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Poseidon was the son of Cronos and Rhea, elder brother of Zeus. He is the third god of the ocean. He wanted to marry Thetis, the most beautiful of the ocean nymphs but she would not have him, so he settled for Amphrite. When he fell in love with Demeter he wanted to give her a wonderful gift. First he created the hippopotamus, giraffe, sea horses, dolphine and then finally the horse. Poseidon gave Demeter the horse and was so delighted with it he continued to make more forgetting about Demeter who went on searching for her daughter.

Poseidon was also the cause of Medusa. Medusa used to be a beautiful maiden that had the most beautiful hair. Poseidon fell in love with her and seduced her in Athena's temple. When she awoke she found Athena there angered of the desecration of her temple and was changed into the monster that Perseus killed.

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