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My Dreams

My Good Dreams

The Candy Store

This dream is kind of sketchy. I remember going into a candy store that only sold fruit. There was a girl there I recognized, it was my Home Ec. partner.

After that I went into the fruit store that sold candy. When I got up to the counter I asked for a half pound of apricot rings (I don't know why, I dont like apricots). The lady behined the counter told me they only had 8 oz. A lady behind me said that was a rip-off and suggested I go somewhere else, so I left. It wasen't until i woke up that i realized that 8 oz. is half a pound.

The Dad Dream

I was shopping with my dad in this weird store that sold weird, but nice clothing. My sister came in after a while. We found some very shnazzy shoes. They were bright and neon colored, spike-heeled, thigh-high boots. very nice.

After a while, Dad took me to where he used to live. It was a very old, shack looking place. I went inside and he had every episode of "Tales from the Crypt" every made.

My Bad Dreams

The Eye of Monte

Bad Night

I was in my room. I heard the hairdryer go off downstairs. It was the next day(in my dream) and i went to talke to my grandparents about it and they said it was a power surge and it did that sometimes.

Then I was back in bed. In my bathroom (where I keep my radio) I heard an angry Tina Turner song go off full blast, then the dorr slammed shut three times. The sound was so clear. Then i woke up and stayed up for most of the night.

The Hand on the Wall

I had this dream when i was 7 or 8 when i was still attending Greenbre Elementry School, where the dream takes place.

In the dream I really weird feeling of forboding or like something was watching us. I heard (in my dream) the story of a man who was killed in the school and before he died , put a bloody hand print on hte wall. Sometimes the hand print could be seen on the wall of the hallway.

Somehow it go to be lunch time and we lined up to be served. I looked up to the wall and there was the scarlet handprint.

The Hyacinth Horror

I had this dream around February. It started out like this Alice in Wonderland thing. More like an amusment park. There were these big mushrooms around and one told me to look in a little window and it would take my picture and to deposit ten cents. So I did and the picture came out and it showed me with a bob hair cut. (My hair has always been to my shoulders or longer)Anyway it then told me to pick my picture up at the lobby, but I already had it so that was weird. I looked over to the tree and there was this Hyacinth Macaw sitting there staring at me. I said hello to it and it said "hello guv'nor", changed into a 1960 mechanical movie bird (like in The Clash of the Titans) and flew off. The dream then completely changed and I was in this victorian style house that was being renovated. The story of the house was that a husband and wife bought it and wanted to fix it up. The wife died during the reconstruction. I saw on a table an old phonograph and this lady behind me told me not to play it or it would bring the spirit of the dead wife out and she would be angry. So I did it anyway. All of a sudden I felt like something was going to happen and I got really scared. Before anything could happen, I woke up.

animated doll site
The Nightmare Project where you can read, sumbit, and comment on nightmares