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England and America United again against a common enemy. Terrorism!

November 22, 2001 Update on the Bin Laden Journey. We saw the bombing of Iranian gas tankers from November 17 to this day. Why now, since Bin Laden got where he was going via special tanker coach several days before? Do we have to pay again to put these independent drivers back in business? Sure a waist of taxpayer money, wouldn't you say? Even money is on Osama keeping his date at the end of the first week in December at a friend's home in Iraq. He sure would have made a good Apache Indian in the old days the way he can hide under a rock while the Special Forces walk right over him! It is amazing to watch such a big man all but disappear before your eyes when danger approaches. As cunning as the "devil" himself!

For so many bombs and bullets flying we haven't seen many dead soldiers. A lot of dead civilians both from the bombing and after effects of war were noticed though.

We are told that Bin Laden hasn't been on speaking terms with his Kaliban buddies for a couple of weeks now! Guess they got mad at him when he put a $ Million Dollar contract on the head of any stool pigeons. I would think about it too! But just think, that's all!

As soon as we get a clue as to what he did with twenty-5-gallon drums of some kind of toxic substance and a brief case nuke, we will tell everyone where not to go. Those eyes and ears out there in the WWW, just keep checking, the news of who is successful will break here first. Remember, we always tell it before it happens. Looks like we are batting 100% so far. Good team of scouts, hey! HIS End-Time Watchmen


Ever since early in 1970, two years after the formation of Heritage International Private Investigation, by unanimous vote, we decided to have one 'ultimate' project that would more or less be a hobby. A project that we all would be involved in and would have a true meaning to us as an "international private investigative organization".

It had to be of serious nature and international in scope of operations. It too had to be for the benefit and betterment of all of mankind. So we decided to make the study of international crime organizations, the subject of our research and hobby.

By March of 1972 we had 7,000 trained and experienced members. Along with training in every type of investigations, we each had three or more expert professions. To enable us to be active in spy and covert or undercover operations without detection of our true functions as investigators. It was rare that anyone of us ever blew our cover, so to speak. Due to good education in the professions that we would specialize in during investigations, we succeeded in nearly 100% of the cases that we were involved in.

To this day, only others know the individuals that want to be known publicly as investigators when they choose. Some are not even known to wife, family and friends. Since the middle of 1973 we have been functioning in every major country in the world. Both living our lives and working there in our other backup professions. We all have been self-supporting independent agents. We rarely took any considerations or pay for services when it came to our pet project or hobby.

At times we did accept large bounty's for the capture of most wanted criminals. Also pay for services to large corporations or government agencies throughout the world. Even in the Communist Bloc Nations, South America and Asia. Most of us are multi-lingual. This will help you understand where we are coming from in this investigation.

November 10, 2001, several of our operatives met by pre-arranged appointment, with a gentleman from Palermo, Sicily. We met in a small town in Iran, not far from the border of Afghanistan.

After having a fine meal, he sat down and gave us a very lengthy interview. He began to speak and at his own free will; he made us aware of shocking Revelations of who is behind world troubles today.

A lot of you readers already know that Afghanistan is the World leader in Opium, Heroin and Hashes production and sales. With over 75% of the world's heroin originating from Afghanistan, there has been trillions of dollars made by someone. Who has it been and what are they?

Since 1992 Afghanistan has dominated the market where Pakistan once had the larger portion. Last week a long time acquaintance (the man from Sicily) contacted us and said he had something very important to discuss. He said that his organization has known of our investigations and suspicion of their involvement in world situations for many years. Now he is prepared to tell us what we wanted to know. To fill in the final pieces of the puzzle as we say it.

He said that over the next few months, he would back up everything he tells us with physical documentation, pictures and verifiable evidence. Including names places and dates.

We know this elderly gentleman to be a very truthful and powerful man! First of all let us tell you about his organization. His name will never be mentioned and as you read this report, you will understand why. * His organization is a very old and well-respected organization and they call it the "sistema del potere." The system of power.

The "sistema," which has ruled Sicily since our great-grandparents were children, has grown into a transnational empire of crime, and a trading power of phenomenal reach. The "sistema," which ruled Palermo, Sicily and its countryside for over a century, now extend across the face of the globe. Immensely expanded both by design and by historical happenstance. Notably the collapse of the Eastern bloc. It has grown too large for its Sicilian architects to rule alone, too far-flung, too complex.

A group of great and powerful crime syndicates govern the system now. This is not just something that one element of organized crime or one Mafia, like the one we all know from Sicily, could operate, but eight of them now, frequently operating in Collusion.

In addition to the Cosa Nostra and its Neopolitan cousin, the Camorra. The crime syndicate includes organizations based in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey and post-Soviet Russia; the Colombian and Mexican cocaine cartels and their operations in Spain; and ethnic Chinese triads from East and Southeast Asia, which have established key overseas bases in Rotterdam and London.

The transport and marketing of contraband is managed by syndicates of Nigerian, Sudanese, Moroccans, Lebanese, Albanians, and a potpourri of ex-Yugoslavs "who are know to put aside their fratricidal differences in the interest of business".

Together, they have constructed a state of great power, in its own right, a trading power of phenomenal reach, an Empire of Crime. The wretched of the earth are its foot soldiers; Sicily is its model, its dark Platonic Ideal.

I am willing to bet that most of our leaders will find all of this unacceptable and hard to believe. But facts are facts, and they did it all right under the nose of democracy and freedom. Now what is next? Is it the end of the line for the normal man? It is up to our leaders who the situation is handled. Does the Government and Media have the guts to expose all the truth?

For now he exposed facts regarding just Afghanistan and his knowledge of Osama bin Laden who has a residence in Bagdad to retire to. The reasons for some of the problems are hate and revenge! Radical Muslims in Sudan and most of South Africa are seeking revenge against America for getting Aids (HIV virus) started in South Africa. Bin Laden hates America and wants us out of the Arab and Muslim countries. And it goes on.

Everyone must exercise care when taking Kabul from the Taliban and it cannot be taken until the higher-ups as he put it, give authorization. Not only is Kabul a major heroin production center but over 30,000 tons of heroin and twice that much opium is warehoused there some where underground in the city. I wonder which group will end up with that stash?

Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, United States, Mexico, Columbia and several major crime syndicates have financial interest there as well.

There are other smaller labs and warehouses in Southern Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Canada, London, Scotland, France, Holland and Germany. Then there are many other sub-warehouses and distribution points throughout the entire world. He stated that apparently the military has "hands off and use great care order" in the locations of heroin production and storage centers in Afghanistan. A bomb in the wrong place could cost everyone too much money to explain.

Then we have the problem of the Biological and Nuclear weapons that Bin Laden managed to purchase over the years from Iraq. Smallpox was purchased in a large quantity just this year. He has had the Anthrax in weapons grade for a couple of years. Then over the last six years he purchased eight of the forty-eight brief case nukes that are missing from the Russian Arsenal. Also from Russia bin Laden purchased several 5 inch long vials of SARIN/V-GAS, which is a clear yellowish liquid and a very deadly nerve gas.

The gentleman from Sicily informed us that the Russian Mob Sold the nukes to the Sicilian Mafia and they in turn sold them to Sadam Husane. He than sold them along with biological weapons over the years to Osama bin Laden and other terrorist groups world-wide.

He also mentioned that the Sicilian Mafia brokered the nuke deal with China as well. It looks like there are several loose nukes around the world. Including Bin Ladens Nuke and Biological weapons stash in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What happened to Echelon, the spy in the sky, big brother, he manages to spy on us fellow Americans. Has been sleeping on the job when it comes to national security and real threats in reality?

Another point to mention at this time is, our operative in Kabul has been there for over 20 days and has not seen any of the killing of innocent citizens by the Kaliban that has been reported on the US television news and papers. But he did see the Northern Alliance commit many unnecessary civilian murders. Guess its just more propaganda to justify whom gets the dope in Kabul! Anyway, one of the Kaliban said that they now have orders to make a quiet, orderly and non-destructive retreat to the South. A well-dressed Arab businessman was seen by one of our operatives giving the orders to the Northern Alliance Chief.

Other bits of News; An operative in New York stated yesterday about the postal worker who called 911 and died 18 hours later, he would not have died or been sacrificed as collateral damage for the wars sake if he did not call 911. He will give full report when he gets back from Quebec, Canada. I can't wait to hear this one!

Other un-answered questions: November 19, 2001 Why was our Spanish reporter friend and three associate reporters killed the day after Julio Fuentes the Spanish reporter found 300 phials of Russian made sarin at an abandoned Al-Qaida base known as Farm Hada, 20 km south of Jalaiabad. The sarin was in boxes of 10 which bpre, in Russian cyrillic script, the words "SARIN/V-GAS". Each phial was 7 centimetres long and contained a clear, yellowish liquid. He gave us one of the phials and pictures to support the find. All now in a safe place in Europe with one of our operatives.

One of our operatives was on the bus dressed like an Afghan, that the reporters were taken off of and seen the American combat boots on some of the six men that took them. Also noted them speaking good American English as they took the reporters away to kill them. Was this hit for our new Russian friends by special opps and CIA, so they would not be implicated?

Another question is, was the 3rd guided bomb that killed three American special forces and many others an accident, or was the new head of the Afghan government meant to be the target? Ahmad Karzai escaped with minor injuries!

These along with many other un-answered incidents are now under investigation by some of our operatives. We want only truth, not bull any more! Then we have the plane crash in Queens, New York on November 12, 2001 that they claim was an accident. One of our operatives has a cam corder film from a New York Police officer taken when the plane was still in flight Film shows something other than an accident?

Well readers, as time goes on we will all enjoy hearing from our Mafia friend to get the real scoop of what is really happening in the world today. As we receive it, we will publish on our web-site the facts as presented to us.I think it is going to be a very interesting story. I wonder if they would approve me writing a book in the end? I have to say it is a bit different than I first thought. As I said, a bit different, but that's all. It will all be written as we see and here it, no dramatization like on TV.

His End-Time Watchmen, Dave Ward for Heritage International Private Investigations UBTO 1968 EXTRA

: Do they really want us to believe that the plane crash in Queens, New York at approximately 9:15 A.M. on 11/12/01 was an accident? It appears that our New York operative has evidence and witnesses that tell a different story. I wonder who is telling the truth?

* * * Background and History of the Organizations that are working with the Terrorist to destroy America and control the World.

(Special Education for all of our Loyal Readers)

OMETRA The History of the American Mafia:





* In His Service, Dave Ward for Heritage International Private Investigations ***

What you have read above you won't find in a book store or on the TV. You can only credit our brave operatives for going there in person just to find truth for all.

*** Personal to a enemy.***

Hello to our Brazilian friend from Sao Paulo SP. You just tried to access our files with a Trojan. As you see our security is state of the art. But we traced you and all computer id's and addresses. Mr. Mercelo Lu s Perego or employee at telephone number 011-5504-0257. How is that in less than 5 minutes? Now we can add you to our list of possible to watch. We also listened to the Portuguese conversation in the office via-our satellite spy. We know what you are up too. Be careful with us. We have men in your backyard too. And we play the same death games. Noel for Heritage

Someone in the world is always trying our patience! Sorry! Dave