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Quick Index of Deites (Major and Minor)

(Still Working)

Animal /Plant / City
Chaos One of the first .... ....
Nox, Nyx (Night) One of the first .... Chaos
Erebus (Darkness) One of the first .... Chaos
Amor (Love) One of the first .... Nox and Erebus
Hemera (Day) One of the first .... Amor
Aether (Light) One of the first .... Amor
Uranus (Heaven) First king of the gods .... Came from the first gods
Gaea (Earth) First queen of the gods .... Came from the first gods
Pontus (Sea) First ruler of the sea .... Came from the first gods
Cronus (Saturn) Second kind of the gods .... Uranus and Gaea
Rhea Second queen of the gods .... Uranus and Gaea
Coeus .... .... Uranus and Gaea
Phoebe First goddess of the Moon .... Uranus and Gaea
Hyperion First god of the Sun .... Uranus and Gaea
Ocean God of or River that circled the Earth .... Uranus and Gaea
Tethys Ocean's wife .... ....
Mnemosyne Goddess of Memory .... ....
Themis Goddess of Justice .... ....
Iapetus Father of Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus .... ....
Helios (Sol) Second god of the Sun .... Hyperion
Selene Second goddess of the Moon .... Hyperion
Eos (Aurora) Goddess of the Dawn .... Hyperion
Zeus (Jupiter, Cronion) Third king of the gods Eagle / Oak Cronos and Rhea
Hera (Juno) Third queen of the gods, Goddess of Marriage Peacock, Cow / Carthage, Argos Cronos and Rhea
Poseidon (Neptune) Second ruler of the sea Horse Cronos and Rhea
Demeter (Ceres) Goddess of agriculture .... Cronos and Rhea
Hades (Pluto, Dis) Ruler of the underworld .... Cronos and Rhea
Hestia (Vesta) Goddess of the hearth and home, first divinity of fire, one of the memebers of the Virgin Triad .... Cronos and Rhea
Ares (Mars) God of war Vulture, Dog Zeus and Hera
Eris (Discord, Ate) Goddess of discord .... Zeus and Hera
Hebe Goddess of youth, cup bearer to the gods, and Hercules' third wife .... Zeus and Hera
Eileithyia (Lucina, Natio) Goddess of childbirth .... Zeus and Hera
Hepheastus (Vulcan, Mulciber) God of the forge, second divinity of fire .... Zeus and Hera, or by Hera alone
Persephone (Persepine) Goddess of spring, queen of the underworld .... Zeus and Demeter
Artemis (Diana, Cynthia, Orithyia) Goddess of the hunt, protector of the wild things, third goddess of the moon, sometimes of childbirth, and one of the members of the Virgin Triad Deer / Cyprus Zeus and Leto
Apollo God of medicine, music, poetry, prophecy, and the third god of the sun Dolphin, Crow / Laurel / Delphi Zeus and Leto
Hermes (Mercury, Psychopompus, Argeiphontes (Slayer of Argos)) God of theft, gambling, lying, travelers, gym sports, messenger of the gods, guide of the dead, protector of commerce, markets, and traders Stork Zeus and Maia
Aphrodite (Venus, Cytherea, Cyperian) Goddess of love and beauty Swan, Dove / Rose, Myrtle / Cyprus Zeus and Dione or the foam of the sea
Athena (Minerva, Pallas, Parthenos) Goddess of wisdom and tactical warfare, chief of the Virgin Triad Owl / Olive tree / Athens Zeus and Metis or from Zues' head
Dionysus (Bacchus, Iacchus, Liber) God of wine The vine / Noxos Zeus and Semele
Astraea Goddess of innocence and purity .... Zeus and Themis
Pan God of the forest and flocks .... Hermes or Zeus
Iris Goddess of the rainbow, messenger of Hera .... Thamus
Hecate (Trivia) Goddess of the dark night (no moon), witchcraft, and the crossways .... Dymas

Oceanids Nymphs of the sea
Nereids Water nymphs that in habibited both fresh and salt water
Naiads Nymphs who live in springs, rivers and lakes
Oreads Nymps of mountains and grottoes
Napaeae and Alseids Nymphs of glens and groves
Dryads Nymphs of forests and trees
Hamadryads Nymphs of forests and trees, but die when the tree they live in die.

The Pleiades
Maia Mother of Hermes Atlas and Pleione
Electra Mother of Dardanus founder of Troy Atlas and Pleione
Taygete .... Atlas and Pleione
Celaeno .... Atlas and Pleione
Alcyone .... Atlas and Pleione
Sterope .... Atlas and Pleione
Merope .... Atlas and Pleione

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