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This is my cat Abigail. I don't live with her anymore so shes not really my cat anymore. I love abby a lot. You can't push that cat around. If you're doing something she doesn't like she lets you know with a growl or a swift swipe of her paw. Now that she doesn't have them she uses her teeth. She has quite a bite on her.

I miss her a lot. They got new kittens, but it isn't the same. Abby was my best friend. She followed me every where and slept on my bed. I know shes okay at grandmas house. She has grandpa still and my aunt likes her too. Abby used to hiss at my aunt when she got Dylan but I guess shes okay with her now.

Mom just told me that after I left Abby sat outside my door and cried. I feel bad. But Abby doesnt do that anymore. I miss her, I can't see her until Christmas.

My Pets