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The Duke Family

Bo guy Yeah, thats right, Bo Duke, he`s the man. He gets the honeys and drives the beast. Bo, Luke and Daisy are all cousins, no shit huh. Anyways... Bo is probaly the smoothest guy in Hazzard. As most people know some loser named Coy tried to be Bo for a season while Tom and John had contract problems, it was a joke, but we have gotta give him a little...very little credit for at least trying, right. John got the job as Bo at the ripe old age of 18, while Tom had a few more miles on his clock. Bo`s trademark "yeeee-hawwwwwww" adds to his masculinity. O.K., enough b.s., Bo is the man.

Luke Duke is also a cool guy, almost as cool as Bo but not as much. Luke is probably the more serious of the two Duke boys, but he still gets his kicks. Luke has the "Yeeeeaaa-hooooooo" which is just as good as Bo`s. Luke went on to become a firefighter as a smoke jumper. Tom Wopat can be seen on the t.v. show "Cybill" on Monday nights on CBS. He still has the guns.

Uncle Jesse is an uncle that I`m sure that anyone would want this guy to be their uncle. Jesse is the nicest and most honest man in all of Hazzard. Jesse always seemed to be there to help out the `ol Duke boys. A great guy.

Daisy Duke, well she was definitely the best looking Duke or person on the show. Daisy worked for Boss Hogg over at the Boars Nest for slave wages. Daisy had the bod, oh yes did she ever, and personally I feel that she still does even at her age of 41. Daisy always came through for the Duke boys when the were in trouble and whenever they ( Bo and Daisy) were sitting around they sure did`nt act as if they were cousins, and I don't blame John for that one bit.

Coy Duke, well this guy was the guy that t r i e d to be Bo for a season, but it was pretty bad. He was probaly a better actor than Vance which was not hard to beat. Coy supposuvly was another one of the Duke cousins, Coy took Bo`s place for that one season while there was a contract despute with John and Tom.

Vance was a pitiful choice for taking Lukes place. Vance just could not act, it seemed as if he was reading the lines from a q-card or talking like a robot. Oh well, it was only one season with these two goons and then Bo and Luke were back in action.