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Daughter of Zeus and Leto, Artemis was born with her twin brother Apollo on the island of Delos. Artemis was a virginal goddess of the hunt, the moon, childbirth and rites of passage from youth to adulthood, particularly for women. She was one of the members of the Virgin Triad. Her sacred animal is the deer. Some say that she is the triple moon goddess. In other ways it goes Selene is the full moon, Artemis is the cresent moon, and Hecate is the new moon, or night of no moon. Artemis is also called Cynthia.

When Artemis and Apollo were born they were taken up to Olympus to see Zeus. Apollo sat on Zeus' knee and was asked what he wanted. Apollo said he wanted a gold bow and a quiver of golden arrows and also a golden chariot. He came to preside over the sun. Atremis was next. She asked for a silver bow and a quiver of silver arrows. She also only wanted one citie and many names. Also she wanted a tunic short enough to run in and fifty dryads, fifty naiads and hunting dogs.

Zeus sent her down to the sea and she picked out her Naiads and went down to the depths where the giants work. She got her bow and arrows then went to the forest to find Pan. She asked for some of his dogs in return for one of the most beautiful of her nymphs for his wife. He gave Artemis the dogs, but not for his wife, it was for her first kill. She then got her dryads and sent the dogs out to get deer. They brought the deer back and she harnessed them to her chariot and went hunting. Artemis eventually got her names and her city.

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