I have tried and failed to figure out how to allow viewers to end the wav file playing. I would like the song to play but I also would like people to be able to stop it if they so chose. So until I figure it out, I guess you'll have to turn your speakers down or help me out with the code. Thanks.
The totally-just-having-fun clause. I have certain parts of my site that are not of any real use to anyone in general but I had a fun time creating them!! Keep this is mind if your plans included total seriousness and adult content! I have important things represented here but some times I'm just bored and am having fun playing around!!
This webpage is for my personal expression of my own opinions. Although, I am a member of the 12 step programs the statements made are mine and mine alone. Unless otherwise indicated.
The sexual abuse stuff is also my opinion unless otherwise indicated. I am only a student at this point so any comments or suggestion made are based on my own experiance and maybe some of what I have learned in school. If I can be supportive in any way, or if you need resources, e-mail me! If you are in crisis, PLEASE, seek professional help or call your local crisis hotline.