we are saying.

For those of you who want to know where and when the secret power brokers of the world will meet this year, here it is!

Bilderberg will seal off the Westfields Marriott, just seven miles south of Washington’s Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Va., for its annual meeting of the super-rich and super-famous on the weekend of May 30-June 2.

While it is the closest Bilderberg has ever come to Washington for annual secret meetings to plot the world’s future, Westfields is ideal for the security-paranoid international elite. Westfields stands in lonely grandeur with much space separating the resort from tall brick buildings in a luxury “office park.”

Perhaps coincidentally, neighboring office buildings are home to numerous spy organizations.

The last time Bilderberg met in Virginia was 1962, when the secret gang of international financiers and political leaders took over all of Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Va. Bilderberg tends to meet on the same continent as the Group of Eight economic summits, which follow shortly afterwards, featuring heads of state from the world’s industrialized nations. The G-8 will meet in Alberta, Canada June 26-28.

Bilderberg’s junior varsity, the Trilateral Commission, will meet April 5-7 in Washington at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Bilderberg and the TC have an interlocking leadership and a common global agenda. David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger are powers in both groups.

Trilaterals have about 320 participants while the more exclusive Bilderberg has about 120. The TC includes Japan, while Bilderberg draws only from Europe and North America. Both high-powered groups plan the future, together, of the entire world.


High on their common agenda this year is how to exploit “the war on terrorism” to increase their control of the “world without borders” while generating immense profits. The Trilaterals will meet behind closed doors at the Ritz Carlton but not seal off the entire downtown hotel. Bilderberg will have armed guards blocking the entrance to Westfields and none but participants will be permitted inside. There will be no other guests.

Sources inside both groups say they will try to exploit the new “war on terrorism” to advance an old agenda: Establishing NATO formally as the United Nations’ standing army, imposing a direct UN tax on the world, global gun control and selling the Free Trade Area of the Americas as a “necessary step to ward off future attacks.”

It is all part of a grand design to establish a world government under the UN. As NAFTA expands through out the Western Hemisphere as the FTAA it is to evolve into the “American Union” and “dollarization” is to be come the common currency, as the euro is in Europe. Bilderberg luminaries have directly acknowledged this to an American Free Press reporter.

Other Bilderberg sources said the site near Washington was chosen for several reasons.

Dulles is considered one of the most secure airports in the wake of 9-11 and it is a short ride in flag-draped limos to Westfields. While instant communication with the White House has always been easy, wherever in the world Bilderberg hides, it is a 30-mile drive for any high official of the administration who may be summoned on short notice. High officials of the administration will be attending the full three-day session anyway.

But more are prepared to come like a dog to the whistle if called.

You are cordially invited...

The Bilderbergers are throwing a party, and we're all invited (not).

Well, at least we know where their secret bash will be held, which means its not a secret any more.

Therfore, we should cordially invite ourselves, to meet with the puppetmasters who control the IMF, G8, NATO, UN, US, World Bank, EU, and possibly Domino's Pizza and Hooters....

Bring party hats, party masks and raw vegatables for an ad hoc salad bar.

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