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My Bout of Karma

On May 1st, 2001, I got in my grandpa’s truck to go home from school. It was very hot that day, sun shining, no clouds. The inside of the truck was very hot. The fan wasn’t working really well and I didn’t want to open the window, I didn’t like the wind rushing in that fast. So, I turned on the air conditioner. When I did, the fan made a thumping noise. Grandpa said it was probably dog food that a mouse put in there.

The next day I got in the and Grandpa handed me a Quaker oatmeal box and said kinda laughing “look what you killed.” I knew immediately what was in it. I opened it and looked in. It was a female mouse( I studied a bit about mice and I know what to look for). I felt awful. I named her Eurycleia and buried her underneath two trees

A few days later my grandparents left the house to buy food and I was at school. Abigail, my cat, was left alone. All cats like high places, so I guess that’s why she was up on the computer desk.

The computer desk is similar to an entertainment center. It has a cubby hole thing for the monitor and we use the top as a shelf.

On the left corner of the shelf sat my miniature copy of Nike of Samothrace. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory, Victoria is her Latin name.

When we got home, I went to the living room (where the computer is). I noticed my elephant, which was on the entertainment center, was on the floor. I picked it up and left the room. I forgot why I came back in, I looked up and noticed something missing. That’s when I looked under the desk and saw Nike lying there with shards all around her, her wings broken off. I couldn’t fix her, there were too many piece.

I couldn’t cry over it. I couldn’t get mad. Abby didn’t know what she did.

I put her wings together as best I could. My aunt is going to use them for her mosaic art. The goddesses body is a normal human’s form now. I have filed away the stubs where her wings had been. I think I will paint her, use her for my art. Now it’s over.

Oh great................I just broke a mirror.

My new Nike statue