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Eos was the Goddess of the dawn. Also known as Aurora, she was the daughter of the Hyperion and Theia and sister to Helios and Selene. She drove her chariot drawn by her horses Lampus and Phaethon. She was described as rosy-fingered or saffron-robed. Her duty was to ride across Olympus and announce the arrival of her brother Helios.

She was also the mother of the Four winds. The morning dew was said to be her tears as she mourned her dead son.

Like most of the Olympians she took mortal lovers. One was Tithonus son of Laomedon, king of Troy. She took him to Zeus to ask him to make Tithonus immortal and it was done, but she forgot everlasting youth. He grew old and she shut him away. Eventually she turned him into a grasshopper.

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