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Hephaestus is the god of the forge and took over god of fire when Hestia stepped down. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. Some say by Hera alone. He is the smith of the gods. His wife is Aphrodite.

He was turned lame when Hera threw him off of Olympus when she saw how ugly he was. He fell for a few days and both his legs were broken. Some sea nymphs found him and took care of him. In exchange he made them beautiful necklaces for them. One of the nymphs went to a wedding that the Gods attended as well. All the goddesses loved her necklace and asked where she got it. She told them and Hera recognized him as her child. She went to her son and asked for him to come home, she promised him a forge of his own and promised him the most beautiful woman as his wife. He agreed and went back to Olyumpus.

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