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Pine Needle Baskets and Pen & Ink Drawings


by Lindah

I have been weaving pine needles into artful baskets and wall hangings since 1980. After being introduced to pine needle raffia basketry at a sattelite workshop through Central Oregon Community College, I continue to develop and express my own ideas in my baskets which have been displayed across the United States and in Australia.
This style of basketry is very time consuming - one medium size basket takes about 100 hours to complete. One six foot wall hanging and had visited the east and west coast of the U.S. by the time it was completed.
I mave been moving about the Pacific Northwest, enjoying many of the unique adventures it might offer, while gathering pine needles and other natural materials from the forest floors, beaches, any place that perfect piece might be waiting to be discovered for "the next basket forming in my mind".
At this writing I am living on the northern Oregon coast where the mighty Columbia meets the Pacific Ocean. The negative ions, the storms, and the magic inspire me.


Here are a few of my prices. I will be compiling a better list, more photographs and more details soon. It takes about two to four weeks for me to create a custom basket. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.


Small 4"....................$30............lidded $45

Medium 6"...................$60............lidded $75

Large 10"plus...............$90............lidded $120

with beads..................$10 additional
Half Gourded Baskets........$25 and up Ornaments and Bells.........$15 Window Hangings.............$25
Custom Baskets.......$120 and up

Other prices on original pieces will be shown with it's photograph.

Still in progress

