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The Furies

(Orestes being tormented by the Furies)

The Furies were the goddesses of vengeance. They persued muderers and other felons. There were three: Alecto (Unceasing in Anger); Tisiphone (Avenger of Murder); and Megaera (Jealous). They were also referred to as the Erinyes.

They were said to be the daughters of Gaea and sprang from the blood of Uranus. Other stories say they were the daughters of Nyx, another of Erebus and Gaea.

They had snakey hair and blood dripped from their eyes. Sometimes they were described as old, ugly hags. Other times as beautiful women.

The greeks were afraid to utter the word "Erinyes", so they referred to them as the Eumenides (Kind ones) or Semnai Theai (Venerable Goddesses).

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